Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 297 Conquering the Southern Huns

Chapter 297 Conquering the Southern Huns

After a false alarm, Guo Jia returned to the camp.

After being assassinated, he was not in the mood to check the harvest.

"Lord Inspector!"

Ayimu followed closely, and he took out a list.

"This is a small gift from King Youxian to my lord. I hope that I can live in peace with Lord Inspector."

Send money, send hostages, send women!
It seems that this beard bone also has the essence of the Han people!


Guo Jia smiled lightly.

He wasn't going to be dismissed just like that.

"There is no need for you King Youxian to discuss this matter with Yunzhou. You can completely discuss it with the imperial court."

Lord Inspector!

Ayimu said with a smile: "Who doesn't know that you are the representative of the big Han, and we, the Southern Huns, will all depend on your face in the future."

He looked left and right, and then took out a few more letters.

"This is a letter from an important official in the imperial court to Qiang Qu. After King You Xian captured it, he asked the villain to send it along."

Letters from important court officials?
Guo Jia was a little dubious.

When he took the letter, he recognized it immediately.

Very exquisite Caihou paper, the people who can use this kind of paper are by no means ordinary people.

He Jin, Yuan Kui...

Seeing the signatures of these letters, Guo Jia's face immediately darkened.

These bastards!

He couldn't help but patted the table.

It turned out that the Huns sent troops were instigated by them.

They have long been unhappy with Guo Jia, and have always wanted someone to replace him.In the letter, he gave the Qiangqu Da Xu a license.

Seeing this situation, Ayimu felt more at ease.

In fact, King Youxian didn't have any good intentions in handing over He Jin and Yuan Kai's private correspondence with Qiang Qu.

He would rather see Guo Jia and Han Ting break up.

Once that is the case, the Huns have a lot to do.

Peace can!

Guo Jia nodded and said, "But you have to promise me three conditions! Otherwise, I will send my troops eastward and drive you out of the Han territory!"

Aichi was overjoyed.

"I don't know what conditions the adults have?"

Guo Jia thought for a while, and said: "First, immediately release all the Han people in the Xiongnu and send them to Yunzhou."

There are also many Han people who have fallen into the Huns tribe in recent years.

Some people were plundered, and some people couldn't survive and went to the Huns to beg for life.

These people should not be underestimated. It is precisely because of their joining that the Huns have made great progress.

Ayimu pondered for a while, then nodded immediately: "No problem, peaceful coexistence, we will naturally release those Han people."

For the stability of the Huns, this level is nothing.


Guo Jia continued: "Let Xu Bugu send his two sons to Yunzhou as hostages. If there is a need in the future, you must contribute money and efforts."


Ayimu hesitated for a moment, but gritted his teeth and agreed.

The winner is the prince and the loser is Kou, this is also a matter of no choice.

Besides, sending sons as hostages is not uncommon on the grasslands.

very good!

A smile appeared on Guo Jia's face.

"Third, send Huchuquan back to the tribe that took over Qiangqu, and you must not make things difficult for no reason."

Hearing this condition, Ayimu's eyeballs almost fell off.

Let Hu Chuquan go back?

Is the governor's head showing off?
Huchuquan's family died in Guo Jia's hands. If he were to be released, he would definitely not let Guo Jia go.

But when he thought about it again, he broke out in a cold sweat.

This Lord Inspector wasn't showing off, but was very sinister and vicious.

It is true that Hu Chuquan hated Guo Jia, but he should hate Youxian King Xu Bugu even more.

Because the Qiang Canal was killed by Xu Bugu, everything about them was also destroyed by Xu Bugu.

At that time, Huchuquan will definitely be a serious problem for Xu Bugu.

In this way, Xu Bugu's desire to unify the Southern Huns may not be possible.


Guo Jia sneered, "Does Xu Bugu not even have this bit of sincerity? In fact, I don't need any sincerity from him. Remember, this is an order, not a request."

He is planning to insert a nail into the Southern Huns.

Huchuquan is the most suitable one.

First of all, this person is relatively simple. Even if he is put back, there is no threat. Even if there is a threat, it is against Xu Bugu, not Yunzhou.

In addition, with Huchuquan in the southern Xiongnu, it is impossible for Youxian King Xu Bugu to become a profuse khan in peace and stability.

Lord Inspector!

Ayimu smiled bitterly: "Are you not afraid of raising tigers?"

In this matter, they really have no room for bargaining.

If the Yunzhou Army does not stop dying, the Southern Huns will completely leave the border.

In that case, the loss is even more difficult to recover.

it is good!
Ayimu gritted his teeth and said, "I'll reply to King Youxian and ask him for instructions!"

Said and bowed out.

The Huns carried falcons with them, which could not only spy on the enemy, but also deliver messages.

He didn't dare to make up his mind about this kind of thing.

After sending Ah Yimu away, Guo Jia took a deep breath and suddenly said, "Come out!"

He has already noticed it.

After a while, Murong Yu'er came out timidly.

The girl bowed her head.

When Guo Jia was about to execute Liu Bao just now, she also went forward to protect Liu Bao in a moment of fever.

Unexpectedly, Liu Bao took the opportunity to pull out the scimitar.

If Ah Yimu hadn't risked his life to save him, it would have been irretrievable at this moment.

"Oh, what's wrong with you?"

Guo Jia tilted his head and glanced at her.

Murong Yu'er lowered her head even lower.

"I shouldn't have been so sympathetic to Liu Bao, and I shouldn't have approached him unsuspecting."

She feels guilty all the time.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia couldn't help but smile.

If he hadn't known the nature of Liu Bao and his son, he would not have insisted on killing a child.

Non-my family, its heart must be different!
He has a deep understanding of this point.

Wu Huanhua is a disaster for the Han people, and he will naturally not be polite to Liu Bao and his son who initiated it.

Eliminate misfortune in its cradle.

After killing Liu Bao, there will naturally be no descendants of Han and Zhao in the future.

"You are a hero!"

Murong Yu'er bit her lip and said.

She was indeed a little surprised by Guo Jia's performance.

This person not only predicts things like a god, but also recognizes people more accurately. What's even more rare is that he is not tempted by beauty.

The woman presented by the Huns was a rare beauty, and even Murong Yu'er, known as the Pearl of Xianbei, felt a little ashamed when she saw it.

I am not some hero!
Guo Jia smiled and said, "I'm just a little more sober than ordinary people."

He is quite interested in Murong Yu'er.

"How did you know that the Huns would send the head of Qiang Qu?"

Murong Yu'er asked in a low voice.

Guo Jia suddenly hooked his fingers.

Murong Yu'er was stunned for a moment, but still moved over.

Through the acquaintance just now, she has already thrown Guo Jia out of the team of lustful people.

After all, not everyone can regard beauty as nothing.

"Because I already knew it! Haha!"

Guo Jia suddenly whispered something in her ear, then hugged her tightly with both hands, and kissed her painfully.

(End of this chapter)

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