Chapter 285
"The problem is solved?"

Everyone in the camp was at a loss.

Yu Jin was puzzled and said, "My lord, have you found a way to restrain Xianbei?"

Although Zhao Yun didn't speak, the expression on his face was also very puzzled.

Right now they only have more than 1 troops.

This is enough to block the [-] soldiers of the Southern Huns, let alone divide the troops to contain the ambitious Xianbei?

This is only possible unless the soldiers and horses of the bridgehead are transferred.

But the lord gave another death order, and not a single soldier of the bridgehead defenders could come out.

How to contain the Xianbei people has become the most painful thing for everyone.


Guo Jia laughed loudly and said, "Don't worry, Xianbei is nothing to worry about, now we can focus all our energy on the Huns."

Talking and laughing away.

"It does not make sense!"

Everyone is still at a loss.

Before they realized what it was, the lord had already smiled and went out to meet the Xianbei envoy.


Murong Yu'er was riding a bay red horse, her charming face and slender figure became a beautiful landscape.

She is a well-known beauty of the Xianbei tribe, even Qiang Qu has heard of her fame, and even paid a lot of money to hire a daughter-in-law.

Of course, at that time, the Southern Huns were in full swing, and Murong Yu'er, who was a small tribe, naturally dared not refuse.

So this pearl on the prairie became the woman of the prince of the Southern Huns in a daze.

If there is no accident, Murong Yu'er will become the princess of the Southern Huns.

But there are always accidents.

Murong Yu'er's princess dream hadn't even started yet, but was shattered by a man named Guo Jia.

They directly evacuated her fiancé, cutting off the possibility of her becoming the princess of the Southern Huns from the root.

Although she didn't have any feelings for the dead fiancé, Murong Yu'er didn't have a good impression of this guy who ruined her dream. That's why she sneaked into the barracks to assassinate Guo Jia.

However, the development of things is a bit dramatic.

Murong Yu'er not only failed to kill Guo Jia, but was released by him.

Since then, there has been a shadow of this person in my heart.

This time, she did not hide her identity as a woman, but deliberately dressed up.

Even she didn't know the reason for this inexplicable behavior.

He seemed to want Guo Jia to take a good look at himself.

Seeing Murong Yu'er again, Guo Jia was really surprised.

What an exotic girl!

Her pupils are slightly blue, her face is not as tough as ordinary Donghu, her figure is very well-proportioned, and her skin is a healthy wheat color.

Her black hair was casually tied in a knot behind her body, her body was covered with snow-white fur, her waist was very thin, she was wearing a tiger skin skirt, her legs were very slender, and she was wearing a pair of brown boots.

It seems that because of regular exercise, her figure is very fit, and her strength is stronger than that of ordinary women. Guo Jia has already experienced this.

That day Murong Yu'er dressed up in disguise to cover up her feminine features, so Guo Jia didn't take a closer look.

"What to look at, and then look at digging out your eyeballs."

Seeing Guo Jia staring at her intently, Murong Yu'er felt a little embarrassed for the first time.

It turned out that the man's gaze could also make her feel flustered, and that's why he added evil words.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia couldn't help but smile.

"I'm afraid it won't work. The girl swore back then that she wouldn't hurt me!"

Mentioning this section, Murong Yu'er was a little annoyed.

The Xianbei Mountain God is their belief, and they can't violate the oath in the name of the Mountain God.

"I can't hurt you, but I didn't say I couldn't hit you!"

Saying that, Murong Yu'er whipped her whip at Guo Jia.

At this time, a tower-like figure stood in front of Guo Jia, reaching out to grab her whip, it was Dian Wei.

Since the last assassination incident, Dian Wei has become Guo Jia's all-weather guard.

Guo Jia is the soul of Yunzhou, and Dian Wei will never let the lord be in danger again.

Seeing Dian Wei's vicious look, Murong Yu'er couldn't help being startled.

She grabbed the whip vigorously, trying to take it back, but how could she grab it?

"Big Hei, give me back my riding whip!"

Murong Yu'er gritted her teeth.

Dian Wei didn't speak, just sneered.

Last time when he didn't notice for a while, this girl almost hurt his master. Although the incident was open, Dian Wei was still a little upset when he saw this girl, so he planned to teach her a lesson.

Murong Yu'er was also annoyed.

In the tribe, she was raised by everyone, how could she experience such anger?
Drive, drive!
This girl actually patted the horse forward, wrapped the whip under the saddle, and used the horsepower to grab the whip.

No matter how strong the big black guy is, he won't be a match for horses.

But she was wrong.

Dian Wei was staggered by the horse at the beginning, a little caught off guard, but soon stood firmly on the ground.

The bay red horse only dragged Dian Wei for a certain distance, and immediately slowed down, and then the two sides came to a stalemate.

Dian Wei held a whip in both hands and actually pulled a horse back.

it is good!
Everyone couldn't help applauding loudly.

This is a horse.

Dian Wei was able to hold back a galloping horse all by himself, one can only imagine his strength.

What a lot of strength!
Murong Yu'er was taken aback, but she also had an unyielding temperament and slapped the horse vigorously.

The bay red horse was in pain, but was held by Dian Wei's strange force, and couldn't move for a while.

Seeing that the situation was almost the same, Dian Wei smiled.

"Go away!"

Then he let go of the whip.

The bay red horse neighed and fell forward involuntarily.

Dian Wei deliberately let this girl fall down, so as to express the bad breath in his chest.

Murong Yu'er's face turned pale.

Seeing that she and the bay red horse are about to fall to the ground, they will have a close contact with the earth.

At this time, a figure quickly came in front of them.

The man exhaled softly, stabilized the horse with both hands, stepped back a few steps, and then stabilized the horse.

it is good!
Everyone cheered again.

It was Zhao Yun who stabilized the horse that was about to fall. Apart from Dian Wei, he was the only one with this ability.


Murong Yu'er was a little dazed.

After seeing Dian Wei's strength, she was a little surprised.

Can hold a galloping horse?
Is that human being?
But when he saw Zhao Yun who was able to hold the fallen horse steady, his scalp became numb even more.

Looking at the entire Xianbei tribe, I am afraid that no one can do it.

Guo Jia's subordinates are such strong men.

Murong Yu'er suddenly had lingering fears.

Fortunately, she didn't meet these two when she assassinated Guo Jia, otherwise she wouldn't even be able to see Guo Jia's face.

She understands what her brother said now.

The Yunzhou army is really not easy to mess with, no wonder it was able to beat the mighty Huns to death.

(End of this chapter)

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