Chapter 279 The Huns Are Coming
After annihilating the coalition forces of Jizhou and Youzhou in Bingzhou, Qiang Quhan recuperated for a while, and immediately swung his army down.

He has not forgotten the goal this time - Yunzhou.

This time, Qiang Qu Khan sent troops to avenge his son on the one hand, and on the other hand, it was the border trade in Yunzhou that aroused his covetousness.

Although they lost nearly [-] troops in Bingzhou, they were all from other tribes. Qiang Qu's men didn't lose too much, and they still maintained an advantage over other tribes.

"Khan, I found a camp of the Han army fifty miles ahead. It looks like there are more than 1 people in size. It is the army of Guo Jia, the governor of Yunzhou."

Visit Malaysia to report.

Guo Jia!

Qiang Qu's eyes showed a cold light.

For this bastard who tore his son apart, he wished he could swallow him alive.

Bingzhou World War I.

They were led by the nose by Guo Jia, and fought with the Bingzhou Army, Jizhou Army, and Youzhou Army. Although they won in the end, they also paid a heavy price.

Therefore, after repairing the Qiang Canal for a period of time, they immediately caught up.

He wants to break through Yunzhou.

Finally caught up?

Qiang Quhan took a deep breath.

He was a little impatient.

Don't sweat profusely!

King Youxian suddenly stood up.

"Guo Jia is very scheming, and he has those strange earthen jars in his hands. In the previous battle, more than half of the five thousand pioneers lost, all of which were lost on those strange earthen jars."

He was very afraid of this Guo Jia.

Yu Fuluo sneered.

"Youxian King, are you afraid of being beaten? Although Guo Jia has some tricks, he is still not our opponent in terms of military strength. In the battle of Bingzhou, didn't he escape with his tail between his legs?"

In the battle of annihilating Yuan Shao's army, Yu Fuluo made great contributions, and Qiang Qu was also very satisfied.

Yu Fuluo was a little complacent.

King You Xian frowned, somewhat disgusted by Fu Luo's words.

In the Xiongnu, the prince had no status, and only when he got an official position could he have his own army.

The current Yu Fuluo can't be compared with King Youxian at all.


King Youxian still said euphemistically: "Guo Jia has been avoiding and not fighting, but now he stopped suddenly, there may be something wrong, it's better to be careful."

As the No. [-] figure of the Huns, King Youxian still played his role of persuasion.

Yu Fuluo laughed a few times.

"Youxian King is too worried. Guo Jia can escape in Bingzhou, but he can't escape here. Because Yunzhou is behind them. So, they have to stop here."

He suddenly fell to his knees.

"Father Khan, my son is willing to raise [-] elite soldiers to destroy Guo Jia."

it is good!
Qiang Qu nodded.

"I'll give you [-] elite soldiers as the vanguard to conquer Guo Jia's camp!"

Yu Fuluo was overjoyed, and immediately turned around to order troops.


"Don't say it!"

Qiang Qu waved his hand.

Bingzhou won a big victory, he was in high spirits, how could he listen to the words of King Youxian.

"Youxian King, this time, Ben Khan is going to lead [-] elite troops to attack Guo Jia himself, so you should lead [-] soldiers to the rear."

As he said that, he pulled the rein and galloped away.

After Qiang Qu left, King Youxian's expression immediately darkened.

He is one of the few high-ranking Huns who has insight into Qiangqu's intentions.

In the Battle of Bingzhou, people from other tribes died the most, and the direct descendants of the Qiangqu father and son did not suffer much damage.

This time, Qiang Qu used the opportunity of war to reduce the power of other tribes.


There was a sneer on King Youxian's face.

He's not one to sit still.

Since Qiang Qu is not benevolent, he cannot be blamed for being unrighteous.



The news of the Southern Huns' eastward advance immediately reached Guo Jia.

"Report to Lord Inspector! The main force of the Huns is marching eastward, and the vanguard of the [-] troops headed by Yu Fuluo is only twenty miles away!"

Is it finally here?
Guo Jia said lightly.

The generals around him had serious expressions on their faces.

This time, I am afraid it will be the ultimate battle.

Although the Huns suffered heavy losses in Bingzhou, they still had [-] bow cavalry.

Forty thousand archers are not a small number!

And the camp on the Yunzhou side has only [-] people.

Thirteen thousand versus forty thousand is not an advantage.

Form your troops!

Guo Jia took a deep breath.

For the cavalry, the distance of twenty miles is just a blink of an eye.

He wants to be prepared.

"The ban!"

Guo Jia said loudly: "Immediately set up a chariot formation at the front, with the Polu army as the central army, and the [-]-step crossbow as the two wings, ready to meet the enemy."

Yu Jin clasped his fists together and immediately began to line up his troops.

As the number one general in Yunzhou, he has a heavy burden on him.

"Zhao Yun!"

Guo Jia's eyes fell on Zhao Yun.

The subordinates are here!
Zhao Yun also came out more and more.

"You lead the white horse righteousness from the back of the palace, don't act rashly without orders, and be prepared for the Huns to raid the rear of the army at any time."


Hearing this order, Zhao Yun was a little puzzled.

Baima Yicong is the only cavalry at the moment, and the cavalry must be placed in a flexible position, otherwise it will be useless.

But Guo Jia let them be queen?


Zhao Yun couldn't help asking: "What if the Huns cavalry break through the central army from the left and right flanks?"

Cavalry generally do not attack the infantry formation head-on. They all like to bypass the heavily defended front and choose to attack from the flanks or from behind.

Flexibility is the forte of the cavalry.

Hearing Zhao Yun's question, Guo Jia smiled.

"Don't worry, I wish they could attack from the flank?"

He placed two thousand crossbowmen on each flank, and once the Huns attacked from the flanks, they would be attacked by these crossbowmen.

The range of the crossbow is twice that of the bow cavalry.

If the Huns choose to break through from the two wings, they will suffer three or four rounds of arrow rain when they rush to the side of the crossbow.

The lethality of the Han crossbow is still considerable. If [-] Xiongnu bow cavalry forcibly charged the [-]-step crossbow, it would have to pay a heavy price.

As for the rear army being guarded by the white horse righteous congregation, Guo Jia would not be worried. The fighting power of the white horse righteous congregation was no less than that of the Xiongnu bow cavalry. Even if Yu Fuluo attacked from behind, he would not be able to please him.

Although Zhao Yun was a little worried, he still obeyed the order to leave.

For Guo Jia's orders, he has always carried out unconditionally.

"Zhao Dahammer!"

Guo Jia suddenly shouted.

Subordinates are here!
Zhao Dahui ran out in a panic.

The last time he just showed his face, he was driven back to the camp by the lord, so he missed the battle with Bingzhou.

Zhao Dachui was not afraid of death, but he was afraid that there would be no chance to pretend to be aggressive. Now that the war was coming, their artillery had another chance to show their faces.


The guy said with a shy face, "Don't worry, our artillery this time will definitely turn these bastard bombers on their backs."

This time they went west, but they came with secret weapons.


Guo Jia suddenly smiled.

"Take your people and hide in the camp, and have a good rest. Don't come out without orders."

(End of this chapter)

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