Chapter 291 A Great Victory
The entire former army was wiped out, and Qiang Qu was also frightened.

In this battle, he had already bet everything and blocked the future of his Hun Khan.

As long as the former army can break through the defense line of the Yunzhou army, the rest of the Xiongnu cavalry will be able to deal a fatal blow to this army.

But what he didn't expect was that thousands of former soldiers were wiped out by strange things emerging from the carriage.

Cleaned up, nothing was left behind.

Qiang Quhan panicked.

His central army did not have as strong a defensive force as the former army, and it quickly collapsed under the cover of artillery vehicles and arrows.

The destruction of the former army shocked the Huns unparalleled.

They never expected that Guo Jia would have such a powerful weapon in his hands.

In an instant, all arrows were fired, and everyone became a hedgehog.

The moment when the former army was destroyed, it was forever frozen in the hearts of these people.



Qiang Qu roared, trying to use his majesty to restore the defeated army.

But the army was defeated like a mountain.

His majesty ended with the defeat of the Huns' former army.

This era is an era of obedience to the strong.

Everything in the Qiang Canal was wiped out.

good chance!
Seeing that the Huns were in chaos, Guo Jia of Yuntai Mountain immediately issued an order for a general attack.

Yu Jin roared angrily, and commanded the Polu army to charge forward.

The crossbowmen on both wings of the Yunzhou Army swarmed up and shot and killed the Hun cavalry trapped in the formation.

The sound of kicking, kicking and stomping sounded, and Zhao Yun's three thousand cavalry also came around from the rear, catching up with the defeated Hun cavalry from left to right.


Victory, victory!
On the cloud platform, Murong Yu'er cheered excitedly.

She never expected that Guo Jia could defeat the mighty Southern Huns with this little force.

Guo Jia!

Murong Yu'er rushed up and grabbed his hand, speaking incoherently.

"Hero, you are a hero! You really did it."

She had completely forgotten the bet between the two.

One must know that Guo Jia won, she would have to pay a heavy price.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled slightly, heaving a sigh of relief.

Since the beginning of the war, one of his hearts has been hanging.

This time, he bet everything on two hundred boxes and a hundred tigers running together.

If the hundred tigers can defend the last fifty steps, then the Yunzhou army will win.

Otherwise, it would be Guo Jia himself who fled.

Therefore, the pressure in Guo Jia's heart was extremely high, and it was not as relaxed as he appeared on the surface.

Fortunately, things went well, and Hundred Tigers Bend together did not disappoint the title of secret weapon.

The hope of annihilating the enemy in the first battle has won the final victory.

The Yunzhou Army has won!
From now on, the era of the Southern Huns has faded into history.

Even if Qiang Qu can go back alive, it will be difficult to make a difference. It is still unknown whether his tribe can be preserved.

The big picture is set!

Guo Jia felt relieved.

As soon as he relaxed, he felt very tired all over, like a mountain was crushed to death.

"Guo Jia, what are those things that can shoot thunder and fire and shoot arrows?"

Murong Yu'er pointed to the front, shaking Guo Jia excitedly.


Guo Jia suddenly rolled his eyes, and fell down straight.

He was too focused just now, and now he relaxed, his body suddenly couldn't support it.


Dian Wei who was guarding Yuntai Mountain ran over immediately.

"Demon girl, what did you do to a certain lord?"

Dian Wei blocked Guo Jia behind him, and looked at Murong Yu'er with a murderous look.

For this female assassin, he didn't have any good feelings at all.


Murong Yu'er was dumbfounded.

She just shook Guo Jia a few times, but he fell down.

"I'll settle the score with you later!"

Dian Wei glared at Murong Yu'er, and carried Guo Jia off the platform.

The military doctor came immediately and was about to conduct a comprehensive examination on Guo Jia.

"it's okay no problem!"

Guo Jia waved his hand!

At this moment, he has regained a little strength.

"Order Yu Jin to take over the army with full power. Order Zhao Yun to pursue the defeated enemy with all his strength and destroy the enemy's vital forces. And tell Zhao Yun not to be too greedy and not to pursue too deeply."

Yu Jin has fought battles for a long time and has rich experience, so he is very suitable to do the aftermath work.

Zhao Yun is a steady man, and he is at ease in chasing his enemy Guo Jia.

Soon the messenger took away Guo Jia's latest order.

At this moment, Murong Yu'er also walked over expecting Ai Ai.

"What are you doing here again? Want to assassinate my lord?"

Dian Wei stood in front of her viciously.

Murong Yu'er was taken aback by Dian Wei's ferocious appearance, she couldn't help but took a step back.

"Big Hei, I didn't do anything just now, he fell down by himself."

She bit the bullet and explained.

It wasn't her fault.

She doesn't want to take the blame!
"Hmph, there is a certain family here, don't even think about it!"

Dian Wei said solemnly.

He was very irritated by this Murong Yu'er.

Because of what happened last time, Dian Wei even quit drinking.

alright, alright!

Guo Jia smiled.

"Come on, I was too tired just now, it's none of Miss Murong's business."

After hearing Guo Jia's explanation, Murong Yu'er felt relieved, and she also looked at Dian Wei provocatively.

"Have you heard, it's none of my business, he said it himself!"

Seeing Guo Jia came out to smooth things over, Dian Wei took a few steps back resentfully, still watching the unexpected visitor vigilantly.

He dared not be careless.

At the beginning, it was this uninvited guest who got out from under the nose and almost caused a catastrophe.

"Are you OK!"

Murong Yu'er didn't bother to pay attention to Dian Wei, and stared at Guo Jia with a pair of wonderful eyes, which revealed concern.


Guo Jia moved his arms.

At this time, the battle has come to an end.

The Yunzhou Army has wiped out the Hun cavalry trapped in the formation.

Zhao Yun's Baima Yicong also followed the Huns westward.

Yu Jin has already started to clean the battlefield.

"What exactly are those things?"

Murong Yu'er asked unwillingly.

She watched the whole battle and knew that the reason why Guo Jia was able to win was all because of those mysterious weapons that could shine.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled slightly and said, "Secret!"

This is something he keeps at the bottom of the box, so naturally he won't tell others easily.

Murong Yu'er curled her lips.

Even so, she was still very shocked.

She had seen the power of these weapons.

As strong as the Huns, they were also beaten to death in front of these things.

Looking at the entire grassland, who is still Guo Jia's opponent?
Guo Jia suddenly remembered something, and tilted his head to look at Murong Yu'er.

"Girl, did we make a bet before? Now I have won, so you should redeem your promise!"

"Promise, what promise? Is there any evidence, who can prove it?"

Murong Yu'er suddenly asked with a smile.

It was only the two of them when they made the bet.

This is the rhythm of wanting to play tricks!

Guo Jiadeng was a little dumbfounded.

This girl is not as careless as she appears on the surface!

Beautiful women are deceiving!

(End of this chapter)

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