Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 290 The Appearance of the Mysterious Weapon

Chapter 290 The Appearance of the Mysterious Weapon
Have you reached the limit?

Seeing this, Murong Yu'er couldn't help frowning.

Although the artillery and the rain of arrows successfully blocked the assault of the Huns' archers, they had reached their limit at this moment.

Once the opponent is investing in troops, I'm afraid they will be unable to deal with it head-on.

She sneaked a look at Guo Jia, but seeing that he still looked calm, she felt a little relieved.

not good!

Murong Yu'er suddenly pointed forward and screamed.

"Qiangqu has increased its troops!"

Guo Jia looked in the direction of her finger.

Sure enough, Qiang Qu divided [-] cavalry into the left and right wings, and quickly threw them on the battlefield, attacking Guo Jia's left and right wings, and reducing the pressure on the attack in the middle.

After the left and right wings of the Yunzhou Army were attacked, they immediately turned their guns and wiped out the invading enemy.

The Xiongnu cavalry turned around immediately, using the advantages of bow cavalry to attract the firepower of the crossbow.

In this way, the pressure of attacking in the middle is greatly reduced.


Without the arrow rain attack, the Xiongnu cavalry in the middle raised their heads again. They were suppressed hard, and now they finally got free, and rushed up immediately.

They quickly broke through the artillery blockade and rushed within a hundred paces.


Murong Yu'er couldn't help closing her eyes.

Although the Huns took half of their casualties by artillery fire and arrows, they still had [-] troops.

Once these [-] troops rushed into the Yunzhou Army, they could still cause great damage to them.

If they were allowed to break through the formation of the Yunzhou Army, Qiang Qu, who was watching the battle behind, would charge with the whole army.

Guo Jia will definitely lose.

Be sure to block it!
Unknowingly, Murong Yu'er has changed from a neutral position.

She had long forgotten about the bet.

130 steps, 120 steps, 110 steps!

The iron hooves of the Huns are getting closer.

The crossbowmen have already taken out their bows and arrows, ready to give the Yunzhou army a head-on blow, and let them taste the power of bows and horses.

The formation of infantry can deal with cavalry, but bow cavalry is an exception, because they have already fired countless arrows before they hit the front of the formation.

The Huns were unparalleled in riding and shooting. After several rounds of volleys, the formation of infantry basically disappeared.

One hundred steps!

Yu Jin's eyes lit up!
"Spearman throws!"

The hedgehog formation opened wide, and countless short spears were thrown from the formation.

This is Yu Jin's specially trained spear thrower.

Although there are only 600 people, everyone can throw a hundred paces.

The short hair is heavy and has a strong lethality, which is also the trump card of the Polu army.

Whoosh whoosh!
The 600 people threw three short spears in a short time, and immediately shot and killed all the Huns who broke into the formation.

However, the Huns' cavalry and shooting also caused casualties to the Polu army.

In the rain of arrows and rain of spears, the distance between the two sides was further shortened to 60 meters.

The vanguard of the Huns still numbered 4000, including hundreds of heavy cavalry.


Qiang Qu, who was watching the battle from behind, immediately relaxed.

According to his gaze, the infantry of the vanguard of the Yunzhou Army could not stop the charge of three or five thousand cavalry.The crossbows on the left and right wings were entangled by other bow cavalry, unable to support the central army.

It is a matter of time before the formation is broken.

Thinking of this, Qiang Qu took a deep breath and shouted: "Blow the horn, all press down!"

This is the last battle.

Qiang Qu himself also drew his scimitar.

The [-] cavalry behind them gathered together and rushed in the direction of the Chinese army.

Once the former army of the Huns broke through the formation of the Yunzhou Army, the artillery was naturally no longer a threat, and the army could completely overwhelm the Yunzhou Army and win the final victory.

Qiang Qu seems to have figured out how to deal with Guo Jia, his enemy.

He will definitely dismember Guo Jia's body to pay homage to his two sons and the souls of the dead warriors.


line up!

Yu Jin roared.

The distance between the two sides was only fifty steps, even if he couldn't stop it, he would stand in front of these people.

This is his fate.

The Polu army immediately acted and formed a hedgehog formation again.

Using steps against cavalry, although the hedgehog formation can resist for a while, it is difficult to completely block the impact of cavalry.

They can only do their best.

Forty steps!
The ferocious faces of the Huns were clearly visible. They beat their horses hard and galloped forward desperately.

It's now!

Guo Jia's eyes lit up on the cloud platform, and he immediately shot a loud arrow.

The Tiger Guard soldiers who had been guarding behind the car formation opened the cover of the car, revealing something strange inside.

The square wooden box has holes of various sizes inside, and feathered arrows are stuck in each hole.

Under the sunlight, the arrow gave out bursts of cold light.

The soldiers of the Tiger Guards immediately set fire to it.

Immediately, thick smoke rose from the wooden box, and rockets roared out one after another, rushing towards the approaching Hun cavalry.

This is……

The Yunzhou Army was stunned!

The Huns were stunned!

Qiang Quhan was stunned!

Yu Jin was stunned!
Countless feathered arrows whizzed out, shooting and killing the approaching cavalry intensively.

There is no suspense.

Nothing happens.

The Huns cavalry who broke through the blockade crashed down.

Dozens of feathered arrows are densely inserted into everyone's body, even the heavy armored cavalry is no exception.

The smoke cleared, and the blood flowed like a river.

The entire battlefield has become a hell.

Those Hun cavalry who were shot by the arrows could not rest in peace, and there was still a horrified expression on their faces.

This is the secret weapon prepared by Guo Jia.

Although both artillery and crossbows can cause damage to cavalry, they are not deadly enough.

Once rushed to the front by the cavalry, it will lose its effect.

Therefore, Guo Jia urgently needs a powerful weapon that can protect the last 50 meters.

This weapon must meet the characteristics of strong destructive power, wide attack range, and the ability to give the enemy a fatal blow at close range.

Ever since, the Baihu Qiben rocket launcher, which was modeled on the fire box car of later generations, became Guo Jia's first choice.

This thing uses gunpowder as the medium, and is based on feather arrows. It is famous for its light attack range and great lethality.

Although there is a big problem with the shooting accuracy, the gods can't bear it under such close-range intensive shooting.

It is very suitable to use it to guard the last fifty steps.

Two hundred train carriages lined up, fired more than 2 arrows, and instantly killed the Hun cavalry who broke in.

It was the sound of weapons falling to the ground.

Da da da

It was the sound of countless weapons falling to the ground.

Seeing the horror of these vans, the remaining Huns were completely terrified.

How dare they charge up again?


Those who escaped from the attack of the hundred tigers by chance turned around and ran away, even losing their weapons.

Seeing this situation, the spirit of the Yunzhou Army was lifted.

With such a heaven-defying artifact in their hands, how could they be afraid of those Huns?

"Yunzhou must win! The prefect is mighty!"

Everyone roared in unison and started a fierce counterattack.

For a while, the battle situation was overwhelmingly in favor of the Yunzhou Army.

The Huns began to retreat steadily.

The situation is set!

The Yunzhou Army has won!
(End of this chapter)

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