Chapter 282 Yu Fuluo Captured

The Huns let out another scream.

The heavy armored soldiers in the vanguard were very clumsy. After being trapped by the trap, most of them were finished, and the rest of the light armored soldiers were completely exposed to the range of the Yunzhou army's crossbows.

The crossbowmen who had dispersed gathered together one after another, and ruthlessly shot and killed the light armored army of the Huns.


After finally gathering his strength, Yu Fuluo looked at all this in astonishment, almost exploding his lungs.

People dig traps outside the formation, but Guo Jia, that bastard, actually digs traps in the formation, and digs around the Chinese army.

No matter which direction it hits, it will fall into these pits.

That bastard Guo Jia let them in on purpose.

The more Yu Fuluo thought about it, the more this was the case, otherwise how could the left wing be so easily broken through?
Damn, I fell into the trap of the Han people.

Yu Fuluo looked left and right for a few times, and secretly groaned in his heart.

Now he can't figure it out!
Not to mention the complete annihilation of the vanguard, they are still under the range of the Han army's crossbows.


Yu Fuluo yelled, turned his horse's head, and was about to retreat after thinking about it.


Guo Jia smiled coldly.

"Change formation!"

The flag of the Chinese army was unfurled, and the army immediately changed its position.

From the original circular formation in the front, back, left and right, it became a long snake formation.

The Snake-headed Polu Army and the Snake-tailed Baima Yicong turned into two fangs and bit the Huns' team, immediately dividing the Huns' army into two sections.

During this period of time, Yu Jin was here in addition to training soldiers.

This level of formation changes can be described as commonplace.

Soon, the Huns were divided into two sections, and Ufulo was surrounded in the middle of the army.

The cavalry, who had no advantage in charging, were surrounded by infantry and had become lambs to be slaughtered.

Although the scimitars of the Huns were sharp, they could not stop the crossbowmen from shooting at close range.

In an hour's time, the Hun cavalry outside escaped, and the Hun cavalry surrounded by the formation were almost wiped out, and Yu Fuluo was also captured alive.

In half a day, Guo Jia defeated this vanguard.

This battle also fully proved that crossbowmen are also very lethal in close combat.


"Congratulations, my lord. We have won a complete victory in this battle. We have raped more than [-] enemies, wounded countless enemies, and even captured the eldest prince of the Southern Huns, Yu Fuluo."

Yu Jin said excitedly.


Zhao Yun on the side also said excitedly: "The subordinates were ordered to chase down the remnants of the Huns, killed more than a thousand people on the way, and captured two thousand horses."

The two main generals were very excited.

[-] infantry against [-] cavalry, killing [-] of the opponent, and capturing the opponent's chief general, this is a great victory.

What made them even more excited was that the battle ended in only half a day.

There is no suspense about winning.

The eyes of the two couldn't help but fell on Guo Jia's face, and they felt amazed at the same time.

This lord is really a monster reincarnated.

At the beginning, Guo Jia asked people to dig a horse trap 150 steps outside the Chinese army. These people still didn't understand.

In all previous battles, pits were dug outside, but this lord actually dug them inside, which is really strange.

But it was the outlandishness that triumphed.

I'm afraid Yu Fuluo never dreamed that someone would dig a trap in the formation.


The two were still sweating.

This time, the protagonist is making a dangerous move.

If Yu Fuluo did not rush to attack the central army, but chased and killed the crossbowmen on the left flank, things might have a different result.


Yu Fuluo was fooled, he chose to attack the Chinese army.

At this time, Dian Wei came to Guo Jia with the limp Yu Fuluo.

"My lord, a certain family has already brought it to Fuluo!"

He said emphatically and threw it on the ground.

Yu Fuluo immediately fell into disgrace.

He tried his best to hold it up, but failed.

Guo Jia came to Yu Fuluo who was limp on the ground.

"You are Yu Fuluo, the eldest son of Qiangqu?"

Not bad!

Yu Fuluo nodded.

At this moment, his face was very pale, and he had received special care from Dian Wei when he came here, and his body was already covered in bruises.

He tried hard to maintain the dignity of a prince, but failed.

"You'd better let me go, otherwise, my father Khan's brigade will arrive and kill you all!"

Yu Fuluo said viciously.

He already understood that he had been fooled by Guo Jia.

If he is not so eager for quick success, if he is not in a hurry to attack the Chinese army, if he is cautious from the beginning.

None of this will happen.

The opponent had already expected that he would break through from the two wings, and also expected that he would attack the central army regardless of everything.

Therefore, the crossbowmen on the left wing were deliberately dispersed, the purpose was to let them in, because there were countless pits waiting for them in front of the central army.

In order to overwhelm the Chinese army as soon as possible, Yu Fuluo gave up chasing and killing the crossbowmen on the left wing. Now thinking about it, this was a completely wrong move.

It was these crossbowmen who slipped through the net and gave them the fatal blow.

But Yu Fuluo also noticed it.

Guo Jia is a dangerous move by soldiers.

If you fight steadily, this force is not an opponent of [-] Huns bow cavalry at all.

Yu Fuluo firmly believed that as long as his father Khan led his troops to come, the Han army would undoubtedly be defeated.

"Ha ha!"

A smile appeared on Guo Jia's face.

This guy is actually not ashamed when his death is imminent.

"Is it clean?"

Guo Jia smiled and said, "I'm really scared!"

Hearing that Guo Jia was frightened, Yu Fuluo regained his spirit immediately.

"If you let me go, I will explain it to you in front of Father Khan."

Everyone couldn't bear it anymore!
Falling into the hands of this monstrous lord, the prince of the Xiongnu still wanted to survive, he was really a bit stupid.

Although the lord was smiling and looked harmless to humans and animals, not one or two died under the knife hidden in his smile.

very good!

Guo Jia nodded.

"Let you go, I will definitely let you go, but..."

His eyes narrowed.

"I can't just let you go, I have to save something!"

Yu Fuluo was stunned for a moment, then looked at Guo Jia puzzled.

To let people go is to let people go. What does it mean to keep something?
Guo Jia restrained his smile.

"Come on, pull this guy down, cut off his limbs, and find an old horse to give to Qiang Qu, as a gift from me!"

Yu Fuluo's complexion changed drastically.

Then there was a scream!

Someone had already pulled Fuluo down, cut off his limbs, and wrapped them in sheepskin.

An old horse led Yu Fuluo away slowly.

"This time, Qiang Qu will probably become angry from embarrassment!"

Looking at the horses going away, a smile appeared on Guo Jia's face.

He was worried that there was nothing he could do to anger Qiang Qu, and the arrest of Yu Fuluo gave him a good opportunity.

Enrage Qiang Qu and let him fight with all his might, this is Guo Jia's ultimate goal.

This time, he wants to solve the problem of the Southern Huns once and for all.

(End of this chapter)

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