Chapter 294
Qiang Qu is over!

This is the collective aspiration of the Huns.

They have no sympathy for Qiang Qu.

The law of the jungle has always been the law of the jungle on the grasslands. If Qiangqu loses, he will naturally be eliminated.

In addition, in the Battle of Bingzhou, Qiang Qu deliberately consumed the fresh troops of other tribes and offended everyone, which resulted in the end of the family being sentenced to leave.

"Qiang Qu!"

Xu Bu Gu became the final victor.

He smiled and looked at Qiang Qu, who was once aloof.

"As a former Great Khan, you have also done good things to the Huns, and I will not deny your credit for this."

Qiang Qu was indifferent.

"If you want to kill, you can kill, there is no need to be hypocritical!"

Hearing that his tribe was doomed, he no longer had any expectations.

It's dead anyway!
Early death and late death are the same.

In the Huns, the winners did not favor the losers.

When he succeeded to the throne, he also killed the previous Khan.

Ha ha!

Xu Bugu smiled and said: "Since you see it so openly, then I won't be polite."

His eyes fell on Qiang Qu's face.

"You insisted on going your own way to attack the big Han, but now you are defeated, and the whole tribe has been implicated. Naturally, the Han court will not let the Southern Huns go. You don't plan to live anyway, so make your final contribution to the Huns."

Xu Bu Gu had made up his mind a long time ago, planning to borrow the head of Qiang Qu.

Send Qiang Qu's head to Hanting, and all the consequences will naturally be borne by Qiang Qu.

Qiang Qu froze for a moment, then suddenly burst into laughter.

"Xu Bugu, you are still a villain in your bones. As a great Khan, no one is responsible for anything, but you blindly seek perfection."

His face suddenly darkened, and he sneered: "We started killing in Bingzhou, and the Han court did nothing. This has already explained the problem. They are powerless. As a Hun, you have to seek the well-being of the tribe, no It's ridiculous to think of being grateful for such an empty show. You won't be sweating for long."

Hearing Qiang Qu's sarcasm, Xu Bugu couldn't hold back.

"When you are about to die, you still talk nonsense. The Xiongnu and the Han court have always been stable. If you hadn't provoked trouble, how could the Xiongnu have ended up like this?"


Qiang Qu laughed again.

"The sparrow knows the ambition of the swan. The reason why I provoked the incident was to see the strength of the Han court. Obviously, the big man is finished. It's just that Guo Jia in Yunzhou is just a character."

He looked at Xu Bugu contemptuously.

"If you want to kill, kill it. Listening to your useless words, I feel dirty in my ears."

Xu Bugu's face was very ugly.

Someone will pull this person down and chop him up!

Qiang Qu's face remained unchanged.

"Xu Bu Gu, you are not made to be a profuse sweater at all. If you are sensible, you should retreat early. To avoid the disaster of killing yourself. Although I, Qiang Qu, died, I did not forget the true nature of a hero. You are wronged. Sooner or later, he will be taken advantage of by the people below."

Said proudly to go.

In an instant, a human head was sent in front of Xu Bugu.

Qiang Qu still opened his round eyes angrily, obviously a little restless.

very good!

Xu Bugu nodded.

Ascending to the position of Great Khan, the first thing he has to do is to make peace with Han Ting and Guo Jia.

The head of Qiang Qu is an indispensable one.


The Huns were in a hurry, but Guo Jia was very comfortable.

The army was repaired on the spot, and the soldiers were also very comfortable.

In the last war, many corpses of horses, cattle and sheep were collected, and these corpses naturally became their lunch.

It can be regarded as full at the moment, and the tent is filled with the tempting smell of meat every day.

A group of generals gathered in front of Guo Jia.

They couldn't stay any longer.

Although they could sleep in if they had food and drink, none of the generals could sleep or eat.

Because the Huns were not completely wiped out in this battle, and a considerable part of the troops escaped.

This is a great opportunity to wipe out the Huns, but the lord has been standing still.

Eating, drinking and having fun every day, I have nothing to do to tease the girl of that clan, and I live a very carefree life.

He was at ease, but the rest of the generals were not so nervous.

These people have been thinking about the Huns.


Yu Jin couldn't bear it anymore.

The Xiongnu were newly defeated, the Yunzhou army was victorious, and their morale was booming. It was time for them to flex their muscles.

Standing still at this time is really a waste of their efforts.

"When will we send troops?"

Yu Jin couldn't help asking.

The Polu Army did not play its due role last time, which made Yu Jin feel a little dull.

This army is an elite army built with all the resources of Yunzhou.

Elite soldiers did not experience the value of elite soldiers.

Yu Jin was a little depressed.

He was eager to prove himself and the strength of the Polu army.

They are not put on airs!

send troops?

Guo Jia squinted at him.

"Who said we were going to send troops?"

Hearing Guo Jia's rhetorical question, Yu Jin couldn't answer immediately.

"If we don't send troops, are we going to see the remnants of the Huns slipping away from us?"

Yu Jin asked in a low voice.

"They really want to escape, what can you do? Do you use infantry to catch up?"

Guo Jia asked with a half-smile.

Yu Jin stopped talking.

The cavalry is flexible and maneuverable, and it is their characteristic to run away when they cannot be beaten.

It is very difficult for infantry to chase.

"My lord, is it up to our Baimayi to follow the pursuit?"

Zhao Yun also stood up.

He also agreed to send troops.

He was also a little depressed during this time.

It's all right if the infantry can't run, isn't there still a white horse righteousness?

The cavalry pursued, and the Huns naturally couldn't escape.

But the lord was not in a hurry at all.

"Bai Ma Yi Cong catch up?"

A smile appeared on Guo Jia's face again.

"People are bow cavalry, most of us are light cavalry. Even if we catch up, it won't help, but it will become a target for others to vent their anger."


Zhao Yun hesitated for a while, then said in a low voice, "We can't do nothing, can we?"

Doing nothing is called delaying the opportunity.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia couldn't help but smile.

"Zilong is right. We really didn't do anything these days."

Everyone couldn't help but looked at each other.

This lord really intends to do nothing here.

"Then at least arrest the culprit Qiang Qu?"

Zhao Yun spread his hands.

Thinking of those innocent people who died in Bingzhou, he felt a little angry.

I can't wait to tear Qiang Qu into pieces.

Seeing everyone's astonished expressions, Guo Jia laughed out loud again.

"Well, we didn't do nothing, we are waiting for the Huns to send the head of Qiang Qu by themselves."

Everyone was surprised again.

The Huns themselves sent the heads of Qiang Qu.

This is simply impossible?
At this moment, a scout flew to report.

"Lord Inspector, the Xiongnu sent envoys to ask for an interview and brought the head of Qiang Qu."

(End of this chapter)

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