Chapter 261 The Huns Are Crazy


Yuvro wanted to say something else.

Qiang Quhan suddenly waved his hand to interrupt him, saying: "It is of no value to divide our troops to deal with such a small number of ants. The Xiongnu warriors should reflect their value on the battlefield. With your 2000 troops, we can completely conquer a county. Why bother to be as knowledgeable as these people who use their tongues? Besides, these bastards are too hateful. Just killing them will not relieve their hatred. We will take down cities, rob their food, burn their houses, kill their relatives, and play Their women. Only in this way can the hatred be resolved."

He suddenly said reverently: "Here, I, Qiangqu, swear to the gods that after the city is captured, I will definitely smash this small group of Han people to pieces, so as to relieve everyone's hatred."

Originally, the generals of the Xiongnu still had some complaints about Qiang Qu Khan, but when they saw Qiang Qu Khan swear an oath in front of the gods, they stopped talking immediately.

Heaven, earth, ghosts and gods are the beliefs of the Huns, and it has an absolute status in the hearts of the Huns.

Seeing that the generals regained their calm, Qiang Quhan breathed a sigh of relief.

Although they assembled an army of 3000 this time, they belonged to different tribes. Originally, the Qiangqu tribe had the largest number of people, but in a previous encounter, they lost more than 2 elites out of thin air.In this way, their number is only more than [-] points left, and they cannot pose an absolute threat to other tribes.

Qiang Qu knew very well that this dispatch of troops was a big gamble, and it was a good thing to say that if he won, once he was defeated, his profuse sweating would be over.Even if they can survive, they cannot withstand the anger of other tribes.

This time he must not lose, and the risk must be kept to a minimum.

Therefore, he cannot divide his troops, even if it is 2000 people.


The opponent has been turning a deaf ear to the two provocations, and even lazily sent troops to chase them.

Guo Jia stroked his chin and said, "This Qiang Qu Khan is quite careful. It seems that this man also has a bit of commanding talent."

Zhao Yun on the side was also worried: "In a few days, we will reach the boundary of Yunzhou. If we can't attract their attention, I'm afraid there will be a lot of pressure on the right army division."

Guo Jia nodded.

He wanted to buy some time for Xun You and Yu Jin at the bridgehead.

Thinking of this, Guo Jia suddenly smiled and said, "I have no choice but to make a big move. I don't believe that Qiang Qu can bear it?"


Faith is actually a wonderful thing.

It believes in and respects a certain proposition, doctrine, religion, or someone or something, and regards it as its own code of conduct; belief has a subjective and emotional experience, especially reflected in religious beliefs, and it may even be extreme. Lost my mind.

Belief defined by philosophers: "A strong belief, usually manifested as a stubborn trust in something that lacks sufficient evidence to convince every reasonable person.

To put it bluntly, it is a kind of spiritual sustenance.

The vast majority of Huns believe in heaven, earth, ghosts and gods, the so-called gods.

They believe that the sky is supreme, and those who disobey the gods will be severely punished.

Worshiping the gods, they will be protected by the gods.

Therefore, the gods are supreme in the hearts of every Hun and cannot be defiled.

Even if they were dissatisfied with Qiang Qu's policy of no division of troops, they immediately forgave Qiang Qu when they heard Qiang Qu Khan swear in front of Changshengtian.

No one dares to deceive the gods, because they will be punished by the gods.

They never expected that Guo Jia would target the gods believed by the Huns this time.

Soon, sheepskin gifts appeared again on the abandoned camp.

"Tenjin is a hybrid of pig and cow."

"The ancestors of the gods were animals,"

"God's mother is a pig."

"The younger brother of the god is his son."

Not only that, Guo Jia also left a lot of discordant words.

"Qiang Qu is just a fool, a coward, the son of a whore, something without eggs."

"The Huns are cowards, without blood."

"The Huns are tortoises, and all men are tortoises."


To destroy a country, start with their culture.In the same way, to destroy a nation, one must first start with their beliefs.

This time, everyone in the Huns went completely crazy.

How dare someone slander their most beloved god.


The news quickly spread among the [-] troops, and the anger gradually burned.

Countless Huns knelt on the ground piously, cut their fingers and wiped their foreheads, and swore that they must use the blood of the enemy to wash away their shame.

These two-legged sheep dare to slander their most beloved god, and they must make them pay the price in blood.

Countless soldiers found their commanders and demanded to hunt down and kill these Han Chinese to wash away the shame suffered by the gods.


"Sweat, sweat, it's not good, the soldiers are a little out of control, they went crazy and besieged in front of the commander's tent to ask for a fight."

Many Hun tribal leaders came to the handsome tent with a look of panic.

Qiang Quhan also had a gloomy expression.

He also didn't expect Guo Jia to be so insidious, directly attacking the gods they believed in.

For upper-class people like them, gods and everything are deceptive things.

What does it look like, has anyone seen it?

There is no fool who can climb to the top.No one will take an illusory god seriously.

These are all made up by magicians to deceive fools, because they need to be comforted and brainwashed.

Qiang Quhan is not a fool, but sometimes he pretends to be ignorant while pretending to understand, and occasionally he has to worship the gods as devoutly as those fools.

They may not take it seriously in their hearts, but they must not show it, and they must behave more devoutly than ordinary Huns.

Because only in this way can their status be more stable and their rule more stable.

This time, Guo Jia hit the vital point and stabbed the hornet's nest all at once, arousing the outrage of all the Xiongnu soldiers, and prepared to swallow these Han people who defamed the gods alive.

Success is also a god, and failure is also a god.

Facing the anger of fifty thousand Huns, if Qiang Qu didn't stand up and say something, he might be the first to be burned.

Knowing that this was a tactic of the Han people to slow down their troops, Qiang Qu Khan could not remain indifferent. He had to defend the dignity of the so-called gods.

Even knowing the hole Guo Jia dug, he had no choice but to jump in.


Qiang Qu Khan let out a loud roar, and said, "These Han people are damned, they dare to despise our god, what do you think we should do?"

Blood for blood!
Tens of thousands of people spoke impassionedly, and many people wiped their foreheads with blood, and knelt down to pray for the protection of the gods.

Not bad!

Qiang Qu continued: "For the dignity of the gods, for the honor of the Huns, draw out your scimitars, show your courage, and start a war against these cowards!"

(End of this chapter)

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