Chapter 288
The dense sound of horseshoes sounded, and the dust was flying.

Ten thousand Hun soldiers rushed over.

Their faces showed fearlessness.

It has been hundreds of years since the rise of the Xiongnu and the grassland. Although there have been ups and downs several times during the period, they have always been the overlord of the grassland.

Fighting on the plains, no one is an opponent of the Huns' bow cavalry.

In their eyes, these Han people in front of them are already lambs waiting to be slaughtered.


The Huns shouted loudly, and the sound shook the sky.


The former army of Yunzhou Army.

Yu Jin calmly looked at the direction in which the Huns were rushing.

As the commander of the infantry, he was under a lot of pressure.

On the plains, it is a difficult process for infantry to deal with cavalry.

Especially dealing with cavalry that is several times larger than oneself, it is a complete nightmare.

Fortunately for Yu Jin, this army is composed of crossbowmen and Polu troops.

The Polu Army is the elite infantry of Yunzhou, a powerful infantry built by Guo Jia with all his efforts.

Since the founding of the army, he has followed Guo Jia in the southern and northern wars, experienced countless battles, and has long become a well-trained elite soldier.

Facing the charging Huns cavalry, their eyes were very calm.

Even if they die, they have to stand in front of the horseshoes of these Huns cavalry.

Yu Jin was not so optimistic in his heart.

He was well aware of the destruction of the cavalry.

Once the cavalry broke through the formation, the infantry became lambs to be slaughtered.

This time, the enemy only invested [-] troops, which might be able to support it with the strength of the Polu Army.

The combination of heavy armor and spearmen may be able to support for a while, but what if the enemy increases its troops?
Although the lord's artillery is powerful, they also need someone to stand in front of them to provide protection.

Once the former army is broken through, the artillery will not be able to play its due role.

Thinking of this, Yu Jin felt even heavier.

Die, block it too!

Five hundred steps!
Four hundred steps!
Three hundred steps!
Getting closer and closer.

Yu Jin took a deep breath.

"The former army prepares to form a defensive formation!"

Following Yu Jin's order, two thousand Polu troops moved into action.

Heavy infantry, spearmen, and throwers combined to form small circles one after another in front of the formation.

This is an army formation trained by the Polu army to deal with cavalry.

After all, the formation of chariots is a dead object, and it cannot withstand the impact of cavalry at all.

These circular formations are like hedgehogs one by one, blocking the cavalry, forming the second line of defense behind the car formation.


"Guo Jia, your troops are too small, so you can't stop the cavalry of the Huns."

Murong Yu'er said worriedly.

Out of curiosity, she agreed to stay in the Yunzhou Army, wanting to see how Guo Jia defeated Qiang Qu.

In other words, she had heard of Guo Jia's magic more than once.

The Battle of Bingzhou left Qiang Qu in disgrace and lost more than 2 people in vain, without even touching a hair of the Yunzhou Army.

Not long ago, Yu Fuluo was defeated by Guo Jia again, and even lost his life.

Both times, the few won the more and the weak defeated the strong.

This made Murong Yu'er very interested.

That's why I stayed to watch the battle at Guo Jia's invitation.

But what puzzled Murong Yu'er was that Guo Jia didn't use any tricks this time, but fought with Qiang Qu squarely.

Come on, there are [-] archers over there, okay?

This amount of people is simply not enough for people's teeth.

Guo Jia tilted his head to look at her, and said with great interest, "What do you think?"

Murong Yu'er said without hesitation: "Naturally, bow cavalry is against bow cavalry."

Before the words fell, he began to regret.

The Huns are the largest force on the grassland, and it is not difficult to gather tens of thousands of people who control strings.

But it is difficult for other tribes.

It is even more impossible for the Han army, they don't even have horses, let alone bows and horses.

"If you don't have bow riders, then use spearmen and crossbowmen to cooperate."

Murong Yu'er said again.

Xianbei people are natural fighters and are very familiar with war.

Murong Yu'er grew up in the army since she was a child, and she is no stranger to marching formations.

It is basic common sense for pikemen and infantry to cooperate with cavalry.

But again she realized something was wrong.

Guo Jia didn't have many spearmen in his hands.

Even if there were, it would not be able to stop several rounds of salvos from the archers.


Murong Yu'er's complexion was a little miserable.

From her point of view, Guo Jia is sure to lose.

How can infantry without spearmen stop the Huns who are as ferocious as wolves?

Guo Jia, that bastard, made her miserable.

Once the army is defeated, it will be difficult for her to escape.


Seeing Murong Yu'er's color change, Guo Jia couldn't help laughing.

"You're too embarrassed to laugh!"

Murong Yuer paused.

"It's all your fault. If you lose, I will run away immediately. At that time, don't say that I am not loyal!"

Although this girl has some affection for Guo Jia, but it's not enough to live and die together.

She has made up her mind.

Once Guo Jia is defeated, she will immediately flee with her men, at most she can flee with Guo Jia.

As for the others, she was helpless.

After all, the Qiang Canal is the overlord of the grassland, and it is not something the Murong tribe can provoke.

Do not worry!

Guo Jia smiled and waved his hand.

His eyes fell to the front.

"Don't worry, although I don't have archers and spearmen, I can still stop them. Not only can I stop them, but I can also beat them to pieces."

Murong Yu'er curled her lips.

In her opinion, Guo Jia is just talking big.

Talking big right now will kill you.

Look at it horizontally and vertically, he can't win!

You do not believe?
Guo Jia is not smiling.

Of course not!

Murong Yu'er didn't have time to think.

She is a straight person, she doesn't know how to say what she has to say.

it is good!
Guo Jia patted his thigh.

"How about we make a bet?"

Just bet!
Murong Yu'er snorted.

Wouldn't she be afraid?

Anyway, Guo Jia is doomed, at worst she will run away when the time comes.

it is good!
Guo Jia narrowed his eyes.

"If I win this battle, how about your Murong tribe surrendering to me?"

The Murong tribe is a relatively strong tribe in Xianbei, and the tribe leader Murong Guang is also very ambitious.

After cleaning up the Southern Huns, the next target is Xianbei.

Guo Jia has already started to make plans early.

Murong Guang's overtures gave Guo Jia a chance.

If he can support one of his own forces in the many tribes of Xianbei, Guo Jia can insert his hand into Xianbei's things.

"This one……"

Murong Yu'er hesitated.

It's not that she didn't dare, but that it doesn't count if she said it, because her brother Murong Guang is in charge.

"Why, don't you dare?"

Guo Jia asked intentionally.

One sentence aroused Murong Yu'er's arrogance.

"If you don't dare, I will bet. If I lose, at worst, I will put a steel knife on my brother's neck and force him to agree."

This chick has personality!
Guo Jia couldn't help raising his thumb.

After all, forcing the palace is not something that anyone can do.

(End of this chapter)

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