Chapter 273 Satisfaction
Clever plan, clever plan!
He Jin burst into laughter after hearing Yuan Kai's words.

Whether it is the Southern Huns or Guo Jia, it is best to die.

Pretending to cede Yunzhou to the Southern Huns, Guo Jia will definitely not be happy, and there will be a fierce battle between the two sides.

Whoever wins is good for them.

As for the ceding of Yunzhou, it was just a private contact, and He Jinda didn't have to admit it.

"General, look at what happened at the beginning..."

Yuan Kui accompanied him with a smiling face.

He Jin was very happy right now, and didn't bother to care about Yuan Shao's affairs.

"Transfer him to Beijing and do something in the Northern Army."

Thank you General!
Yuan Kui bowed deeply.

He was also extremely disappointed in this nephew.

In order to pave the way for the leader of the next generation of the Yuan family, the Yuan family used countless human and material resources.

But this nephew is really too muddy to support the wall.

The Yellow Turban Rebellion was overturned by Huangfusong's three attacks, five divisions and two divisions, and it was about to end. Yuan Kai under pressure sent Yuan Shao to the battlefield and became Huangfusong's deputy.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that this is the Yuan family planning to go down the mountain to pick peaches.

Although Huangfusong was angry, there was nothing he could do. He was born in Xiliang and had no backing in the capital.

The Yuan family was happy after the unfounded Huangfusong was settled.This time I didn't run away, even a fool can hold the reputation of suppressing the Yellow Turban Rebellion in his hands.

But what made everyone laugh and cry was that Yuan Shao, who had been placed with high hopes, was beaten by the yellow turban bandits and almost wiped out his entire army.

Now the Yuan family became the laughing stock of the courtiers.

Their successor Yuan Benchu ​​is not even as good as a fool.

When such a big event happened, Yuan Kai managed to use countless connections to suppress this matter, without causing any actual public opinion.

After a period of calm, Yuan Kai manipulated again and sent Yuan Benchu ​​to the position of Jizhou prefect.

Jizhou is a wealthy place, and Yuan Shao has a brighter prospect in Jizhou.

More importantly, it can pose a threat to Guo Jia in Yunzhou at any time.

After all, Yunzhou has become a land of gold, and Yuan Kai must take it down.

It was originally planned to let the three states besiege Guo Jia, but at this time the Huns suddenly came, and they came straight to Guo Jia.

This made Yuan Weixiao excited.

He immediately stopped the governor of the three states from acting.

It is better for Guo Jia and the Southern Huns to fight to the death.

Who knew that Guo Jia was such a cunning bastard that he actually brought the Huns into Bingzhou, making Bingzhou a battlefield for both sides.

Ding Yuan, the governor of Bingzhou, was also considered a veteran general. With the advantages of the city, he was actually on par with the Huns.

At this time, Yuan Kai saw the advantage again, and immediately encouraged the general He Jin to send the coalition forces of Jizhou and Youzhou to support.

As long as Ding Yuan can hold on, the coalition forces will definitely defeat the Xiongnu when they arrive.

This kind of credit is no less than the annihilation of the Yellow Turban Bandits, so Yuan Wei naturally would not let this opportunity pass.

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

Yuan Shao once again failed Yuan Kai's trust. The army had just entered Bingzhou and was wiped out by the ready-to-go Southern Huns.

Now Yuan Kai was completely disappointed with this nephew, but he followed He Jin's path and found Yuan Shao an errand.

Although the captain of the Northern Army is not as good as the governor, he can be regarded as a high-ranking official with a generous salary.

As for the future, let nature take its course.

Anyway, the Yuan family is not just Yuan Benchu.


Naturally, Guo Jia is not clear about the quarrel between the dignitaries in the DPRK and China.

At this moment, he has safely joined Yu Jin and others.

"Congratulations, lord!"

Seeing Guo Jia's triumphant return, all the generals were extremely excited.Even those ordinary soldiers have eyes of worship.

This lord is really the reincarnation of an evildoer and a ghost.

He took 3000 cavalry to fight against the Huns, and killed [-] people in the first battle, killing the Huns to throw away their helmets and armor.

Immediately afterwards, with the division of troops, leading the Huns with 2000 people, they first attacked Jinyang and then the Jizhou Youzhou Allied Forces. More than 2 Huns died.

Except for the 2000 people who went out with Zhang Wenyuan to keep secrets, many of the rest were brought back.

God man!
Everyone admired it.


Yu Jin clasped his fists and said with a smile: "I heard that my lord showed his power in Bingzhou and scolded the Huns to the point of utter desperation. It's really a joy."

you do not say!

The Huns have fought against the Han for hundreds of years, and they have always had the upper hand.

Although the Han people have also been brilliant, and the Huns lost their helmets and armor when they beat them, but most of the time, the Huns still have the upper hand.

At present, the court of the Han Dynasty is weak, and the Southern Huns are showing off their power even more, defeating the coalition forces in Bingzhou, Jizhou and Youzhou.

Looking at the whole world, only this master in front of him dared to point at the Huns' nose and scold them, and he was able to retreat completely, which is really amazing.

I heard that because of this incident, Qiang Qu, the great Han of the Southern Huns, almost vomited blood with anger.

Zhao Yun on the side also nodded with a smile.

People in Yunzhou are happy, but others are miserable.

The people of Jizhou, Bingzhou, and Youzhou have been eyeing Yunzhou for a long time, and the master's move to divert the water to the east is very clever.In this way, since the strength of the Huns has been weakened, the potential threats around Yunzhou have been eliminated.

Really kill three birds with one stone.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled and said nothing.

In fact, he knew very well in his heart that the reason why he was able to escape smoothly this time was thanks to the coalition forces of the three states.

Without them, the Huns would definitely kill the Yunzhou Army.

Especially the coalition forces of Jizhou and Youzhou, without them, Guo Jia might have fled back to the bridgehead early.

Sometimes when I think about it, this Yuan Shao is really cute, always showing up when Guo Jia needs it.


Guo Jiahao said angrily: "We got a lot of good things when we went out this time!"

good stuff?
Everyone came to the spirit immediately.

what good stuff?

Guo Jia smiled slightly and was immediately lifted up.

Everyone's eyes were straight.

It was piles of dried horsemeat.

These were all dead horses captured during the war, and Guo Jia didn't waste them. He immediately had them boiled and soaked with salt, and then air-dried to make dry food.

Speaking of which, Bai Ma Yicong did not eat less along the way.

In the army of the Han Dynasty, meat was also very rare.

Seeing the pile of dried horse meat, Yu Jin's pawns couldn't help swallowing.

"Come here, cook the meat, and let the soldiers beat the teeth tonight."

Lord Inspector is mighty!

Everyone cheered in unison, with excited expressions on their faces.

Ever since, the whole camp was filled with a smell of meat.

The soldiers guarding the camp ushered in the most sumptuous meat meal ever.

Although the horse meat was not very fresh, they still had their mouths full of oil.

Sometimes it's easy to be satisfied.

For soldiers who have been short of meat for a long time, eating a meal of meat can be considered as the Chinese New Year.

(End of this chapter)

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