Chapter 284 Xianbei Messenger

"Yes, it was a victory, and it was a big victory!"

Murong Guang nodded, with lingering fear in his heart, he said: "This Guo Jia is very powerful, I'm afraid Qiang Qu really kicked the iron plate."

is it?

Murong Yu'er was both surprised and delighted.

That bastard actually has the ability to make Qiang Qu, the mighty prairie overlord, ashamed?

Murong Yu'er's expression did not escape the eyes of his brother Murong Guang, he suddenly had a movement in his heart, and immediately had an idea.

It seems that the relationship between my sister and that Guo Jia is not that simple.


The general beside him coughed.

"Qiang Qu Khan sent envoys again, asking them to flank the Han army."

Attack the Han army!

A sneer flashed across Murong Guang's face.

He is not a fool, so he would not take advantage of the Huns. If Yu Fuluo won this battle, Murong Guang would consider throwing stones at the Han army.

But Guo Jia won this battle, so Murong Guang naturally had to change his strategy.

This Guo Jia is a monstrous existence, he can think of ways to dig holes in the formation, even the treacherous Qiang Qu may not be able to please him.

"Tell them that there is something wrong with our army food and grass, and there will be a few more delays."

Murong Guang said lightly.

Qiang Qu is not a friendly person, not long ago he beheaded three thousand deserters, he was ruthless against his own people, let alone others.

The Murong Ministry will not take chestnuts out of the fire for him.

But at this moment, he didn't want to offend Qiang Qu, so he stood still and watched the changes.


He suddenly said: "This Guo Jia is a character, maybe he will be useful in the future, it's better not to offend him. How about this, you bring some people, catch up with a thousand cattle and sheep and send them to the camp of the Han army."

Hearing this, Murong Yu'er was a little unhappy.

Give that bastard cattle and sheep?
Thinking of what he did to her that night, Murong Yu'er felt a little itchy with hatred.

But she just couldn't get it out.

"I'm not going!"

The girl said angrily.

Ha ha!

Seeing the girl's expression, Murong Guang couldn't help laughing.

Although I don't know what happened that day, but judging from the girl's performance, it is not simple.

Guo Jia is a powerful person, and perhaps he will be the biggest threat to the border in the future.

Murong Bu didn't want to create such an enemy, so Murong Guang planned to show his favor first.

His younger sister Murong Yu'er is the best candidate.

It would be a bad thing if Guo Jia became hostile to the Murong tribe because of his sister.

After all, Murong Guang didn't want to provoke a ruthless person like Guo Jia.


Murong Guangyu said earnestly: "Don't be petty, you also know the situation of our Murong tribe. It's better not to set up a strong enemy like Guo Jia. Besides, you went to assassinate people before, and they didn't kill them all. You have to go too Say it."

Seeing her elder brother explaining the life and death of the Murong tribe, Murong Yu'er immediately fell silent.

In fact, she also wanted to see Guo Jia in her heart.

That `s a deal!

Murong Guang immediately had someone prepare a thousand head of cattle and sheep, and sent his sister away.

Giving cattle and sheep is fake, showing favor is real.

Murong Yu'er reluctantly led the cattle and sheep to the camp of the Yunzhou Army.


The camp of the Yunzhou Army.

Guo Jia is discussing with the generals.

After defeating Yu Fuluo's 1 horses, they will soon face Qiangqu Khan and the Southern Huns' main force of [-] archers.

These [-] archers are the absolute main force of the Southern Huns.

Although there were some injuries during the battle during the day, the Yunzhou Army still had more than 1 combatable soldiers, and Baima Yicong had almost no losses.

Even so, it was still very difficult to meet the [-] bow cavalry of the Huns.

Qiang Qu is not Yu Fuluo, he has been able to gallop across the grassland for so many years, so he naturally has some skills.

The strategy of digging holes in the formation was only used once at most, and it was okay against a simple-minded guy like Yu Fuluo, but he was not sure about dealing with Qiangqu's [-] soldiers.

After all, this strategy is a gamble, and once the bet is lost, it is all over.

Insufficient troops!

Everyone is aware of this problem.

The 1 people fighting in Fuluo are already barely enough, but once they face the 3 people in Qiangqu, it will be even more difficult.

This battle is tough!

Yu Jin clasped his fists and said, "From my subordinate's point of view, it's better to retreat to the bridgehead before the main force of the Xiongnu arrives. Use the advantage of the bridgehead to deal with the Huns."

Not bad!

Zhao Yun also nodded.

At this point, the two thought of going together.

It is too difficult for more than 1 people to deal with [-] archers. Although the lord is possessed by evil spirits, he defeated Yu Fuluo in the first battle.

But this kind of life-or-death gamble can only be played once, and it is meaningless to open it a second time.

The bridgehead is a tentacles stretched out from Yunzhou, and there are [-] soldiers and horses from Zhang Yun Gaolan inside, which can make up for the lack of troops.


Guo Jia shook his head resolutely.

The Southern Huns are a serious threat to Yunzhou. If they want to make a difference, they must get rid of this hidden danger.

The grassland nomads are flexible and will flee away immediately if they miss a hit. If they want to solve the problem once and for all, they must deal with the main force of the Southern Huns in one battle.

Guo Jia spent so much effort to lure the main force of the Huns to a decisive battle, so as to solve the problem of the Southern Huns in one battle.

If he hid in the bridgehead, the Southern Huns would not fight to the death under the bridgehead.

In case the Southern Huns bypassed the bridgehead and went deep into the hinterland of Yunzhou, Guo Jia would tie his hands and feet.

In any case, Guo Jia will also fight this battle in the wild.

He himself and this army are the bait, and the Southern Huns, who are superior in military strength, will definitely swallow them desperately.

There is only one chance to solve the problem of the Southern Huns.

Therefore, Guo Jia could not retreat, nor could he increase his troops.

This time, he will make a dangerous move, using himself as a bait to mobilize the big fish of the Southern Huns.

Guo Jia's good intentions may not all be understood by his subordinates, but even if they do not understand, they will not say anything.

"Afraid of a bird!"

Dian Wei said nonchalantly, "Anyway, we've killed enough."

Seeing the lord's insistence, Yu Jin and Zhao Yun stopped talking.

That being the case, they have nothing to say.

A scholar dies for a confidant, and a woman tolerates a person who pleases her.

The lord fights to the death, and their subordinates are naturally far behind.

Just fight, who is afraid of whom!
Anyway, they are enough.

still have a question!
Guo Jia frowned.

He was still a little worried.

That is the Xianbei tribe in the north.

If these people intervene in the gap between the two sides fighting, things will be difficult to control.

But now Guo Jia has no spare troops to contain these Xianbei people.

At this moment, Ma Lai reported outside the door.

"Report to Lord Inspector, the Murong tribe of Xianbei came here with a herd of cattle and sheep."

Hearing this news, Guo Jia couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The problem is solved!
Xianbei is nothing to worry about!
(End of this chapter)

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