Chapter 271

The battle continued, but General Yunzhou had no interest anymore.

Although Yuan Shao is currently in the upper hand and is fighting against the Southern Huns, once Qiang Qu Khan arrives, the situation of the battle will change.

The Jizhou Army could not escape defeat.

Let's go!

Guo Jia couldn't help shaking his head.

2000 people walked out from the edge of the battlefield just like that.

Seeing so many people coming out suddenly, the two warring parties couldn't help being startled.

People from Yunzhou!

Yuan Shao and Yu Fuluo immediately recognized this team, it was the Yunzhou army they had been chasing before.

darn thing!

The two couldn't help yelling.

At this time, they no longer knew that they had been fooled by Guo Jia, and they were utter fools.

But so what if you realize you've been duped?

The two sides are now riding a tiger, and it will not end unless one party falls.

No one had the energy to deal with Guo Jia, and could only watch the two thousand soldiers swagger away.

Ever since, such a scene appeared on the battlefield.

On the one hand, someone was beaten badly, and on the other hand, someone left leisurely. If outsiders see it, they will be surprised.


After galloping for more than ten miles, the battlefield was left behind.

Zhao Yun suddenly rode his horse and came up.

"My lord! Qiang Quhan's army is thirty miles ahead, let's turn north to avoid them!"

In the Battle of Bingzhou, Guo Jia became the public enemy of the Huns. Once the two sides met, the Huns would definitely not be able to spare Guo Jia.

Therefore, 36 counts are the best.

Besides, the Huns still have [-] cavalry, and Yunzhou's troops are no match for them at all.


Guo Jia smiled slightly and said: "No, on the contrary, I want to go to the front of the battle to have a face-to-face with that bastard Qiang Qu. Then I will curse him a few times."

Zhao Yun couldn't laugh or cry immediately.

The protagonist seems to be addicted to playing.

Qiang Qu can't wait to tear him to pieces, so if he joins in at this time, isn't it to give others a chance.

Ha ha!

Seeing the appearance of his subordinates, Guo Jia smiled.

"I bet Qiang Qu will never come after him."

Zhao Yun was a little numb.

He could no longer keep up with the thinking of this enchanting lord.

Guo Jia suddenly restrained his smile.

"Go forward at full speed and face the Qiang Qu!"

Everyone's spirits were shaken, and they rode their horses towards the direction of the main force of the Huns.


"Quick, quick!"

Thirty miles away, Qiangqu was very pleasantly surprised.

A clumsy elder son suddenly did something that satisfied him today.

Leping's net was prepared for Guo Jia's [-] cavalry, but unexpectedly, it brought in [-] troops from Youzhou, Jizhou.

Yu Fuluo made a decisive decision, preferring to be surrounded, but also to entangle these 5 people and completely disrupt their formation.

Because he is dependent.

This is the three thousand cavalry of the big man.

The two sides had already passed the message with eagles, knowing that Yu Fuluo was fighting with a large number of Han troops, Qiang Qu urged his subordinates to come on flying horses without saying a word.

These [-] Han troops are the main force of the county soldiers north of the Yellow River. Once they are eliminated, Jizhou and Youzhou will be like no man's land.

Thinking of this, Qiang Quhan couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

At this moment, there was a sound of horseshoes in front of him.

A scout rushed over in a hurry.

"Report to the Great Khan, the Yunzhou cavalry is not far from us."

Yunzhou soldiers, Guo Jia!

Hearing this news, Qiang Qu burst into anger.

This bastard!

He cursed angrily.

This time, Qiang Quhan led more than 5 people smugly, thinking that he could successfully destroy the Yunzhou army, occupy Yunzhou, and then break through Jizhou, looking at Luoyang in the distance.

Unexpectedly, before he touched the edge of Yunzhou, he was led by the nose by Guo Jia, and fought a battle with Bingzhou people in a daze, and more than 1 people died together with the previous ones.

Although it is not a direct descendant of Qiang Qu, it is also the power of the Southern Huns.

If only that's the case.

The most hateful thing is that this guy actually saw through his arrangement and jumped out of Yu Fuluo's encirclement.

After fighting for a long time, there were not a few soldiers and horses missing, and one-fifth of them had been lost.

If it continues, Qiang Qu may also vomit blood.

Fortunately, Yu Fuluo entangled the official army.

What about more than 5 people?
This is a big fat sheep.

Qiang Qu Khan is old and cunning, so he naturally knows how to choose.

"Go at full speed, don't pay attention to this bastard, he can't spend much money with that little force."

Qiang Qu just ignored Guo Jia's provocation.

His heart has already flown to the battlefield.

Seeing Qiang Qu, he really didn't pay much attention to it.

Guo Jia was even more proud.

"Qiangqu is a hybrid of pigs and cattle."

"The ancestors of Qiang Qu were animals,"

"Qiang Qu's mother is a pig."

"Qiang Qu's younger brother is his son."

"Qiang Qu is just a fool, a coward, the son of a whore, something without eggs."

"Qiang Qu is a coward, without blood."

"The Qiang Qu is a tortoise, and all the Huns are tortoises."

Baima Yicong's loud voice team came in handy again.

Hearing the curses of the Han people, the Huns were all furious, wishing to jump out and tear these bastards into pieces.

Qiang Qu became even more furious.

At this moment, the words and curses of the Han people were all aimed at him.

"Father Khan!"

Hu Chuquan on the side couldn't take it anymore.

"I am willing to lead five thousand soldiers and horses to wipe out these bastards!"

He said swearingly.


Qiang Qu cursed loudly.

Originally a little angry with this son, Qiang Qu was even more upset when he heard his words.

"Don't you have a brain? The reason why they provoke us here is to divert the target and buy time for the army inside! How can we be fooled?"

Qiang Qu hit Hu Chuquan's head with a whip.

He has never had a good impression of this son!
"Send the order, ignore them, and reach the battlefield with all your strength."

Everyone galloped away immediately, ignoring the Han people's insults.

Seeing this scene, Bai Ma Yi never failed to laugh.

In the past, when you scolded people, you left a book to scold.

This time he scolded him face to face.

The mighty Huns did not dare to speak back.

How cool!

Guo Jia smiled slightly and said, "Continue!"

It is also easy to catch an opportunity to scold someone, so it is natural to scold.

Ever since, Baima Yicong once again exploded with amazing cursing ability.

"The Huns are a hybrid of pigs and cattle."

"The ancestors of the Huns were beasts,"

"The mother of the Huns is a pig."

"The younger brother of the Huns is his son."

"The Hun is a fool, a coward, the son of a bitch, a eggless thing."

"The Huns are cowards, without blood."

"The Huns are tortoises, and all men are tortoises."


A burst of loud cursing sounded one after another, scattered in every corner with the wind under the red faces of the Huns.

(End of this chapter)

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