Chapter 283 Megatron Quartet
"Kid Guo Jia, you are too deceptive!"

In the Xiongnu camp, Qiang Qu erupted with an earth-shattering roar.

Can he not be angry?
Qiang Qu had three sons, the youngest son who was the most beloved was torn apart by Guo Jia, and his body was buried on the grassland.

The eldest son was also sent back by Guo Jia, whose limbs were cut off and tied to a horse.

What annoyed Qiang Qu even more was that Guo Jia seemed to have cut off Yu Fuluo's limbs on purpose and stopped the bleeding at the same time, so he was still alive when he came back.

"Father Khan... you want to avenge your son..."

Yu Fuluo said dying.

The reason why he insisted on coming back was to let his father avenge him.

The Huns are a nation that grew up on horseback. A Hun without hands and feet would be a waste even if he survived.

Yu Furo!
Qiang Qu suppressed the anger in his heart, and calmly said: "You can go at ease, Father Khan will definitely avenge you."

As he spoke, he covered Yu Fuluo's mouth with one hand, and with the other hand, he pulled out the scimitar and slowly pierced Yu Fuluo's heart.

The nobles of the Huns were proud.

Qiang Qu will never allow the existence of a waste offspring.

For a while, Yu Fuluo didn't move.

Only then Qiang Qu took a deep breath, dropped the scimitar, wiped his hands, and walked out with a sullen face.

There were 2000 people kneeling outside, all Hun soldiers who had fled from the previous World War I.

As soon as they escaped back, they were arrested by Qiang Qu in the name of deserters.

Qiang Qu's face was a little ferocious.

He had blamed these innocent soldiers for his son's death.

Yu Fuluo was the eldest prince of the Xiongnu. Even if he died, he still wanted some people to accompany him to the funeral.

"Those who retreat, kill without mercy!"

A cold word came out of Qiang Qu's mouth.

The expressions of all the soldiers kneeling on the ground changed drastically, and the supervisor team behind them had already raised their scimitars.

Thousands of scimitars shone coldly in the setting sun.

Keep people under the knife!
At this time, King Youxian came to Qiang Qu in a hurry.

"Great Khan, my subordinates are very sorry about the matter of the eldest prince. But right now is the time to employ people, and these people are warriors of our tribe. Instead of letting them die by their own hands, it is better to give them a chance and let them die in the on the battlefield."

Hearing King Youxian's words, everyone showed gratitude.

But the corners of Qiang Qu's mouth twitched a few times.

"Military law is not merciful. If you don't kill these people, how can you build your prestige?"


King Youxian wanted to say something else, Qiang Qu waved his big hand, and thousands of scimitars fell down.

Brush brush!
There were screams one after another.

Countless human heads rolled down on the ground, instantly dyeing the land red.

King Youxian couldn't help but gasped.

More than 3000 people!

In a rage, Qiang Qu actually killed more than 3000 people.

These people are all warriors of the Huns tribe.

Although they lost the battle, they wouldn't all be killed, right?

Is Qiang Quhan crazy?

A flash of surprise flashed across King Youxian's face.


He realized a problem again.

Most of these 3000 people belong to other tribes.

Qiang Qu!

Youxian King's face became gloomy.

He suddenly understood Qiang Qu's thoughts.

Up to now, this Great Khan has not forgotten to weaken the power of other tribes.

So far, the strength of other tribes has been weakened by more than [-]%.

darn thing!

A flash of anger flashed in You Xianwang's heart.

Qiang Qu and his son are using the flesh and blood of other tribes to pave the way for their hegemony!

It seems that he has to make plans early.

Thinking of this, King Youxian took a deep breath, rode his horse and returned to his camp.

After a while, a small team took advantage of the night to use his tent.


The camp of the Murong tribe.

A message came quickly.

"Yu Fuluo was defeated, more than half of the [-] bows and horses were lost, and even his hands and feet were cut off. The Han army won a complete victory."

Hearing this news, Murong Guang couldn't help being surprised.

Yu Fuluo led the strongest bow cavalry of the Huns.

The bow cavalry of the Huns is the strongest existence on the grassland, even the heroic Xianbei tribe is no match.

Ten thousand Huns archers can sweep some small and medium tribes.

What Murong Guang didn't expect was that these ten thousand archers were beaten to pieces by the Han army within half a day.

How can this be?

Not only Murong Guang didn't believe it, but other clansmen didn't believe it either.

Cavalry against infantry, run away if they can't fight, and have the initiative in the war, how could they be wiped out in half a day?
When the news came that Guo Jia had dug a hole in the formation and deliberately let the Huns in, the high-level Murong tribe all fell silent.

They are no strangers to digging pits.

This is the simplest and most practical coup for infantry against cavalry.

But that was all outside the formation.

Digging holes in the formation is simply unheard of.

Guo Jia taught them another lesson.

Shooting a man first shoots a horse, and capturing a thief first captures the king. This is an eternal truth.

The most direct way to defeat an army is to destroy their central army.

Because the Chinese army is the center of the army, once the Chinese army collapses, the army will be finished.

There is nothing wrong with Furo's strategy.

As soon as he came up, he used the weak left wing as a breakthrough, and against the rain of arrows, he scattered the crossbowmen on the left wing and came to the front of the Chinese army.

As long as he can successfully smash the Chinese army, he will win the final victory.

But Guo Jia had already thought of this move.

Using the Chinese army as bait, he dug a horse trap around the Chinese army. Once the cavalry broke in forcefully, they would definitely fall into it.

Rather than saying that Yu Fuluo forcibly rushed into the Chinese army, it is better to say that Guo Jia let them in on purpose.

Because the biggest pit is around the Chinese army.

Once Yu Fuluo is deeply involved, he will be backlashed by the Han army.

Murong Guang nodded with lingering fear.

If he were to change places, he would probably be the same as Yu Fuluo, but everything would attack the Chinese army.

The result is also obvious!
This Guo Jia is really extremely bold.

Using the Chinese army as bait and setting traps around, if you are not careful, you will lose everything.

This is completely a dangerous move.

Guo Jia is gambling.

He bet his life.

Either wipe out the enemy, or be wiped out by the enemy.

The corner of Murong Guang's mouth twitched for a while.

Now he suddenly admired Guo Jia's arrogance.

After all, not everyone can make up their minds about such a gamble.

But Guo Jia won the bet, and the result was awesome.

3000 people wiped out more than 5000 cavalry of the opponent, and captured the opponent's general alive.

A beautiful figure walked into the tent.

No need to look, Murong Guang also knows who it is.

Except for his precious girl, who dares to barge in when he is holding a military meeting?

It is said that this girl has such a hot temper since she was a child.

"Brother, I heard that Guo Jia won the battle!"

Murong Yu'er asked with surprise.

It's strange to say that the two sides are clearly enemies, and they fought fiercely before, but now that the enemy has won, she is a little happy.

(End of this chapter)

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