Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 292 The End of the Qiang Canal

Chapter 292 The End of the Qiang Canal

"Girl, you are cheating!"

Guo Jia said dumbfounded.

Murong Yu'er blinked her eyes triumphantly, with an expression of what do you want me to do if I cheated on you.It looks like a girl who is acting like a baby to her brother.

Beauty cheating is also a kind of capital.

in fact……

She leaned over and said with a smile: "If you give me some of those fun things, I will immediately fulfill my promise."

This girl fell in love with gunpowder weapons, was she thinking about them?
Xianbei was divided into three tribes, and they fought endlessly. Murong Guang, the leader of the Murong tribe, was very ambitious and always wanted to unify the Xianbei tribe and become the second Huns.

If you can get these magical weapons in Guo Jia's hands, who is still the opponent of the Murong tribe on the grassland?
The Murong tribe's unification of Xianbei is naturally a matter of course.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia could see what this girl was thinking at a glance.

However, gunpowder is the foundation of the Yunzhou Army, and it must not be leaked out.

"Actually, it doesn't need to be so troublesome!"

Guo Jiasi said calmly: "The Southern Huns have been disabled, and the Qiang Canal is also finished. Now that Yunzhou is free, I might as well go to your tribe for a while."

Murong Yu'er was taken aback.

"What are you doing in our tribe?"

She was a little suspicious.

It's not a good thing to look at horizontally and vertically.

"Of course it's a matter of reckoning!"

Guo Jia said indifferently: "Is this the end of your Murong tribe's assassination of me?"

Hearing this, Murong Yu'er panicked a little.

If it was said that she didn't pay much attention to Guo Jia at the beginning, but now that she has seen Guo Jia's methods, Murong Yu'er has already classified Guo Jia as a category that cannot be messed with.

How can a person who can beat the Huns who are in full swing to throw away their helmets and armor be so easy to mess with?
" can't, we...haven't we reconciled?"

She panicked a little.

If Guo Jia really went to the Murong tribe to settle accounts, then the entire Murong tribe would not be a match for the Yunzhou army.

Especially those mysterious weapons, they simply cannot be resisted by flesh and blood.

Seeing Murong Yu'er's face turn pale, Guo Jia couldn't help laughing a few times.

He was just scaring this beautiful woman, so naturally he would not really settle the score with the Murong tribe.

Only then did Murong Yu'er let out a sigh of relief.

Although it looked like she was joking, she didn't know whether Guo Jia's words were true or not, so she had to be careful not to say anything more.

Murong Yu'er seemed a little scared, no matter how provocative Guo Jia tried, she would not say a word.

This made Guo Jia somewhat uninterested.

He already had some regrets about saying these unsightly words, the fun that had been brewed before had been ruined once.



At this time, the battle has come to an end.

Yu Jin and Zhao Yun came hand in hand, with triumphant smiles on their faces.

"Report to my lord, our army won a complete victory in this battle, killing and wounding more than [-] Huns cavalry, and our army suffered less than [-] casualties."

"Report to my lord, my subordinates were ordered to pursue the remnants of the Huns, killed and wounded more than [-] Huns cavalry, and captured countless war horses, fur horns and bows."

The two chief generals reported the results to Guo Jia one after another.

very good!

A smile appeared on Guo Jia's face.

This time, the Xiongnu suffered heavy losses. Forty thousand bows and horses broke their wings and merged with the state. It may take some time to recover in the future.

"The army is recuperating, take a good rest."

Guo Jia ordered.


Yu Jin and Zhao Yun glanced at each other, and a moment of confusion flashed across their faces.

It is advisable to let the remaining bravery chase the poor and the poor, not to be famous as the overlord.

The new defeat of the Xiongnu was exactly when the Yunzhou army beat the dog in the water.

Why did the lord withdraw his troops?


Zhao Yun coughed and was about to say something.

But Guo Jia waved his hand and said to himself: "If you count the days, Zhang Wenyuan should have a letter."

Zhang Liao Zhang Wenyuan!
Hearing this name, Yu Jin and Zhao Yun couldn't help shaking.

It was only then that they remembered that the Yunzhou Army still had a unit outside.

Zhang Liao was the general the lord took over before the Battle of Bingzhou.

For this Zhang Wenyuan, the lord still values ​​it very much. As soon as he entered the Yunzhou Army, he got the official position of captain, and led two thousand soldiers and horses out alone, and his whereabouts are still unknown.

Of course, Yu Jin and Zhao Yun could also think that this was the result of being sent out to perform a secret mission.

But exactly what they were doing, the two of them didn't know.

Although the two of them didn't know it very well, they vaguely felt that Zhang Liao's mission was not that simple.


Let's say that the Huns were defeated, the front army was wiped out, and most of the middle army collapsed. Only the rear army, led by King Youxian, saw the opportunity early and was not greatly affected.

Soon, King Youxian led his troops to stabilize his position and began to restrain the defeated army.

In half a day, 5000 people gathered.

This is all about the Southern Huns.

Qiang Quhan also fled back in embarrassment.

Nor did his prestige restore the defeated soldiers.

In the face of absolute strength, prestige is worthless.

"It's hard work!"

King Youxian remained as usual, dismounted from his horse and respectfully invited Qiang Quhan into the camp.

At this moment, Qiang Qu Khan has fallen into the trough of his life.

The battle is defeated, and the warriors of the tribe are almost dead, that's all.

The Han people have a saying that if you keep the green hills, you will not be afraid of no firewood.

Qiang Qu Khan was not discouraged.

He believed that as long as he returned to the grassland, he would be able to pull up another team in a few years.

The tree falls and the hozen scatter!

Qiang Quhan had learned the lesson, and the small and medium tribal leaders along the way didn't take him seriously anymore.

Now Youxian King still respects him very much, which makes Qiang Quhan regain a little confidence.

"Brother, you have worked hard!"

Qiang Qu took the hand of King Youxian.

"This disastrous defeat, I am a great Khan. But don't worry, brother, give me some time, I can still make the Huns strong. By then, I will be a hundred years old..."

He paused and said, "You are the Lord of the Huns!"

Qiang Qu is not a simple person, he knows that King Youxian needs to be stabilized now.

Thanks profusely!

King Youxian burst into tears of gratitude.


Confidence ignited in Qiang Qu's heart.


King You Xian suddenly leaned into his ear and said, "Your subordinates have already prepared drinks and beauties in the big tent. You are tired from sweating all the way, you should rest earlier!"


Hearing this, Qiang Qu Khan suddenly became excited.

After successive defeats, he really needed to vent.

Good wine and beautiful women have always been the favorite of the Huns.

Qiang Qu Khan is no exception.

"My virtuous brother is still thoughtful. If that's the case, I will be disrespectful."

He opened the tent and walked in.

At the moment he left, a coldness flashed across King Youxian's eyes.


He suddenly flicked his sleeves and said, "Take good care of Da Khan and his personal guards. Something went wrong. I want your heads!"

(End of this chapter)

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