Chapter 296 Wolf cub, kill!

so beautiful!
All the generals were amazed.

Unexpectedly, there are such beauties among the Huns.

It's not that they haven't seen beautiful women.

In Yunzhou, Lord Inspector's harem is quite rich.

Cai Yan, who is both talented and beautiful, Cai Yu, who is eccentric, and Diao Chan, who is delicate and beautiful...

But compared with the woman in front of her, she was quite inferior.

This woman has an ethereal beauty that does not eat the fireworks of the world.

"This is the most beautiful woman in our Xiongnu tribe. According to legend, she is a descendant of the Ning Huyan family. Now she is [-] years old, she is proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and knows everything about poetry and poetry."

Aichi said cautiously.

Ning Huyan is Wang Zhaojun, one of the four beauties of later generations.

The appearance of Wang Zhaojun's descendants will naturally not be low.

It is said that Xu Bugu also racked his brains for his own position.

This woman was selected by Xu Bu Gu among tens of thousands of Xiongnu women, and invited famous teachers from the Han people to guide her. It took eight years to get to where she is today.

It was originally intended to be given to the emperor of the Han Dynasty to strive for greater benefits for the Huns, but at this juncture he had to reluctantly part with it and sent it to Guo Jia.

Guo Jia was surprised for a long time, and suddenly said: "King Youxian spent a lot of effort in cultivating this woman!"

Aichi nodded.

It's not just a lot of hard work, it's simply high hopes.

Among other things, the famous teachers he found and the money spent are uncountable.

Guo Jia suddenly took a deep breath and said, "Thank You Xian Wang for me, but you should take this girl back."

Ayimu couldn't believe his ears.

"Could it be..."

He said cautiously: "My lord is... dissatisfied with her?"

This was cultivated by King Youxian according to the preferences of the Han people.


Everyone was also dumbfounded.

They are also obvious to all of the lord's lustful things.

It is said that this master once almost lost his family's foundation because of a woman.

Now that a lively and fragrant beauty is in front of him, this master is actually not tempted.

This is the sun coming out from the west.

Guo Jia smiled lightly and did not speak.

Although he is also lustful, this kind of carefully cultivated spy has no interest.

King Youxian wanted to plant an eyes and ears by his side.

Naturally, Guo Jia would not be fooled.

Although beautiful women are good, they must be restrained, and they will be raped if they are a little careless.

Guo Jia didn't want to be on guard against the person next to him all the time.

He still likes women with simple minds, so he can save worry.

When his eyes fell on the face of a tall child behind him, he was slightly surprised.

Others were in awe of him when they saw him, but this child was the only one who didn't look sideways and had a certain demeanor.

"This is Qiang Qu's eldest grandson, Yu Fuluo's son Liu Bao!"

Aichi hurriedly introduced.

It was him!

Guo Jia's pupils suddenly shrank.

This was the most critical figure in the later Wuhuluanhua. His son Liu Yuan destroyed the Western Jin Dynasty and established the Later Zhao regime.

Pull this child out and chop it up!

Guo Jia said coldly.

Everyone was surprised.

This Liu Bao looked like three or five years old at most.

Even the Huns rarely killed such a small child.

Guo Jia's expression darkened suddenly when he saw that everyone was not moving.

"What are you doing in a daze, didn't you hear?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and no one was willing to make a move.

Finally Dian Wei bit the bullet and stood up.

"My lord, it's useless to kill such a young child. It's better to put it on the wasteland and let it fend for itself."

Dian Wei, who was known as evil, couldn't bear to do it.

Don't kill him!
Murong Yu'er suddenly stood up and pleaded bitterly: "He's still a child! Even if two clans are fighting on the grassland, they wouldn't attack such a young child!"

As he spoke, he hugged Liu Bao tightly in his arms.


Zhao Yun also fell to his knees.

"Since Lord Zi raised his army, he has always served people with benevolence and righteousness and loved the people like a son. Although this child is the grandson of Qiang Qu, he is not guilty of death. I hope the Lord will forgive me."

Yu Jin also knelt down.

When they knelt, all the generals who followed knelt down.

these guys!

Guo Jia frowned.

As a later generation, he knew very well that Wu Huan Hua was a disaster for the Han people.

And the instigator is this Liu Bao.

Liu Bao must not stay, it must be a disaster.

But a group of subordinates pleaded for Liu Bao, which made it difficult for Guo Jia. He couldn't say that this guy was the culprit of the dead man later!

At this time, a sudden change occurred.

Liu Bao suddenly pulled out the scimitar from Murong Yu'er's waist and stabbed Guo Jia.

The rabbit's ups and downs were so sudden that everyone didn't react.

Guo Jia didn't react either. When he did, the scimitar had already stabbed in front of him.

"I kill you!"

Liu Bao said viciously.

Although he was only a few years old, he was extremely tall and his strength was astonishing.

not good!

Everyone's hearts sank suddenly, and it was too late to stop it.

Seeing that Guo Jia was about to die at the hands of Liu Bao.

At this time, a figure rushed over fiercely, and immediately pressed Liu Bao under him.

It was Aichi who reacted first.

He jumped up violently and threw Liu Bao to the ground.

This time, he came with a mission. If Liu Bao hurt Guo Jia, the Southern Huns would be completely finished.

Although Liu Bao is stronger than the average child, he is no match for an adult after all.
Soon, he was crushed by Ayimu.

At this time, Dian Wei, Zhao Yun, Yu Jin and others also came in front of Guo Jia.

"My lord, are you alright!"

Dian Wei said in shame.

He didn't expect that his negligence again almost cost Guo Jia's life again.

Touching the cut on his chest, Guo Jia couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

A wolf lamb is a wolf lamb.

Wei Jin was very kind to Liu Bao and his son, but the two were like white-eyed wolves who were not familiar with each other. In the end, they rebelled against the old master and aimed the butcher's knife at innocent Han people.

There is absolutely no mercy for these wolf lambs!


There was no expression on Guo Jia's face.

Dian Wei didn't hesitate any longer, he strode towards the field with big strides.

He will not be soft on anyone who dares to hurt Guo Jia, even if it is just a child.

There was a scream from both sides fighting.

Ayimu stood up panting, and wiped his blood-stained hands.

The scimitar was being inserted into Liu Bao's body, blood was gushing out, and he was no longer breathing.

"I'm sorry, it was the villain's negligence that surprised Lord Inspector."

Aichi smiled wryly.

This time, he came to make peace with Guo Jia on behalf of King Youxian. Once Guo Jia was injured, the matter would naturally be blown.

If the Yunzhou Army refused to reconcile, then the Southern Huns could only follow in the footsteps of the Northern Huns, fleeing into the depths of the grassland and never returning.

That would be a serious disaster for the Huns.

Because after so many years of Sinicization, they can no longer do without the things of the Han people.

very good!

Guo Jia nodded.

This Ayimu is a character, and he is also ruthless at critical moments.

He has already seen Guo Jia's thoughts.

He ended Liu Bao's life before everyone could do anything.

In this way, it is equivalent to sending a big gift to Guo Jia.

(End of this chapter)

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