Chapter 262 Attacking Jinyang
hoo hoo hoo!
Countless Huns roared in unison.

Guo Jia successfully provoked their anger this time.

They already hated this group of Han people to the bone, wishing they could eat them alive.

In the face of the anger of the crowd, Qiang Quhan did not dare to shake off the anger of the crowd, and had no choice but to send [-] vanguard troops to pursue Guo Jia, vowing to tear this small group of Han people to pieces.

So five thousand elite cavalry, led by the eldest prince Yu Fuluo, chased Guo Jia and his party in a mighty way.

The remaining people calmed down under the comfort of Qiang Quhan and others, and headed south according to the set goal.


Only 5000 people came after them!
Guo Jia had a smile on his face when he heard Tan Ma's report.

It seems that Qiang Quhan still has some ability, and he has still firmly controlled the team without collapse.


He sneered, if 5000 men could wipe them out, they would be wrong.

"Pass down the order and implement the second set of plans."

Zhao Yun nodded and immediately passed on the order.

Three thousand soldiers and horses were suddenly divided into two, one group went to the right, and the other continued to move forward.

The team to the right continued to drop abusive language and soon attracted Yuvro's 5000 troops.

After 5000 people chased the Han people away, the Huns had just cleared their ears, but soon found that the insulting language appeared again in the front camp.

As a last resort, Qiang Quhan had to send out [-] troops and horses to pursue this part of the cavalry.

The Huns divided their troops, and Guo Jia also divided his troops.

As a result, the number of Huns cavalry became [-].

Ten thousand soldiers and horses were assigned to pursue Guo Jia. Before the Huns had time to breathe a sigh of relief, Guo Jia’s gift appeared again. This time the Huns blew up the group, and no matter what they said, Guo Jia and the others had to be completely smashed into pieces. , even if Qiang Quhan wanted to stop it, he couldn't stop it.

As a result, the [-] army bit tightly behind Guo Jia, and the two sides started chasing again.

This time the Huns were determined to destroy Guo Jia, so they chased him at all costs.

Seeing that the Huns finally took the bait, Guo Jia breathed a sigh of relief, and led the team to play a cat-and-mouse game with the Huns in the hinterland of Bingzhou in a leisurely manner.

Their task is to hold back the Huns' army's eastward advance, and cause some trouble for the Bingzhou Army by the way.

Guo Jia's more than 3000 people successfully attracted the anger of [-] Huns, and they wanted to smash these bastards who dared to offend the gods.

Although Qiang Qu was extremely unwilling, he did not dare to make a mistake in the face of the anger of 5 people at the moment, so he could only pursue Guo Jia and his party with all their strength.

Fortunately, Guo Jia's troops are relatively small, even if they are eliminated, it will not take long.

But what he didn't expect was that after many days, the other party showed no sign of getting tired, and instead kept leaving letters to provoke his side.


The news that Guo Jia played hide-and-seek with [-] Huns in Bingzhou quickly spread to the Bingzhou Governor's Department.

Hearing this news, Ding Yuan, governor of Bingzhou, was taken aback.

He couldn't imagine how Guo Jia attracted the attention of the Huns, but he knew very well that with Guo Jia's small force, he couldn't last for a few days.

"This is hitting a rock with an egg!"

He said lightly.

The tall and mighty man on the side smiled and said, "Father don't have to worry, even if the Huns come, why should we be afraid of the Bingzhou Army?"

This person is Ding Yuan's adopted son and Jiuyuan Lu Bu who is also the head book.

The first military general of the Three Kingdoms finally appeared.

Lv Bu is both civil and military, with a dignified appearance and superb martial arts skills, which won Ding Yuan's trust.He came from the side of the army, good at riding and archery, has the courage of ten thousand men, fought dozens of battles with Huns, big and small, without defeat, and is known as a flying general.

This is the fame of one shot and one shot.

Therefore, Lu Bu was not afraid of the Huns.


Ding Yuan's eyes flashed for a while, and his attention returned to Guo Jia.

He didn't like Guo Jia very much, and it was also because of the border trade.

The border county is very desolate, and there are constant wars. It is good for the people here to have a full stomach. Where is there any oil and water?
Ordinary people don't want to be officials here.

But Bianjun also has the advantages of Bianjun, that is, the Bianjun trade and horse market, which is also the way for the senior officials of Bianjun to make money.

When Guo Jia came, he promoted border trade that didn't charge taxes, and all the caravans went to Yunzhou. His family was full, but other border counties couldn't afford it.

Ding Yuan, who is the governor of Bingzhou, is also a beneficiary of the border trade, and Guo Jia can be regarded as his source of income.

When a rich man kills his parents, Ding Yuan has nothing wrong with dealing with Guo Jia.

Therefore, at the behest of General He Jin and Tai Fu Yuan Kui, the Governor of Sanzhou prepared to double-team Yunzhou.

Who would have thought that the Southern Huns would kill them at this moment.

The target is actually Yunzhou.

Qiang Quhan had a feud with Guo Jia to kill his son.

This time the troops were dispatched, and of course they would never die.

Speaking of this, Ding Yuan suddenly admired Guo Jia.

Not to mention offending his colleagues around him, this guy actually offended the Southern Huns.

Provoking people to come in full force.

The general and the Taiwei immediately stopped the joint action of the governors of the three states, and instead watched from the sidelines.Let the Huns fight Guo Jia to the death.

This kind of thing is also in line with Ding Yuan's mind.

The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind.

His Bingzhou army can be a squirrel in peace and stability.

"The general has an order. We must stand still to avoid conflict with the Huns. Don't worry, their goal is not Bingzhou, but that bastard Guo Jia!"

Ding Yuan said slowly.

Although the Bingzhou Army is not weaker than the Huns, he is unwilling to fight such a useless battle.

Hearing what Ding Yuan said, Lu Bu stopped talking, feeling quite disapproving.

At this moment, a soldier walked in immediately, and he said with an ugly face: "Lord Inspector, just came to report that Guo Jia led the [-] Hun army to the south, and it is only three days away from Jinyang. "

Jinyang is the governor of Bingzhou, which is the city where Ding Yuan is located.

Ding Yuan suddenly stood up.

What is this bastard Guo Jia going to do?
Is he going to lure the Huns to attack Jinyang?
The more Ding Yuan thought about it, the more likely it was.

Thinking of this, Ding Yuan's teeth itch with hatred!
Guo Jia is a bastard, he is going to drag the Bingzhou Army into the water.

Although he didn't know how he provoked the Huns, Ding Yuan knew very well that the Huns were already furious at the moment, and if they failed to catch Guo Jia, they would definitely vent their anger elsewhere.

Jinyang is in danger!
"Come here, hurry up and prepare for the battle, and order the cavalry to move closer to Jinyang."

Although Jinyang has the advantages of a city, Ding Yuan was still a little worried, and sent an envoy to Luoyang to report the news again.

He was single-handedly selected by He Jin, and he has shown filial piety to this great general since he took office. Now that something has happened, this benefactor can't just ignore it!
(End of this chapter)

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