Chapter 286 Hostage
Brush brush!
Seeing the hostess being humiliated, the Xianbei guards immediately drew their swords.

Yu Jin stomped his foot violently.

"How dare you act wild in the barracks, brothers and sisters!"

Whoosh whoosh!
The heavy armored army of the Polu Army rushed out.

They were wearing thick armor and holding big knives and shields, and the people of the Murong tribe gathered together.

These people are all heavy armored infantry built by Guo Jia with the strength of a state.

The armor was shining coldly, full of chilling aura.

The people of the Murong tribe were a little terrified.

"Okay, okay! Don't worry about weapons, he is a guest!"

Guo Jia shrugged helplessly.

The last assassination incident stimulated this group of men.

Now that the assassins are back, they naturally want to vent their grievances.

"Sir, calm down, sir, calm down!"

Seeing the big Han businessman who came with Murong Yuer from both sides

After meeting with Guo Jia, he explained Murong Guang's intentions.

The crowd suddenly realized.

It turned out that the Murong tribe really came to show their favor.

Perhaps it was because they had seen the combat effectiveness of the Yunzhou Army, so they didn't dare to have any strange thoughts.

fair enough!

The Yunzhou army can concentrate on dealing with the Huns.

After the tense atmosphere was lifted, the two sides were slightly embarrassed.

Guo Jia immediately asked Yu Jin to accept these gifts, and asked someone to take them to rest.

"Miss Murong, please!"

Seeing that the girl was still standing there stupidly, Guo Jia couldn't help but smiled, and made a gesture of invitation.

Murong Yu'er just woke up like a dream.

After seeing the strength of the Yunzhou Army, she had a little arrogance at first, but now it has disappeared without a trace.

Hearing Guo Jia's greeting, the girl followed in silently.

The big tent is still the same big tent, even after the assassination incident, Guo Jia didn't take much precautions, except for the addition of a 24-hour guard Dianwei, the rest is no different from before.

Murong Yu'er looked around, feeling a little strange.

"You are really brave. You are not afraid that I will assassinate you again? Don't forget, you killed my fiancé?"

Hearing this, Dian Wei immediately became nervous.

do not get excited!
Guo Jia waved his hand at Dian Wei, and after comforting this loyal subordinate, he smiled and said to Murong Yu'er: "It's not that I'm brave, nor is it that I'm not afraid of death, but I know you're not willing to kill me."

If it were a Han girl, she would definitely be able to hear the ambiguity of this sentence.

But it is a pity that Murong Yuer is a Xianbei girl, and her Chinese is limited to some simple conversations.

For those advanced vocabulary, I am still at a loss.

"Don't give up, how can you not give up? What is not to give up?"

Murong Yu'er was startled, and whispered.

Seeing this, Guo Jia shook his head slightly.

Sure enough, language is the first element of flirting with girls.

Language barrier, flirting with girls is twice the result with half the effort!
"You won't kill me!"

Guo Jia changed his mind.

won't kill you!
Murong Yu'er tilted her head to look at him.


She understood this sentence.

Very simple!
Guo Jia held out a finger.

"First, you Xianbei have been oppressed by the Huns for many years, and now that someone is helping you vent your anger, you are naturally happy."

Murong Yu'er nodded straight after saying this.


The Huns have bullied the Xianbei a lot these years.

Every year, they will donate a large amount of cattle, sheep and slaves to the Huns, and the Huns will force Xianbei people to be used as cannon fodder in foreign wars.

Even she herself was hired by Qiang Qu as her daughter-in-law.


Guo Jia smiled and stretched out his second finger.

"After these several wars, the vitality of the Southern Huns has been severely damaged, and you are also waiting and watching. The orders for Qiang Qu have also begun to be violated."

"how do you know?"

Murong Yu'er was taken aback.

Her thinking is relatively simple.

Guo Jia couldn't help laughing a few times.

He suddenly found that this Xianbei girl was a little cute.

In fact, he could think of such things with his eyes closed.

Xianbei was one of the alien races who later became random in China, and had great ambitions.

The Yunzhou army fought against the Xiongnu, and naturally these ambitious people would not act rashly.

The allusion of the praying mantis catching the cicada and the oriole behind is not exclusive to the Han people.


Guo Jia smiled mysteriously.

"Actually, you don't like this marriage at all. I killed your fiancé to liberate you. The reason why you came to assassinate me was not to avenge that person, but because you were upset that I changed your life, didn't you?" ?”

Murong Yu'er was dumbfounded again.

She looked at Guo Jia in surprise.

After a long time, he sighed and said to himself: "My brother often said that Han people are very smart. I was not convinced at first, but when I met you, I knew what he said was true."

Murong Yu'er raised her head and said helplessly: "You are simply a devil, we can't hide anything from your eyes."

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled slightly.

This girl is relatively simple, and there is no difficulty in seeing her thoughts.

But the brother behind her is not simple.

It wasn't as simple as a gesture of favor for him to send cattle and sheep this time, otherwise he wouldn't have let this girl come over.

"If my guess is correct, Qiang Qu should let you take advantage of the chaos to attack the rear of Yunzhou!"

This kind of thing is also obvious.

Naturally, the Huns would not let go of such a powerful foreign aid.

Not bad!

Murong Yu'er nodded.

She is no stranger to Guo Jia's foresight.


Guo Jia said with a smile: "Why, you don't listen to Qiang Qu's words? So far, he still has the advantage in military strength."

Murong Yu'er didn't answer anymore.

This is her brother's business.

She has never been involved in political affairs.

"Didn't you say it, I can't bear to let you die!"

She suddenly smiled sweetly.

A smile blew across Guo Jia's face like a breeze.

Warm sunshine, spring in every room.


Guo Jia smiled mysteriously and said, "Do you want to see how I beat the shit out of Qiang Qu?"

miss you!
Murong Yu'er responded without thinking.

She was really curious, and wanted to see how Guo Jia's troops repelled Qiang Qu's [-] bow cavalry.

very good!

Guo Jia nodded in satisfaction.

"Since this is the case, then let all your people go back. You just need to stay here. I will definitely let you see the end of Qiang Qu."

it is good!
Murong Yu'er responded instantly, with a smile on her face.

Guo Jia felt ashamed in his heart.

He didn't have any thoughts, but wanted to hold this girl in his hands. She was an important figure in Xianbei Murong's army. If she was held in the Yunzhou Army, Xianbei Murong would definitely be wary.

This is also the true meaning of Murong Guang's sending the girl here.

With my sister as collateral, thanks to this guy who can figure it out.

Poor Xianbei cutie was betrayed by an unscrupulous brother.

(End of this chapter)

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