Chapter 280 The second eighty-two array against the enemy
Zhao Dachui trembled and nearly fell down.

The lord actually let their artillery go to rest.


Not only Zhao Dahammer was puzzled, but the rest of the generals were also puzzled.

Artillery has always been Yunzhou's trump card.

In the last encounter, they killed more than 3000 Huns with a single salvo.

Such a mighty army actually let Guo Jia rest in the middle army.


Zhao Dachui had a mournful face.

"We are also part of the Yunzhou Army. Everyone is fighting bloody battles. We can't watch the excitement!"

How could he easily let go of such an opportunity to show his face.

Pretentiousness has penetrated deep into Zhao Dahui's bones.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled lightly.

If his guess is correct, these 1 people are just a trick of Qiang Qu to ask for directions.

Just like annihilating the coalition forces of Jizhou and Youzhou in Bingzhou, Qiangqu will not throw all its troops in at once.

This old guy is not so easy to fool.

If Yu Fuluo's long drive can break up the Yunzhou army's formation, Qiang Qu will definitely rush in without hesitation and deal a fatal blow to the chaotic Yunzhou army.

But before that, this old guy will definitely not act rashly.

Artillery is Guo Jia's last trump card, and he will not use it until a critical moment.

In order to completely defeat the Xiongnu, one must endure the war and not use artillery, otherwise the Qiang Qu will be scared away.

"Don't worry, there is a time for you to show your skills!"

Guo Jia smiled, reached out and patted Zhao Dachui on the shoulder.

Seeing that the lord had already made up his mind, Zhao Dachui couldn't help but went away dejectedly.

This time, Guo Jia will use the crossbow to defeat the incoming [-] cavalry.


The Yunzhou Army has completed its formation under the command of Yu Jin.

Car formations and horse refusals were placed at the front, trenches were dug, and trip ropes were arranged.

If the Huns want to attack by force, they will definitely pay a heavy price.

At the front of the line is the elite of the elite infantry in Yunzhou—the Polu Army!

The Polu Army is an elite infantry built by Guo Jia.

This was piled up with Yunzhou's resources.

Two thousand Polu troops, including [-] sword shieldmen, [-] spearmen, [-] spearmen and [-] heavy armor troops.

The heavy armored army is more expensive than the cavalry. They are full of armor and are not afraid of swords and guns. They are mobile fortresses on the battlefield.

If the Polu army is the elite of the infantry, then the heavy armor is the elite of the elite.

Four hundred heavy armored troops and six hundred sword shieldmen stood in front of the formation, and they formed small fortresses one by one, surrounding the spearmen and short spearmen in the middle.

The heavy armored soldiers and the sword and shield fighters shielded their comrades from the arrows of the Huns, and the spearmen stretched out their spears to form hedgehog-shaped positions one by one, which were specially used to deal with the cavalry.

The left and right wings are archer corps composed of [-] crossbowmen each, and their role is to provide maximum lethality.

Bows and crossbows are the nemesis of cavalry. If the Huns charge forward forcibly, they will suffer heavy losses.

The rear army was guarded by Zhao Yun's three thousand white horses.

With the White Horse Righteous Consort, it is very difficult for the Huns to sneak attack the rear.

The reason why Guo Jia put Baima Yicong in the rear army is still a layer of worry.

The Xianbei girl who appeared suddenly that night made Guo Jia very worried.

Although Xianbei may not be able to take advantage of the fire for the Huns, it is better to be careful. Keep Zhao Yun's Baima Yicong in the rear and be able to deal with emergencies at any time.

Dian Wei led the Tiger Guards to guard Guo Jia and the banner of the Chinese Army.

The banner of the Chinese army is the heart of the whole army.

In that era of underdeveloped communications, the big flag was the symbol of the Chinese army, and the generals issued different instructions through the change of the flag.

Once the banner falls, the entire army will fall into a situation without a leader.

everything's ready!
Guo Jia stood on the podium, looking forward with a sneer.

The dust is flying, and the former army of the Huns is coming.

A big battle is about to start.


Just as the Yunzhou Army and the Huns were fighting, to the north, a cavalryman was hiding in the dense forest. It was the Murong tribe of Xianbei.

Although there are not many of them, they are all sturdy and have good combat effectiveness.

The leader was a tall man, standing on the top of the hill overlooking the direction of the Yunzhou Camp, with a pensive look on his face.

He is Murong Guang, the leader of the Murong tribe.

Qiang Qu Khan secretly invited them to send troops to attack Guo Jia's rear.

Murong Guang also has his own Xiao Jiujiu, and he doesn't intend to take chestnuts for the Huns, so he chooses to watch the battle.

If the Huns defeated Guo Jia, he wouldn't mind making trouble and attacking Yunzhou.

If Guo Jia killed the Huns, he would immediately turn around and swallow the territory of the Southern Huns.

"What are you thinking about?"

A young girl came slowly on horseback, it was Murongyu, a Xianbei girl captured by Guo Jia earlier.

In the past few days, her eyes were red and she hadn't slept well.

Close your eyes and you will be that Guo Jia.

The Han official who beat him with shameless means.

For some reason, Murong Yu was very irritable.

Originally, Guo Jia killed her fiancé, so she should hate him, but now she can't hate him at all.


Seeing his younger sister coming, Murong Guang showed a smile on his face.

"There is a saying in the Han people that the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind. The Huns and Guo Jialong competed with each other, and our Murong tribe happened to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight."

"How did you learn to be so shameless!
Murong Yu teased.

"It's not shameless, it's strategy!"

Murong Guang said triumphantly.

Murong Yu curled her lips and stopped talking.

She still likes to be happy and enmity.

That's why he assassinated Guo Jia on impulse.


Murong Guang cast a sideways glance at her, and said, "What happened that day, and how did you come back? It seems that Guo Jia is lenient to you!"

Don't worry about it!

Murong Yu snorted coldly.

She was very upset when the name Guo Jia was mentioned.

OK, I won't say it!
Murong Guang's eyes fell on the direction of the barracks again.

"Tell me, who will win this battle?"

Murong Yu suddenly asked this question.


Murong Guang's eyes suddenly narrowed.

"In terms of troop configuration, Guo Jia only has more than 1 people, and most of them are infantry. He should not be an opponent with [-] bows and cavalry Qiang Qu Khan. However, there are no absolutes in the world. The Han people are very smart. Countermeasures. But even if they have countermeasures, it is impossible to get Qiang Qu.”

The advantage of the cavalry lies in their flexibility. Even if they can't fight, they can retreat, and the clumsy infantry will never catch up with them.

Listen to my brother's explanation.

Murong Yu stopped talking.

She still believed in this brother's vision.

Guo Jia!

Think of this rascal!

Murong Yu was suddenly a little irritable.

The woman's mind is very weird, and she hated it to the bone before, but at this moment, she doesn't want this person to die.

Don't die!
She said quietly in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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