Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 272 Yuan Wei's Conspiracy

Chapter 272 Yuan Wei's Conspiracy

After being scolded by Guo Jia, the Huns realized their shame and were brave. They quickly came to the battlefield and launched an attack on the coalition forces of Jizhou and Youzhou.

They held back their anger and immediately spilled it on Yuan Shao and the others.

Poor, Yuan Shao, who had just gained the upper hand, was overwhelmed by the menacing Huns before he could be proud.

Without the support of the battle formation, the infantry is no match for the cavalry.

Qiang Qu Khan's army broke into the formation effortlessly, revitalizing the dead chess in Fuluo.

The father and son cooperated inside and outside, and immediately defeated Yuan Shao's army.

Gongsun Zan was the first to escape with his men, seeing that the situation was over.

Yuan Shao is an incompetent generation, and his defeat is inevitable. He is an official in Youzhou, so there is no need to die with Yuan Shao.

The Youzhou army withdrew first, and the Jizhou army collapsed immediately. They were not as good as the Xiongnu in the first place, but now they are distracted, so there is no courage to stay.

The Jizhou army was also defeated.


Yuan Shao sighed again, and fled madly under the protection of Yan Liangwen Chou.

Forty thousand cavalry followed the defeated army all the way to hide and kill them, and chased them all the way to the foot of Taihang Mountain.

This time, 1 Huns paid a price of nearly [-], and almost wiped out the [-] coalition forces in Jizhou and Youzhou.

After annihilating this commanding army, the Huns did not go after Guo Jia, but stayed in Leping to plunder and digest the results of the great battle.


After hearing the news, Ding Yuan nearly fell down.

The coalition forces of Jizhou and Youzhou were his last life-saving straw, but he did not expect that this last life-saving straw was also finished.

It's over, it's over!

Ding Yuan's face was pale!
Lu Bu was a little puzzled.

"Father, Yuan Shao was originally a dude. With his family background, he was able to keep up with the position of the governor. They will be destroyed if they are destroyed. Although our Bingzhou Army has suffered a bit, the city is still there, and the Huns are not Didn't ask for anything cheap?"

He has achieved fame with one punch and one kick, and he doesn't have a good impression of these second generations who grew up with golden keys in their mouths.

Ding Yuan suddenly slapped Lu Bu in the face with his mouth.

"Fool, what do you know? I proposed the plan this time to the general, and Yuan Shao and others were also invited by me. Now that the entire army is wiped out, I can still protect myself? Besides, who is Yuan Shao? Yuan Kai's nephew is for the head of the Yuan family. Do you think they will let me go?"

As expected of a courtier who has been around for a long time, he is very clear about the current situation.

Lu Bu covered his face, his eyes flashed sharply.

If he didn't need Ding Yuan to provide him with glory and wealth, otherwise he would have killed this bastard just now.

"The adoptive father said, the child is ignorant, so don't be angry!"

Ding Yuan was a little uneasy.

"Come on!"

He suddenly called out.

"Take out all the treasures that this old man has collected over the years, and send someone to secretly send them to the residence of General He Jin."

He Jin is Ding Yuan's great benefactor, he has been kind to Ding Yuan for his promotion.

At this point, Ding Yuan could only turn to the General for help.

I hope that the dignitaries in the court will not blame themselves for the failure.


Youzhou Army and Jizhou Army were wiped out!

He Jin in Luoyang was also taken aback when he received the news.

The Bingzhou Army, Jizhou Army and Youzhou Army are the largest barriers in the north and the first line of defense against the Xiongnu.

Now that the three families have lost troops and generals, the entire north is useless.

Yuan Shao is an idiot!

He Jin was suddenly furious.

Originally, he was still very optimistic about this young man, but this young man repeatedly showed the potential of a fool.

A good hand of cards was smashed by him.

Now, the Huns are wreaking havoc in Bingzhou, and all the way south is Sili.

Once the Huns came to fight, the first to bear the brunt was the general He Jin.

Even now, He Jin couldn't sit still.

It is a trivial matter for the Huns to call, but it is a major event to cause the emperor's dissatisfaction.

If the emperor is dissatisfied, he, the great general, may end up as well.

Thinking of this, He Jin immediately stood up.

"Come on, please come over here immediately!"

As a last resort, He Jin also had to prepare.

In the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, this Zhang Wen can still fight.

At this time Yuan Kai came in a hurry.

"General, what are you doing?"

He Jin sneered, and said, "It's not because of that nephew of yours."

His face suddenly darkened.

"The entire army was wiped out in the first battle of Leping, and 5 troops were lost. How many soldiers and horses should the Han Dynasty have for him to squander?"

Yuan Kui was also very embarrassed!
This nephew was indeed a little disappointed.

Both opportunities were ruined by him.

"General, I will talk about the original matter later. How will you suppress this matter?"

Yuan Kai asked in a low voice.

Although the news of the defeat of the coalition forces has not yet spread, it will reach the ears of the imperial court sooner or later.


He Jin resentfully said: "Can you suppress it?"

He took a few steps and continued: "The general intends to let Zhang Wen go north and guard the north of Sili. On the one hand, it can become a barrier for the capital, and on the other hand, it can also block the Xiongnu."

The Huns have openly attacked the official army. What is the difference between this and rebellion?
Since they plan to rebel, it won't be long before they come to Luoyang.

Once Luoyang was killed, all civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty would know about it.


Yuan Kai hurriedly said: "Have you ever thought about it, the general? The Northern Army in Zhang Wen's hands is the last team that can fight around the capital. Once it is sent to Bingzhou, the capital will have no barriers."

He Jin stopped talking immediately after hearing this.

Although he is a general, all the troops around Luoyang are under his jurisdiction.

However, after repeated battles, the elites of the northern and southern armies have been completely lost. Although Luoyang still has some troops, their combat effectiveness has dropped drastically.

If there is another Yellow Turban remnant, the capital will be finished.

"What's the master's opinion?"

Ho Jin was convinced again.

Playing with literature, he, who kills pigs and sells meat, is not the opponent of these civil servants.

"The old man has a plan, but..."

He Jin was a little impatient when he heard that Yuan Kai had a strategy.

"Speak quickly, don't hesitate!"

Yuan Kai's eyes flashed brightly.

"Promise Yunzhou to the Huns!"

"What? Are you crazy?"

He Jin was shocked.

Since the establishment of the Great Han Dynasty, it has always refused to give up an inch of land to foreign tribes.

Even if He Jin's general did such a thing, his reputation would be ruined.

Besides, Yunzhou is Guo Jia's territory.

In their eyes, this Guo Jia is a ten-time attendant.

The ten permanent servants are deadly enemies with the dignitaries in the court.

He Jin and Yuan Wei are the representatives of these dignitaries.

Besides, the two sides also have enmity, Guo Jia will naturally not ignore them.

"General, we can contact the Huns in private about this matter. Grant Yunzhou to the Huns. Naturally, Guo Jia will not give it. Both sides will naturally fight to the death."

Yuan Kai said with a smile.

 Thank you for the user's frozen ten thousand coins reward, explosive update
(End of this chapter)

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