Chapter 289 The End of Qiang Canal

"Did you lose?"

Murong Yu'er tilted her head and glanced at Guo Jia.

Guo Jia couldn't help laughing out loud.

"How could I lose? If I lose, you will definitely not be able to escape. So, you should pray that I win!"


Murong Yu'er immediately realized that she had been tricked by Guo Jia.

"No, it's not fair!"

This girl is not willing to suffer.

"If you lose, how about being my slave? Don't worry, if you lose, I will rescue you."

Murong Yu'er said proudly.

Guo Jia couldn't help touching his chin.

Some are ignored!
This girl actually wanted him to be a slave.

Ha ha!

He took a deep breath and said, "Okay, if I lose, I can be your slave. But..."

After a pause, he continued, "This is impossible."

As he spoke, he walked up to the podium with a flick of his sleeves.

In order to observe the battle and command the overall situation, Guo Jia specially built a cloud platform in the Chinese army, several feet high, standing on the platform can overlook the entire battle situation.

"How's it going!"

Guo Jia came to the top.

"Report sir!"

The guard officer hurriedly said: "The front army of the Huns has advanced to [-] paces. The front army of our army is ready to fight."

very good!

Guo Jia nodded slowly.

War is about to start.

Qiang Qu was cunning and cunning, so he didn't invest all his troops, but he was not worried, because there was still the last trump card.

"This cloud platform is a good thing. Standing on it, you can see farther. But there is also a disadvantage. If you lose, it will be a little troublesome for you to escape."

Murong Yu'er also followed, talking to herself.

She was angry with Guo Jia on purpose.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia didn't take it seriously, and stared straight ahead.

Those in charge of inquiring about the enemy's distance from the front kept raising the flag.

Three hundred steps, 280 steps, 250 steps, 230 steps...

It's now!

Guo Jia said decisively: "Send a signal and order Zhao Dahammer's artillery to fire."

The Tiger Guards guarding the platform immediately fired a gunpowder arrow.

This is the means for the Yunzhou Army to deliver messages.

After a while, with a piercing sound, a gunpowder arrow flew into the air, leaving behind a red light.

this is?
Murong Yu'er was stunned, it was the first time she saw this thing.

It's really weird to be able to get angry.

But the oddity is yet to come.

Zhao Dachui, who was in the former army, was shocked when he saw the signal sent by Guo Jia.

"Brothers, the battle has begun. The first battle was started by our artillery, and this last battle should also be ended by our artillery. Listen to my order now, all artillery vehicles, fire without interruption!"

Zhao Dachui waved the command flag in his hand.

Dozens of gun carriages behind him unfolded at once, the gunners took their positions, and the shells were ready.

Zhao Dahammer waved his hand.

Whoosh whoosh!
Numerous crock bombs and incendiary bombs greeted the Huns cavalry.

The cannon cart improved by Guo Jia has an effective throwing distance of 200 steps, but today is the wind, and the throwing distance can be extended, reaching a distance of more than [-] steps.

what is this?
On the cloud platform, Murong Yu'er was a little puzzled when she saw the earthen jars flying out of the formation.

Trebuchet is no stranger to her.

It is also often used in the capture of various tribes on the grassland.

However, the bigger the trebuchet, the better. The bigger the machine, the greater the lethality.

The trebuchets in Guo Jia's formation were very small, and the shells they fired were pitiful, and they didn't know what they were doing.

Is this what this guy relies on?

Murong Yu'er became puzzled again.

It seems that something is wrong.

Why are those shells still carrying sparks?

At this moment, those earthen pots flew over the heads of the Huns, and then exploded.

Boom, boom!
There was an explosion, and the flames shot into the sky.

There was a sea of ​​flames within the range of the gun carriage, instantly enveloping the Huns' cavalry.

Seeing this scene, Murong Yu'er couldn't help taking a few steps back, watching all this in horror.

It was also the first time she had seen the power of gunpowder.


Looking at the Huns who turned their backs on their backs, Murong Yu'er trembled all over, and her teeth trembled a little.

What kind of weapon is this, why is it so powerful, it can both thunder and set fire?
If this is the case, even the bow cavalry of the Huns can't stop it.

Sure enough, a volley of artillery fired, and the vanguard of the Huns lost their helmets and armor.There was a sea of ​​flames around, and everyone suffered heavy casualties.The offensive momentum stopped.

"Is this the secret weapon of the Han people?"

Qiang Qu, who was watching the battle behind, was also taken aback.

In fact, when he first came into contact with it earlier, he had heard of this thing and knew that Guo Jia had some mysterious weapons in his hands.

With the second and third contacts between the two sides, Guo Jia didn't take it out, and Qiang Qu once thought that this thing was exhausted.

Unexpectedly, in this crucial battle, the opponent took it out again.

How terrifying!

Seeing the power of these crock bombs, Qiang Quhan was also very moved.

But he also found a weakness.

Even for the most skilled gunner, there is still a gap when the ammunition is projected. The Huns are so fast that they can rush over like holding a bow and arrow.

"Come here, blow the horn, let the vanguard rush over at all costs."

Qiang Qu immediately ordered.

For now, this is the only way to do it.

Hearing the charge horn from behind, the battered Huns immediately rushed over madly.

The trumpet was blown just now, and if you take a step back, you will be killed.

These [-] Huns are the elite of Qiang Qu's hands. The military orders are strict and they are not afraid of death. They immediately stepped forward bravely when they heard the horn.

not good!

Guo Jia on the platform immediately noticed it.

Artillery is certainly not omnipotent.

Still some cavalry rushed out against the gunfire.

"The crossbowmen on both wings are ready!"

Guo Jia immediately gave the order, and the Tiger Guards immediately sent a signal.

The crossbowmen on both wings immediately turned into a wild goose formation, which was a formation trained to increase the supply area.

At this time, the leading Huns cavalry had already advanced 150 steps.

Yang Fan, who temporarily acted as the leader of the crossbowmen, shouted loudly.

Whoosh whoosh!
Countless arrows rained on the vanguard of the Huns.

Five thousand crossbowmen fired in two salvos.

Ten thousand arrows covered the entire attack surface.

Except for those heavy cavalry, almost all the rest of the Huns were shot off their horses.

The arrows rained non-stop over there, and the shells here also kept firing.

Incendiary bombs and bombs blocked most of the cavalry on the periphery, making it difficult for the vanguard in the middle.


Murong Yu'er was stunned again.

Although Guo Jia did not have a spearman, but with those mysterious earthen pots and crossbowmen, he really blocked the cavalry of the Huns.


Murong Yuer still shook her head.

With [-] troops, the Yunzhou Army was forced to go all out.

Qiangqu still has [-] troops. If he uses the tactic of adding firewood, Guo Jia will still lose.

 The chapter is wrong, it should be [-]
(End of this chapter)

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