Chapter 281

The [-] pioneers of the Huns finally arrived. This is the elite recruited by Qiang Qu from among the [-] bow cavalry.

The man is sturdy, the horse is fat, and the blackness is overwhelming.

Pioneer official Yu Fuluo is a little complacent.

In the battle of Bingzhou, he made his first contribution, annihilating the main force of the Han army in the north, and won the respect of the Huns.

Even Qiang Qu, who has never liked him very much, praised him for the first time, and gave him the task of pioneering.

This is an affirmation of Furo.

The Huns value heroes the most, so as long as Yu Fuluo makes more military exploits, he will definitely be affirmed by the Huns.

At that time, he will be the new Khan.


Yu Fuluo's eyes fell to the front.

He had already received the news that the [-] Han army had formed a formation on the opposite side.

Ten thousand infantry and three thousand cavalry!

A flash of disdain flashed in Yu Fuluo's eyes.

The Southern Xiongnu's archers are invincible in the world, especially in such an open terrain on the plains, infantry are not opponents of archers at all.

No matter how strong the formation is, if the bow and cavalry fire two salvos, most of the Han army's formation will be lost.

The Han army deployed in the plains, it is simply courting death!

A horse scout flies to report.

"Elder Prince, a large number of crossbowmen have been found on the two wings of the Han army."


Hearing this, Yu Fuluo's eyes flashed a moment of heaviness.

The crossbow is the nemesis of light cavalry, and its range is twice that of bow cavalry.

No wonder the Han people dared to set up their formations here, because they had so many crossbows in their hands.

how many people?

Yu Fuluo asked in a deep voice.

"The two wings add up to more than 5000 people!"

Five thousand crossbowmen!
Yu Fuluo also had some headaches.

It is very irrational to attack the infantry from the front.

Because the vanguard of the infantry is the fist of an army, and it is also the hardest bone to gnaw.

Under normal circumstances, cavalry will not attack frontally.

The wings and rear are the favorite places for cavalry to attack.

Because compared to the front, these three places are still relatively weak.

But the two wings of the Yunzhou Army are a bit special. Guo Jia actually guards them with pure crossbowmen.

As the two wings, the crossbowmen are relatively weak in defense, but correspondingly speaking, their attack power is greatly enhanced.

The range of the crossbow is two hundred steps, and the range of the bow cavalry is about one hundred steps. Although the bow cavalry of the Huns are flexible and maneuverable, their range is much lower than that of the infantry crossbow.In other words, for the first hundred steps, the Huns could only be beaten and could not fight back.

But it's nothing like this, the cavalry can gallop over a hundred steps away in the blink of an eye, and the crossbow can only fire two or three rounds at most.

Five thousand crossbowmen, no one shoots two or three times, that is ten to twenty thousand arrows.

This is an absolute nightmare for leather cavalry.

The rear army of the Han people was led by three thousand cavalry.

These [-] cavalry were the fish that slipped through the net on the Yunzhou battlefield. Yu Fuluo, who was in charge of chasing Guo Jia back then, had learned the abilities of this cavalry.

After much deliberation, Yu Fuluo still decided to attack from the flank.

As long as the two waves of arrow rain are withstood and the cavalry of the Huns enter the formation, they will be able to disrupt the whole situation.

Of course, doing so entails certain sacrifices.

Thinking of this, Yu Fuluo immediately said: "The vanguard cavalry changed their armor."

Hearing Yu Fuluo's words, the leading cavalry put on heavy armor one after another.

The so-called heavy armor of the Huns refers to leather armor, which is made of rawhide and wooden boards and a small amount of iron.

Metal is very rare on the grassland, so heavy armor is also very scarce.

The entire Huns only had more than 2000 armored cavalry, of which Yu Fuluo brought 1000 people.

These thousand cavalry were exactly Yu Fuluo's hope of attacking the infantry formation.

"The whole army is ready!"

Yu Fuluo drew out the scimitar.

"Come on!"

Ten thousand cavalry chose the left flank of the Han army and rushed over.


Boom boom boom!
Seeing the Huns rushing into battle, the Han army immediately beat the drums.

"Report, the Huns gathered [-] soldiers and rushed towards the left flank of our army."

The news was sent to Guo Jia's Chinese army.

At this moment, Guo Jia was standing on the commanding platform of the Chinese army, observing the formation of the Huns.

"It seems that Yu Fuluo intends to rush in from the left wing!"

Guo Jia said to himself.

However, he was already prepared!

Three hundred steps, 250 steps, 230 steps!
The crossbowman on the left was ready to go, and the crossbow in his hand was slightly cold.

Two hundred steps!
Following the leader's order, two thousand crossbowmen fired in volley.

The rain of arrows covered the sky and the sun and swallowed the vanguard of the Huns.

Countless arrows rained down, constantly harvesting the lives of the Huns.

Even if there are heavy armored cavalry in front, they can't stop these arrows.

After releasing a round, the crossbowmen were not in a hurry to wind up the strings, and all retreated quickly, and then the second echelon made up and fired.After the launch, the second echelon also retreated, and the third echelon made up.

The third echelon had just finished shooting, and the vanguard of the Huns had rushed within a hundred steps against the rain of arrows.

The leader of the Xiongnu also gave an order, and the cavalry raised their bows and organized counterattacks.

Their cavalry and shooting were very powerful, and many Yunzhou soldiers fell to the ground after being shot by arrows.The rest of the people scattered left and right, out of the direction of the Chinese army.

good chance!
Seeing Guo Jia's left wing scattered, Yu Fuluo was overjoyed and led his troops to rush towards Guo Jia's central army with all his strength.

The Chinese army is the soul of the entire military formation. Once the Chinese army is washed away, the army will be finished.

So Yu Fuluo didn't care about slaughtering those crossbowmen, and charged in the direction of the Chinese army's banner with all his strength.

The cavalry of the Huns pierced the central army of the Yunzhou Army like a sharp knife.

The Han army is over!

Seeing the flag of the Chinese army close at hand, Yu Fuluo laughed wildly on his face.

He never expected it to be so simple.

After crushing the left wing, Yu Fuluo came to the central army.

Yu Fuluo roared, the scimitar in his hand flickered, and rushed towards Guo Jia's direction.

Victory was right in front of him, and he couldn't wait to get it in his hands.

It's near, it's near!
At a distance of 150 steps, Guo Jia's figure was clearly visible.

Yu Fuluo took a deep breath.

"Whoever captures Guo Jia alive will reward ten thousand households with two thousand cattle, horses and sheep; whoever kills Guo Jia will reward one thousand households with one thousand cattle, horses and sheep."

In order to get rid of Guo Jia, the Huns also worked hard this time.

Under the reward, there must be a brave man!

Hearing Yu Fuluo's words, the Huns were shocked and rushed forward desperately.

A smile appeared on the corner of Guo Jia's mouth when he saw a group of Huns rushing into the formation.

The vanguard of the Huns fell into the pit one after another, and those behind couldn't stop the car, and stepped into the footsteps of the vanguard.

It turned out that Guo Jia had asked someone to dig a horse pit around the Chinese army.

As long as the Huns dare to attack the Chinese army, they will fall into these pits.

This is the simplest trap, but it exerts the greatest effect.The crossbows that had already retreated to the two wings suddenly appeared, and Zhang Gong set up one after another to shoot and kill the Huns who fell into the pit.

(End of this chapter)

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