Chapter 274 Assassin
The barracks is very lively!
The soldiers ate and drank in groups here and there.

All the soldiers gathered around Baima Yicong who had returned from Bingzhou, listening to them happily telling the story of the chase.

Every now and then there would be a burst of laughter.

Seeing this, a smile appeared on Guo Jia's face.

Unknowingly, he had established absolute confidence in the Yunzhou Army.

Now even if he sends these hot-blooded youths into battle, they won't frown.

That's what idols do.

In the Battle of Bingzhou, Guo Jia's rich skills made the enemy look ashamed and built confidence in the Yunzhou Army.


A wry smile appeared on the corner of Guo Jia's mouth.

He had already received the news that after a simple rectification, the Huns continued to move eastward, and the target was still Yunzhou.

The battle of Bingzhou was just a fluke, and the next thing they had to face was a real battle.

Not by any chance.

3000 men against [-] cavalry.

This will be an uphill battle.

"Lord Inspector, your dinner."

Someone yelled outside the door.

come in!
Guo Jia nodded.

The tent was opened, and a man dressed as a soldier walked in, holding a tray in his hand.

"Put it on the table and you can leave!"

Guo Jia's eyes were fixed on the map all the time, and he didn't care about the people who came in.

Who knew that the man did not leave, but stepped forward a few steps.

Guo Jia suddenly felt something was wrong, and when he raised his head again, he suddenly found a pair of soft eyes.

His eyes are watery, very charming, and there is a smile on his face.

"who are you?"

Guo Jia was slightly surprised.

This is a military camp, surrounded by more than 1 soldiers from Yunzhou.

There are hundreds of tiger guards guarding his commanding tent, except for a few senior generals, it is impossible for ordinary soldiers to enter.

"The villain is the new cook."

The man took a few steps forward, still with a smile on his face.


Guo Jia's eyes fell on the tray in this person's hand.

That's it!

He nodded slowly.

"What did you cook!"

The man said respectfully: "It's a fish. The fine scale fish in the northern river is plump and has few thorns. It's delicious. I hope Mr. Cishi can eat it while it's hot. If it gets cold later, the fishy smell will not be very good. "

Guo Jia frowned slightly.

I feel a little weird right now, but I can't tell where the weirdness is?

At this time, he suddenly discovered a problem. This person was holding the tray respectfully. It seemed that the lower-ranking person respected the higher-ranking person, but his whole body was like a taut bow that could be ejected at any time.

Guo Jia's heart flashed for a moment, but on the surface he remained calm, holding the hilt of the sword behind his hand.

"Open the tray!"

The man raised his head, his eyes showed a stern look for a moment, and soon became lowered and pleasing to the eyes again.

The tray was opened, and there was a big fish lying inside, with all the colors and aromas, exuding a tempting aroma.

very good!

Guo Jia smiled slightly and said, "Have you heard a story!"


The man froze.

I don't know how the governor-in-chief could tell the story.

Guo Jia smiled and continued: "It is said that in ancient times there was a strong man named Zhuan Zhu who put a dagger into the belly of a fish and assassinated King Liao of Wu. Could it be that he has something to do with you?"

Hearing this, the man immediately realized that he was exposed, and immediately pulled out a dagger from the fish's belly.

It is the same as Zhuan Zhuan Liao.

Quiet as a virgin and as moving as a rabbit.

Even though he was only wearing the uniform of a soldier, this man still exuded an indescribable aura.

"Han dog, I'm here to see you off!"

As he said, holding a dagger, he rushed towards Guo Jia.

This series of actions are all in the blink of an eye.

There are assassins!
Guo Jia shouted, overturned the table, and drew his long sword.

He is a top secret agent of later generations, and he is very proficient in assassination and so on. This person can be regarded as a master.

From the moment he entered the door, he felt that something was wrong with this person.

It was a feeling of mismatch.

This temperamental gesture did not match his attire.


The long sword in Guo Jia's hand blocked the man's dagger.

After Xu Shu's instruction, his swordsmanship seems to be in good shape.

But this man's dagger is even more powerful.

Using the short to control the long, Guo Jia was forced to restrain his hands and feet.

There was a noise outside, as if someone was standing guard in front of the tent, preventing the guards from entering.

Gang committing crimes!

Guo Jia realized this immediately.

It seems that the people outside are buying time for the people in the account.

"Who dares to assassinate my lord!"

Dian Wei's voice came over.

This guy drank a few more glasses at night and was still in a daze. Now he woke up when he heard the sound of killing.

Immediately rushed over with a pair of halberds.

Guo Jia is the backbone of Yunzhou. Once something goes wrong, Yunzhou will be over.

Following Dian Wei's joining, the people guarding outside the tent let out screams one after another.

The assassin seemed to be in a hurry, and suddenly swung his long sword away, and then turned around, bullying into Guo Jia's close body.

An inch is short and an inch is risky!

This person is well versed in this way, and he is going to approach Guo Jia before making a move.

Brush twice!

Guo Jia's long sword was immediately knocked out.

For close enemies, long swords are no longer of much use.

The long sword was lost, but Guo Jia was
"Han dog!"

The man suddenly raised his head and said sharply, "You accept your fate!"

As he spoke, the dagger in his hand let out sharp lights and stabbed at Guo Jia.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled slightly.

As the top agent of later generations, his close combat is top notch.

Using a long sword is rather restrictive.

At that moment, he lightly grabbed the white blade with his empty hand, grabbed the man's wrist, and then exerted force from his lower back, throwing the man out.

This person's body is also very dexterous, Guo Jia did not fall when he fell on his back.

He just rolled his body and dissipated his strength.

As a result, this person also became cautious.

It seems that this Han dog is not easy to deal with.

At this time, there were screams and screams outside, and someone murmured a few words.

Hearing this, the face of the assassin inside changed slightly.

The outsiders have met their match.

"I kill you!"

The assassin continued to rub his body, the dagger couldn't leave Guo Jia's vitals.

Although his tricks are exquisite, his speed is also very fast, and his strength is also very strong.

But for Guo Jia, the top agent of later generations, it was all pediatrics.

The reason why routines are called routines is because they are used a lot.

In later generations, the attack and defense of the dagger has become a rich routine. As long as you are familiar with the routine, it is difficult for any trick to hurt him.

And the dagger attack and defense in this era is not a routine at all.

clap clap clap!
Guo Jia slapped the assassin's wrist, and the assassin's wrist hurt, and the dagger fell to the ground immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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