Chapter 264
"Let's pass on the order, let's also learn from Guo Jia, let people sew some banners quickly, and greet the gods of the Huns in the Huns dialect."


Lu Bu was a little dumbfounded.

Ding Yuan, the adoptive father who has always been prudent, will also do such a thing, which is really impressive.

Ding Yuan smiled and said: "The most taboo in war is to stick to the tactics, and those who come up with whimsy and whimsy are really handsome. Although Guo Jia is a bit of a jerk, he has a rare talent in strategy. For example If this insulting book spreads to the ears of the literati at that time, they will definitely say it is insulting to the gentlemen or bring shame to the Han Dynasty, but..."

The smile on his face suddenly subsided, and he continued: "In our eyes, it is a simple and miraculous method."

Ding Yuan had fought against the Huns for half his life, and this was the first time he had seen such an exasperated Huns.

What the foster father said is true!
Lu Bu responded respectfully, he has followed Ding Yuan for so many years, and he has accumulated a lot of experience by telling him what to say.

Although Guo Jia's method is not elegant, it is still a clever plan in terms of effect.At least he managed to attract the attention of tens of thousands of people with thousands of people.

"Next, we're going to have a hard time."

Ding Yuan said lightly: "Guo Jia successfully led the main force of the Huns to the city of Jinyang, and we will leave it to us to entangle the enemy. Although there are some discrepancies with my previous plan, it is still good. The beginning. The next step is to let the Huns know how powerful our Bingzhou army is."

He has already sent a letter to General He Jinjin, telling the story of the incident.

He Jin was also overjoyed when he heard Ding Yuan's report and learned that the Huns became crazy and were attacking Jinyang City at any cost.

It was originally planned to trap Guo Jia, but I didn't expect to trap the Huns in.

Being able to kill the main force of the Huns is also a great achievement.

So He Jin made a decisive decision and ordered the governors of Jizhou and Youzhou to support Ding Yuan.

Lu Bu nodded excitedly.

The Bingzhou army is waiting for work at leisure, and has the advantage of the city, so he is full of confidence in the next battle.

Soon under Lu Bu's arrangement, flags were erected on the city wall one by one, and Guo Jia's creativity was shot out.

Seeing the insulting words in the city, the Huns exploded in anger again, and rushed up screaming.

The Huns are brave and good at fighting, and they are invincible with bows and horses.But the Bingzhou Army is not in vain.

Especially the flying general Lu Bu, who almost made the Huns tremble with fear.

The two sides launched a fierce battle between dragons and tigers under the city of Jinyang.


While the Bingzhou army was defending the city with all its strength, Guo Jia still led his men to run around non-stop. During this period, he also wanted to repeat the same plan, leading Fuluo's 1 horses to other cities several times, but in the end But Fu Luo was not fooled, and kept chasing them.

When the troops were divided, Qiang Qu had already instructed Yu Fuluo to keep an eye on Guo Jia.

Because these 1 horses are the elite of the Qiangqu tribe, Qiangqu will not let them fight for life and death with the Han people guarding the city.

Guo Jia also seemed to have guessed Qiang Qu's selfishness, so he had no choice but to turn back from the north.Taking advantage of Bingzhou's geography, he went around in circles with Yu Fuluo's [-] troops.

Here in Jinyang City, the battle is dangerous, and both sides have tried their best.

The furious Huns unleashed amazing destructive power, and the state army fought very hard.

If it weren't for the height and thickness of Jinyang City, it was almost impossible to hold on.

Forty thousand Hun cavalry is indeed a nightmare.

Even if it was a nightmare, Ding Yuan could only grit his teeth and persevere at this moment, because he knew that going out of the city would kill the state army faster.

They are definitely not the opponents of the Huns in field battles.

However, the news that Ding Yuan was gratified was that Yuan Shao's army, governor of Youzhou Liu Yu and governor of Jizhou, had entered Bingzhou. .

As long as Ding Yuan can persist, when the reinforcements arrive, it will be the death of the Huns.

Ding Yuan quickly ignited his ambition to wipe out the Huns' army.

"it's time!"

He suddenly said to Ma Jun beside him: "Flying pigeons pass on the letter, let the reinforcements in Jizhou and Youzhou slowly move closer to us. Block the Xiongnu army in the territory of Bingzhou, don't act rashly."

A look of joy flashed across Lu Bu's face.

They have been suppressed and beaten by the Huns for the past few days. Even if there is a strong city to defend, the defenders are very passive.

The battle was too suffocating, and the Huns cavalry always took the upper hand and set fire and arrows. They couldn't lift their heads under the cover of the Huns' feather arrows, let alone counterattack?

Lu Bu had already held his breath in his heart.

Is it finally time to fight back?
He has been waiting for this moment for a long time.


The Bingzhou army was aggrieved, and the Huns were not having a good time.

Qiang Qu walked back and forth anxiously in the handsome tent.

Things have exceeded his expectations, first he was provoked by Guo Jia's few words, and then he was dragged under Jinyang City by Ding Yuan's army.

I have to say that this Ding Yuan still has two brushes. After fighting for such a long time, the Huns have never taken advantage of it.

The fight between the two sides is inextricable, and it is impossible to tell the winner in a short period of time.

After careful calculation, it has been more than ten days since they entered the Central Plains, and less than half of the food supplies have been consumed, but there is still no progress?

The losses of the Huns soldiers in the past few days are not small. From the moment the battle started, thousands of people have died.

Of course, under the care of Qiang Qu, most of the dead were from other tribes.

He intends to consume the strength of other tribes under Jinyang City, so he ordered to attack Jinyang, but once the consumption is too much, it will affect his strategic plan.

After all, plundering the material and population of the Han Dynasty was their primary goal.

Time to retreat.

After these two days of war, the Huns seem to have almost vented their anger, their sanity is gradually recovering, and a war-weary sentiment is slowly growing inside.

Unable to attack for a long time, the casualties were heavy.

It's time to retreat!

A smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Qiang Qu's mouth.

The result he wanted has been achieved, except for his own tribe, the rest of the tribe suffered heavy losses.

In this way, the Qiangqu tribe once again gained an advantage in strength.


Overnight, the Huns retreated.

They come and go as fast as a gust of wind.

There was cheering in Jinyang City, and the soldiers threw out their weapons frantically, venting their emotions in this way.

Ding Yuan didn't show any expression. He clearly knew that the Huns hadn't been hurt at all during the fighting these days.

Where did they go?

Ding Yuan kept sending scouts out to find out the opponent's whereabouts.

In half a day, Tan Ma received news that shocked him.

The Xiongnu army galloped eastward.

What is the purpose of Qiang Qu doing this?
Ding Yuan suddenly fell into deep thought.

After a long time, he said in a deep voice, "Let the cavalry go south immediately to monitor the cavalry of the Huns."

Although he didn't know what Qiang Qu wanted to do, Ding Yuan didn't dare to be careless.

 Thank you for the user's frozen ten thousand coins reward, explosive update
(End of this chapter)

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