Chapter 265 The Taste of Conspiracy

Bingzhou was turned upside down, and Guo Jia still took two thousand white horses to play hide-and-seek with Yufuluo's 1 people in Bingzhou leisurely.

When there was no food, Guo Jia ordered the soldiers to go to the countryside to grab it.

What, not to give?

Are we friendly troops helping the Bingzhou Army fight the Huns?
Don't give it, right? The Huns are all behind, or we don't care about it, let them come and talk to you?
Hearing this, the little landlords below immediately panicked, begging these officials to stay and fight the Xiongnu, and immediately send food and grass.

This group of people agreed happily, but as soon as they received the food and grass, they immediately slipped away as a whole team.

The angry landlords and squires scolded their mothers.

The officers and soldiers have all fled, what are they going to do to defend against the Huns?
But to their surprise, the Huns just ran after Guo Jia and others, and had no interest in them small fish and shrimps at all.

Soon, these people understood.

Dare to feel that these Huns came to chase those officers and soldiers.

But it's over when they understand it, their food has been cheated by Guo Jia.

Along the way, Guo Jia used this method to defraud food and grass, and the two thousand cavalry lived a very comfortable life.

The two thousand cavalrymen really admired the prefect.

Two thousand to fifty thousand, and all of them are horse archers, even if the god of war Huo Qubing came to fight, it would be a headache.

Even Bai Ma Yicong himself felt a little mysterious, and many people came here with the feeling that the strong man Yi Shuihan would go away and never return.

is not that right?

Two thousand against fifty thousand, with or without the cover of the magical artillery, no matter how you look at it, it is a game that must be lost.

But this Lord Inspector just gave it to him.

They not only revitalized them, but also led the Huns by the nose all the way, and brought in the Bingzhou Army who was watching the excitement.

Unable to catch up with Guo Jia, the Huns had no choice but to vent their anger under the city of Jinyang.

Blood flowed like a river in the battle of Jinyang City, and Bai Ma Yicong was also terrified to see it.

Fortunately, they didn't catch up with them, otherwise they really didn't have enough people to fill their teeth.

The Bingzhou army was over, the Bingzhou gentry and local tyrants were cheated, and they didn't eat less food along the way.

This kind of thing can only be done by the governor.

Since entering Bingzhou, Baima Yi has never fought a battle at all, and still lives a leisurely life with delicious food and drink every day.

This kind of battle, they are naturally willing to fight, and they are willing to fight.

Originally they were a little worried, but after seeing the methods of Lord Inspector, they put down a big stone in their hearts.

If they follow this lord, they won't suffer.

Although there were still 1 people chasing after them, these people talked and laughed all the way and should eat and drink, just like the mentality of traveling in mountains and rivers.

Zhao Yun was naturally convinced.

At this point in the battle, Guo Jia can be regarded as the only scorpion shit.

Although he didn't quite agree with the method of the governor, but he had to admit that his method was brilliant.

Can you be smart?
[-] beats [-], not only did one person not die, but also made the opponent exhausted and suffered heavy losses.

Zhao Yun is also familiar with military books, and has a lot of research on cavalry warfare in the past dynasties.

However, after researching and researching, no similar examples were found.

This is completely resolved by Lord Inspector's impromptu play.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yun admired him even more.

War tactics and tactics cannot be copied mechanically, and only those who can master them and adapt them to adapt to the situation are the masters.

Obviously, this Lord Inspector is a master of it.

In his spare time, Zhao Yun also humbly asked for advice.

For such a central and self-motivated subordinate, Guo Jia naturally liked it very much, and he did not hide his secrets at the moment, and passed on everything he had learned before to Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun naturally benefited a lot.

A lot of Guo Jia's knowledge comes from the advanced experience of later generations.

In such a chase, the two sides left Jinyang and reached Leping.

Leping borders Jizhou, except for Taihang Mountain, there are Zhao Guo and Julu.

"My lord, something is wrong!"

Zhao Yun was the first to react.

Although he was immersed in Guo Jia's teaching during this time, he did not forget the vigilance around him.

The Huns were a little eccentric.

Originally, they were desperately chasing behind, as if they were afraid that Guo Jia would run away, but this period was a bit ambiguous.

Guo Jia ran fast, and they also chased fast. Guo Jia walked slowly, and they also slowed down.

It seems that there is a kind of tacit understanding with Guo Jia, how is it like chasing soldiers?
It was as if he was driving Baima Yicong here.

Ha ha!

A smile appeared on Guo Jia's face.

Zhao Yun is a general, bold, careful, and strategic. With a little training, he will become the only general in Yunzhou.

"Zilong seems to have found something unusual?"

he asked with a smile.

Training subordinates is similar to teaching students.

Most of the students who come out according to the script are mediocre.

Only by teaching students in accordance with their aptitude can we cultivate useful talents.

Good teachers like to guide and stimulate students' interest and potential, so as to achieve the purpose of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude.

Zhao Yun hesitated for a moment, feeling a little confused.

Originally, with the intelligence of Lord Inspector, he certainly wouldn't fail to see it.

But seeing Guo Jia's encouraging eyes, he still expressed his doubts.

well said!
Guo Jia clapped his hands!

"Zilong's observation is very meticulous!"

For his subordinate's point of view, he must first affirm it.

Only in this way can one have confidence.

"With the anger of the Huns, it is impossible to let us go. It must be abnormal for Yu Fuluo to do so. But has Zilong ever thought about why Yu Fuluo did this?"

Guo Jia inspired Zhao Yun bit by bit.

Cultivate subordinates not to suppress their thinking blindly, but to inspire their own thinking and let them learn to think for themselves.

Zhao Yun frowned.

He has thrown himself into this reasoning.

Yu Fuluo is the eldest prince of the Southern Huns and the one who is qualified to inherit the throne of Khan.

The Huns value military merit very much, and it stands to reason that Yu Fuluo must perform desperately.

But there is nothing positive about his current performance.

Simply passive?

This is not normal for a prince who is eager to inherit the throne and is eager to show.

But this unusual thing happened.

There is only one reason for this, and that is if someone ordered him to do so.

As a prince, Yu Fuluo has a noble status in the Huns, and there is only one person who is qualified to command him.

That is Qiang Qu Khan!


Zhao Yun was a little confused again.

Why did Qiang Qu Khan do this?

The Yunzhou army first killed his son, and then humiliated their beliefs. The hatred between the two parties cannot be untied, and it can only end when one party falls.

But here comes the question, Qiang Qu Khan asked why he should do this?

Reminiscent of Qiang Quhan's sudden withdrawal of troops from Jinyang, Zhao Yun shuddered, and immediately thought of a possibility.

"No, this is a conspiracy. Qiang Quhan drove us here on purpose."

 Thank you for the user's frozen ten thousand coins reward, explosive update
(End of this chapter)

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