Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 275 The Monkey Steals the Peach

Chapter 275 The Monkey Steals the Peach

Guo Jia laughed a few times.

If it was an immediate confrontation, a competition of strength or something, he would not even be regarded as dust in the era of the Three Kingdoms, where famous generals were born in large numbers.

Even a second-rate general easily abused him thousands of times.

But compared to close combat, Guo Jia can still occupy a place in this era.

The horsemen in Yunzhou were beaten all over the place by Guo Jia.

Of course, perverts like Dian Wei, Xu Chu, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Zhao Yun are not among the ranks.

Because their foot combat is still at the abnormal level.

I kill you!

The man bullied himself again.

If Guo Jia cannot be taken down, their entire army may be wiped out this time.

Guo Jia sneered, pressed the anti-knuckle of his right hand, and immediately pressed the man to the ground.

Anti-joint grabbing is based on the research of human organs and bones. Once caught, unless the joints are broken, it is impossible to get rid of it easily.

This person never expected that the frail person in front of him would have such a good skill.

"I killed you, Han dog! Ah!"

As soon as he moved, the joints hurt even more, almost breaking, and the man couldn't help but fell down again.

"You keep calling me a Han dog. It seems that I am not a Han. Tell me, which tribe are you from?"

Guo Jia exerted all his force, and the man fell to the ground again.

The joints of the arms are almost in a vertical state.

The man yelled again, his voice very sharp.

"Don't say yes!"

Guo Jia smiled coldly.

"Even if you didn't tell me, I would have guessed it. Did Qiangqu send you here?"

After all, he only had grudges against the Huns.

Not only killed the little prince of the Southern Huns, but also cheated them by the way.

It is not surprising that Qiang Qu sent someone to assassinate him.

The man gritted his teeth without making a sound, then raised his right foot high, and kicked Guo Jia at an incredible angle.

This kick was not light, Guo Jia couldn't help taking a few steps back, his mind was a little fuzzy.

Han dog!

The man got rid of the entanglement, rushed over viciously, and immediately countered Guo Jia. He strangled Guo Jia's neck with his hands, clamped his waist with his feet, and tried to twist his neck with all his strength.

Guo Jiakong has a unique skill, but constrained by this thin body, he is gradually being strangled by others.

Seeing that he was about to pass out, Guo Jia resorted to the ultimate trick in desperation.

Although this move is somewhat contemptible, but life is at stake, how is morality counted?

It's still important to save your life.

The man was attacked and immediately limp to the ground, unable to stand up at all.

Only then did Guo Jia get rid of the entanglement, panting heavily.

It's not enough at this level, and he was almost KO'd by others. It seems that this small body still needs to be exercised.

The man still didn't stand up, his body arched in pain.

Seeing this man's pain, Guo Jia felt the same way.

But he suddenly froze for a moment, recalling the action just now.

It seemed like maybe something was wrong.

"You are a eunuch!"

A possibility immediately occurred to him.

Of course there are no eunuchs.

At this time, the man raised his head and said in pain, "Despicable and shameless, you are the eunuch, and your whole family are eunuchs!"

The voice was clear and clear, without deliberately concealing it, and the tone was a bit weird.

Guo Jia couldn't help shaking his body.

He suddenly realized what was wrong.

Those without that may not all be eunuchs.

In fact, neither is the other gender.

"Are you female?"

Only then did Guo Jia take a closer look.

What about women?

The woman said angrily: "Are you Han people so despicable and shameless?"

"Who are you? Why did you assassinate me? How many other accomplices?"

Although the other party is a woman, Guo Jia is not careless.

I was just a little careless just now, and I was almost turned over.

Fortunately, he was saved with a trick.

Shameless and obscene!
The man just repeated the words.

Guo Jia smiled and said, "Although you don't make a sound, I have a way."

Next, he grabbed the woman's hair and tightly entangled her hair with her hands.

The woman's hair was entangled with her hands and feet, and every time she moved, her scalp would be pulled, causing a very headache.

Following a roar from outside the tent, Dian Wei Yujin rushed in with a group of men covered in blood, and suddenly discovered this scene.

"My lord, a certain family deserves death!"

Seeing that Guo Jia had restrained the assassin, Dian Wei was both surprised and delighted.

After ordering someone to tie the hands and feet of the assassin, he knelt down on the ground and slapped himself a few times, and blood flowed out of his mouth instantly.

He was greedy and drank a few more glasses, and unexpectedly met an assassin who assassinated Guo Jia.

For the Tiger Guards, this was a great dereliction of duty.

Guo Jia smiled and stretched out his hand to support Dian Wei.

"It's okay, I didn't expect that someone would be so bold as to sneak into the barracks to kill people."


Yu Jin also knelt down on the ground, and said in shame: "This subordinate was negligent, and an assassin sneaked in. Please punish me severely, my lord!"

Guo Jia waved his hand.

He didn't think of it, and others naturally didn't think of it.

"What's going on outside?"

Guo Jia suddenly asked.

"A group of soldiers sneaked in and attacked the Tiger Guards in the dark, trying to rush into the commander's tent. But they were blocked by the soldiers desperately."

Dian Wei said vaguely.

His mouth was swollen, and he swore he would never drink again.

Yu Jin also hurriedly said: "By the time we arrived, these people had all been shot to death."

As he spoke, he looked at Dian Wei angrily.

You don't need to look to know that this evil person has done it, and everyone's entities are not complete.

Except for Dian Wei's pair of iron halberds, no one has this ability.

Dian Wei remained silent.

At that time, he was so anxious that he wished to rush into the big tent immediately, so he acted a little harder. How could he think of keeping alive?
It's ok!
Guo Jia smiled, picked up the dagger calmly, and came to the captured woman.

There is one more alive!
The woman's hair was disheveled, and she looked a little embarrassed, but her eyes were very fierce, as if she wanted to pounce on Guo Jia and smash Guo Jia's corpse into thousands of pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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