Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 278 Indulgence before the war

Chapter 278 Indulgence before the war

It was easy to get in the barracks, because the whole army was celebrating, and no one expected that someone would sneak in, but Guo Jia's camp was not so easy to get in, so Murong Yu had to pretend to be a cook to deliver food, and it went smoothly Some people sneaked into Guo Jia's camp.

It's just that Guo Jia saw through it unexpectedly, a group of his men were killed, and he was also captured.

If Guo Jia's subordinates hadn't been merciful to let him go, he might have followed in the footsteps of those subordinates by now.

It's fine!

Murong Guang was relieved to see that the girl was fine.

This girl is the treasure of their Murong tribe, the pearl on the grassland. Heard that she brought some slaves to assassinate Guo Jia.

Fortunately, Yu'er is fine, otherwise, the Murong Department might have to fight Yunzhou to the end.

But Murong Guang didn't have much confidence in the bloody battle with Yunzhou.

"Don't provoke Guo Jia in the future, this person is not easy to provoke. Even Qiang Qu will be disgraced."

Murong Yu looked at her brother in surprise.

In order to pave the way for his youngest son, Qiang Qu specially sent an envoy to send a big gift to marry Murongbu.

At the beginning, this brother was very supportive.

Murong Guang patiently explained to his sister: "The latest news, although Qiang Quhan won the Battle of Bingzhou, he has already lost more than half of it. There are only [-] cavalry left from the [-] cavalry, and their strength is not as good as before."

As the tribe leader of Xianbei, Murong Guang still has some news channels.

When the Southern Huns sent troops, they asked Xianbei's Murong tribe to send troops to deal with Yunzhou.

The reason is to avenge the little prince, Yuer's fiancé.

But Murong Guang declined Qiang Qu's proposal out of consideration for his own safety.

He didn't want to get involved in the dispute between the Southern Huns and Yunzhou.

Of course, Murong Guang also has his own little Jiujiu. If the Southern Huns gnaw Yunzhou down, he doesn't mind taking a share.

But when the two have not decided the winner, he will not advance the team.

Qiang Qu lost!

Murong Yu said in shock.

"The strength is not as good as before!"

Murong Guang shook his head.

At the time of its heyday, the Southern Huns had 10,000+ control stringers,

Since the Northern Huns were beaten and disabled, the Southern Huns have become the overlord of the grasslands, and the Xianbei Wuhuan are not their opponents.

Although it was passed down to the generation of Qiangqu, it was not as good as before, but there were still nearly [-] cavalry.

It is a true prairie overlord.

It is precisely because of this that the Murong tribe planned to marry the Southern Huns.

However, the mighty Qiangqu Khan was defeated.

Just a circle in Bingzhou lost more than 2 people.

"This Guo Jia is a character, and he led Qiang Qu by the nose with only 3000 people. Sister, let's let this matter go! Besides, haven't you married yet?"

Murong Guang said in a low voice.

Guo Jia cracked Qiang Qu's youngest son in a car, not to mention the death feud with the Southern Huns, and offended the Murong Ministry.

In theory they are in-laws.

When the news came, although the Murong tribe was a little angry, they didn't do anything unusual, but Murongyu couldn't take it anymore.

Although she didn't have any feelings for the dead fiancé, she was still a little upset about being torn apart by someone.

This is how the assassination of Guo Jia happened.

Murong Yu stopped talking, turned around and left.

Too many things happened today, and she was a little bit at a loss.

Seeing the girl's back, Murong Guang suddenly smiled.

His eyes narrowed.

After his sister went to assassinate Guo Jia, Murong Guang broke out in a cold sweat. He wanted to lead the army to rush into Guo Jia's team several times, but the heavily guarded formation made them dispel this idea.

The generals of the Yunzhou Army have some skills, and the surrounding guards are heavily guarded, so they have no chance.

Originally thought that something unexpected would happen to Yu'er, but unexpectedly, she was released by Guo Jia.

This is really a bit of a surprise.

Not an accident!

Murong Guang suddenly understood.

Something seemed to have happened between the two, otherwise, how could his girl with eyes above the top go back without a word?
That girl didn't suffer a single item.

Could it be...

A smile appeared on Murong Guang's face again.

The development of things seems to have deviated from the normal track.

But this is also a good thing.



Seeing Guo Jia returned safely, all the generals breathed a sigh of relief.

Dian Wei even fell to his knees.

"My subordinates are incompetent and unable to protect the safety of the lord, and I hope the lord will forgive me!"

When he knelt, all the soldiers of the Tiger Guards knelt down.


The duty of the Tiger Guards is to protect Guo Jia's safety. Now Guo Jia was assassinated first and then looted, which made them feel ashamed.

Fortunately, the lord was blessed and returned safely, otherwise their crime would have been great.


Yu Jin also fell to his knees.

"It was the subordinate's dereliction of duty that allowed the assassins to sneak in."

He is also responsible for this matter.

Everyone please rise up!

Guo Jia hastily helped them up.

"It's not your fault."

Tonight is the time for the two parties to meet, and Yu Jin doesn't know how many people came back, so it's normal to be mixed in.

It was just a false alarm!

But this false alarm made Guo Jia realize another problem.

The tribes on the grassland are also full of conflicts, which can be used.

Right now, the Southern Huns are the lord of the grassland and the strongest family, they can subdue many tribes on the grassland.

If the family of the Southern Xiongnu is photographed, it will definitely disrupt the order on the grassland. If this is the case, the grassland will soon enter a chaotic world.

In that case, it would be an opportunity for Yunzhou and Dahan.

Southern Huns!
A cold light flashed across Guo Jia's eyes.

In Bingzhou, he has completely aroused the anger of the Southern Huns.

This time, the two sides must have a break.


Guo Jia suddenly shouted: "Continue celebrating, don't stop!"

Everyone couldn't help but looked at each other.

Originally a lively celebration, the assassin was interrupted.

Guo Jia was assassinated, who still wants to eat and drink.

keep going!
Guo Jia showed a smile on his face and took the lead towards the bonfire.

Only then did everyone feel relieved, and the celebration continued.

Seeing that everyone continued to celebrate, Guo Jia showed a smile on his face.

The war was imminent, and he had to let his men relax for a few days, eat well, drink well, rest well, and recharge their batteries, so that they would have enough energy to deal with the Southern Huns.

This battle is related to the life and death of Yunzhou, and it must be won!
Thinking of this, Guo Jia raised his glass fiercely.

"Soldiers, let's drink to tomorrow's victory!"


Everyone roared in unison, and their voices went straight into the sky.

Especially the cavalry of Baima Yicong, they saw Guo Jia's methods with their own eyes, and they admired the lord even more.

(End of this chapter)

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