Chapter 295 Gifts
Yu Jin was stunned.

Zhao Yun was stunned.

The head of Qiang Qu?

Everyone couldn't help but glanced at each other, and they all saw the doubt in each other's eyes?
Why did the lord just finish talking about the head of the Qiang Canal when the Huns sent the Qiang Canal here.

This is also amazing!

Immediately, reverence appeared in everyone's eyes, and they admired the lord very much.

If you don't do anything, someone will send the head of the Qiang Canal. If you are a Hun, wouldn't you even dig up the ancestors and send them over?
"Is this guy fooled?"

Murong Yu'er on the side was also dumbfounded.

Because she was afraid that Guo Jia would cause trouble to the Murong tribe, this girl has been very well-behaved in recent days.

She didn't want to implicate the whole tribe because of her own reasons.

So even if Guo Jia was molested, he wouldn't be angry, and occasionally he would show courteousness and wink to improve the relationship between the two parties.

Murong Yu'er also heard what was said just now.

Guo Jia brazenly said that the Huns would send up the heads of Qiang Qu.

For this sentence, Murong Yu'er dismissed it.

Even if the Huns were defeated, their strength is still very strong, and they still have the strength to dominate the grassland.

So what Guo Jia said, Murong Yu'er was just laughing, not taking it seriously.

Although this man is powerful, he occasionally brags.

From Murong Yu'er's point of view, it was harmless.

But what she didn't expect was that as soon as Guo Jia finished speaking, the envoys of the Huns sent Qiang Qu's head the next moment.

This is simply more powerful than a god!

But no matter how this girl looks at this fellow, she doesn't look like a fairy.

It must be fooled.

Murong Yu'er thought so.

Guo Jia laughed a few times and said, "Well done, let them in!"

Lean less!
The Huns envoy came in.

This man was in his fifties, with blond hair and blue eyes, a goatee, and wrinkled face, but his eyes were very shrewd.

"Respected Lord Inspector, this is A Yimu, the tribal leader under the Xiongnu Youxian King, who came to meet the Inspector at the order of Youxian King."

He seemed to understand the etiquette of the Han people, bowed respectfully with both hands, and spoke Chinese perfectly.

Guo Jia frowned, and suddenly said: "I remembered, you are the leader of the Huns Chamber of Commerce."

In Yunzhou, the Huns, Xianbei and Wuhuan all have chambers of commerce, and this Ah Yimu is the leader of the Huns.

The last time the little prince was torn apart by a car, it was this Ayimu who came forward to collect the body.

Ayimu's face was full of joy.

"Unexpectedly, Lord Inspector still remembers the villain, and I am really terrified."

When everyone heard that this guy was still panicked, they couldn't help laughing out loud.

Guo Jia also couldn't help laughing.

"Ayimu, it seems that you have been on the border for a long time, and you have learned everything from the Han people."

No, no!
Ayimu hurriedly argued: "The great Han has a vast land, abundant resources and a long history of culture, and the villain admires it very much."

He paused and continued: "Not only the villain, but even our King Youxian has always been an admirer of Han culture. During his reign, he has been promoting the peaceful exchanges between the two races."

is it?

Guo Jia's face darkened, and he sneered: "Since you are an admirer of Han culture, why did you attack the Han's border county again? This is not something admirers do?"

My lord calm down!
Aichi bowed down again.

"It's all Qiang Qu's conspiracy. He insisted on going his own way, provoking the majesty of the big man. We, Youxian King, have always opposed it."

He respectfully said: "Master Innate Inspector showed great power and defeated Qiang Qu's wolf ambition, saved the people of the two tribes, and Qiang Qu got what it deserved."

As he said that, someone sent a box to him, and when he opened it, it was Qiang Qu's head.

It really is Qiang Qu!
Guo Jia nodded.

A Yimu said respectfully again: "Our virtuous king said that the governor is a great hero who defeated Qiang Qu's plot and saved the people of the two tribes. It is the great man's blessing, the Huns' blessing, and even the villain's." Fortunately."

This man has been on the border for many years, and he is not much more flattering than the Han people.

Everyone couldn't help laughing out loud.

It seems that the level of this lobbyist is not bad!

Not much worse than those scribes.

Ha ha!

A smile appeared on Guo Jia's face.

This Ah Yimu is a talent, he put the blame on Qiang Qu in a few words, cleared up his master Youxian King, and at the same time put a high hat on Guo Jia.

"Lord Inspector, Qiang Qu has already given his head, and his wives, concubines and family members have also been captured by King Youxian, who are outside your army's camp."

Aichi said respectfully.

Guo Jia was slightly moved.

He really wanted to see what Youxian King Xu Bugu had come up with.

"Go, go out and see!"

He led all the generals and left the camp first!

Ayimu nodded and walked ahead.

There were hundreds of Xiongnu soldiers outside the camp. In order to show no malice, they all had empty hands and no weapons.

The first thing that catches the eye is a group of men, women, old and young, led by a tall man, Hu Chuquan.

At this moment, Huchuquan has long lost the dignity of a prince, and he is dragged behind the horse with disheveled hair and tied hair.

"This is Huchuquan, the only surviving son of Qiang Qu."

Aichi said flatteringly.

"Dog thief! I won't let you go even if I die."

Hu Chuquan suddenly raised his head and let out a bah.

Heroes are admired on the prairie, and the winners and losers lose everything, and they have long been used to it.


Ayimu suddenly reprimanded: "How dare you speak hard when you are about to die."

As he spoke, he looked at the Hun soldiers around him.

The soldier understood, and raised his whip to whip Hu Chuquan.

That's it!

Guo Jia waved his hand.

He also has no interest in this simple-minded Hu Chuquan.

Ah Yimu brought Guo Jia to a group of Hun women again.

"These are the wives and concubines of Qiang Qu's father and son, and Lord You Xian Wang also sent them here."

Guo Jia's eyes flicked over the faces of these Hun women.

I have to say that Qiang Qu is quite enjoyable, and there are so many harems, and the quality is not bad.


Guo Jia smiled faintly, these are not his dishes, he is not interested in taking leftovers from others.

"Take all these women back."

Lord Inspector!

A Yimu leaned over, smiled and said: "Master Inspector is wise and mighty, of course he doesn't like these vulgar fans. King Youxian specially prepared a gift for you."

They clapped their hands as they spoke, and the Huns behind them brought a carriage.

Ayimu untied the car curtain himself, revealing a beautiful figure inside.

Although Guo Jia was used to seeing beauties, he was still shocked when he saw this woman.

This woman's eyebrows are like a crescent moon, her temples are cut like a knife, her long hair is just tied up in a random shawl, her white clothes are like snow, her feet are bare, her eyes are as deep as morning stars, just like walking out of a painting.

(End of this chapter)

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