Chapter 263
Under Guo Jia's ingenious layout, [-] soldiers and horses gathered together again, and the [-] Huns' army also joined forces again. At this moment, the two sides are on their way to Jinyang.

At this moment, Guo Jia did not stay too long, but hurriedly led the Huns to the city of Jinyang.

Because he now knows that after these few days of provocation, the anger of the Huns has reached its peak and they need a good vent.

They couldn't catch up with Guo Jia, and Jinyang became a scapegoat.

The red-eyed Huns will definitely not let Jinyang City go.

Instead of letting them go east to fight the Yunzhou army, it is better to turn back and return the gunpowder bag to Ding Yuan. Anyway, Guo Jia has long thought this old guy is not pleasing to the eye.

It is said that Guo Jia will not suffer a lot if he does it all over again.


Asshole Guo Jia!

Qiang Qu couldn't help cursing, he had never seen such a cunning Han.

Going around, the Hun army returned to Bingzhou. After seven or eight days of rapid march, they had consumed one-third of their supplies, but they didn't even get a hair of Guo Jia.

What worries him even more is that the anger of the Huns has reached the limit of madness at this moment. If they are not allowed to vent smoothly, the entire army will definitely collapse.

You can't chase anymore, the whole team will be ruined if you keep chasing.

But at this moment, the Huns soldiers were burning with anger and needed a way to vent.

This is like a gunpowder bag that is about to explode at any time, even Qiang Qu dare not disobey their wishes easily.

Soon the Huns set their sights on Jinyang City ahead.There was a sickly red glow in the eyes.

They expressed their wishes with their hearts.

Even if the Han Chinese cavalry pass by the city, they will not let the city go, because their patience has reached its limit.

At this moment, even a castle made of steel can hardly calm their inner anger.

Massacre is a tradition of the Huns.This tradition has been handed down since Maodun Khan.

Once the city gate is broken, no chicken or dog will be left behind.

War is cruel, and every soldier has more or less accumulated some hostility in his heart.

After a long time, the hostility will become more and more serious, and if it is not vented, serious self-harm incidents will occur.

So the army has been fighting for a long time, and it needs a way to vent.

Slaughtering the city is the only way for the Huns to vent their anger.

"The former Yufulo's 4-man team continued to pursue those cavalry. The remaining [-] men besieged Jinyang City!"

Qiang Qu issued an order at a critical moment.

As the commander-in-chief of the army, he knew that he could not disobey the wishes of the soldiers, so he issued the order to attack the city, but he also reserved a hand. The 1 horses led by Yu Fuluo were his elite. If he is defeated, his Qiangqu tribe is invincible.Even if there is damage during the siege, that is the business of other tribes.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on the corner of Qiang Qu's mouth.

This time, in addition to desperately plundering the material and population of the big man, the more important thing is to eliminate the strength of potential opponents.

Siege is also a great opportunity!

After seeing Qiang Qu attacking the city, Guo Jia didn't stop, but turned south immediately.Yu Fuluo's 1 horses were chasing after him, and the remaining 4 horses started a fierce attack on Jinyang.

For the Huns, this is a good place to vent their anger.


Guo Jia, you bastard!

Ding Yuan from Jinyang City gritted his teeth and cursed.

Before his arrangement was in place, Guo Jia led the Huns to come, and they attacked fiercely as soon as they came up.

Although Jinyang City has become impenetrable under the management of the Bingzhou Army, it is still a bit difficult to face such crazy Huns.

Despite the strenuous effort, Ding Yuan did not dare to be careless at all, his layout was slowly taking effect.

The Huns are not good at siege, but with the city, they can still resist for a while.

"Master Inspector, good news, Jizhou Flying Pigeon has sent a letter, Inspector Yuan Shao's [-] troops have assembled and can help Jinyang at any time."

Lu Bu came to Ding Yuan with a happy face.

Hearing this news, Ding Yuan was slightly relieved.

Sure enough, the general didn't forget him, Ding Yuan, and he didn't waste his loyalty all these years.

"Immediately send a message to welcome the arrival of the Jizhou Army."

Ding Yuan pondered for a while, then said slowly.

Looking at the situation of the Huns this time, I am afraid that they are not far from madness.

If Ding Yuan can attract the main force of the Huns in Bingzhou and cooperate with friendly forces from other states and counties, it may not be impossible to teach the Huns a lesson.

It is also a great achievement to get down on the Huns.

Thinking of this, Ding Yuan smiled.

But there was one thing he still had to figure out.

What method did Guo Jia use to drive the Huns crazy?
Thinking of this, Ding Yuan suddenly raised his head and said, "Have you found out, how did Guo Jia annoy these Huns?"

Seeing the fire-breathing eyes of the Huns below the city, Ding Yuan knew that Guo Jia must have offended them to the core this time.

But here comes the question, what method did Guo Jia use to make the [-] Huns who were angered almost run away?

In fact, he never figured it out!

Why did the Huns give up the opportunity to go east and keep chasing Guo Jia's thousands of people?
This is obviously a waste of money, and it is not the first time Qiang Qu has led troops. How could it be possible to make such a low-level strategic mistake?

The corner of Lu Bu's mouth twitched a few times, and he said what he knew.

He is in the border county, and he has a good understanding of the habits of the Huns.

During this period of time, he did not hesitate to go out to investigate the situation.

First scold the Qiang Canal, then scold the Huns, and finally scold the gods that the Huns admire?
Ding Yuan looked at the result dumbfounded.

That’s all for the Qiang Qu and the Huns, but this god is the supreme god of the Huns. Guo Jia dares to scold him even for this. No wonder the Huns want to go crazy looking for him like hell?
In fact, most of the wars in Chinese history were wars between territories, rarely involving religion.

Historically, China has adopted an inclusive strategy towards religion, and the 5000-year civilization has also integrated the cultures of many foreign nations.Unlike the religious wars in Europe, most of the wars in Chinese history did not involve religion.

The Han Dynasty fought with the Huns for hundreds of years, fighting for land rather than beliefs, so few people attacked the beliefs of the Huns.

Guo Jia was the first to slander the gods of the Huns.

But Ding Yuan also had to admit that doing so was very effective.This guy successfully aroused the anger of [-] Huns and achieved the purpose of attracting the main force of the enemy army.

This bastard's stinky mouth is worth the pen of all the literati in the entire Han Dynasty.


This idea popped up in Ding Yuan's mind again.

This guy has always acted with a slanted edge, and his thinking is as untraceable as an antelope's horns.

In fact, putting aside his position, Ding Yuan still admires Guo Jia's ability.

(End of this chapter)

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