Chapter 298 Zhang Liao Returns
Murong Yu'er didn't notice for a while, and she became slighted by this person whom she regarded as a great hero.

She wanted to push Guo Jia away, but Guo Jia bit her ear, and she felt weak all over.

don't want……

She groaned softly, trying hard to get rid of Guo Jia's restraint, but all failed.

The womanizer!

Murong Yu'er finally recognized the true face of this pious guy.

But it is already late.

Her body almost melted.

At this moment, a surprised voice sounded outside, it was Zhao Yun.

"My lord, Zhang Liao has returned with his brothers."

Zhang Liao!

Hearing this name, Guo Jia was shocked, and then let go of Murong Yu'er.

Murong Yu'er was already limp as mud right now.


She slumped on the long table and wanted to slap this guy, but she didn't have the strength.

Guo Jia smiled slightly.

The two false alarms were caused by this girl, and he still has to get back some interest.

He straightened his clothes and was about to get out of the camp.

"Girl, I'm afraid you haven't made out with a man yet, have you?"

Guo Jia said with a smile.

He already felt that the girl's response was very clumsy.

Go to hell!
Murong Yu'er panted.

Guo Jia laughed a few times.

"Girl, do you want to know how I knew the Huns would send the head of Qiang Qu?"

He started persuading again.

Murong Yu'er was taken advantage of by him, she was not angry at first, but when she heard this sentence, she was filled with curiosity again.

After hesitating for a long time, she gritted her teeth and chased after him.

curiosity kills the cat!
This sentence is really good.

Outside the camp, Zhao Yun was smiling, and behind him was a travel-worn general, Zhang Liao whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Subordinate Zhang Liao pays homage to the lord!"

Seeing Guo Jia coming out, Zhang Liao immediately fell to the ground.

When he was in Bingzhou, he was ordered to take two thousand cavalry out on business, and he just came back now.

"Wen Yuan has worked hard!"

Guo Jia helped Zhang Liao up with a smile.

In other words, the reason why the Southern Huns were able to conquer smoothly was thanks to Zhang Liao.

When he subdued Zhang Liao, Guo Jia had a bold plan in mind.

Zhang Liao, who is familiar with the current situation of the Huns, is the best candidate to send a mobile force to sneak into the rear of the Huns to sabotage them.

The Huns gathered their main forces in Bingzhou, and they certainly would not have thought that anyone would dare to go to their rear to make trouble.

Therefore, the infiltration of Zhang Liao and others went smoothly.

They sneaked into the grassland as horse thieves, robbed the small and medium-sized tribes in the grassland without supplies, and sneaked into the hinterland of the Huns with war support.

While the two sides were fighting in Daijun, Zhang Liao's two thousand cavalry successfully attacked the tribe of Qiangqu.

The tribe of Qiangqu was the strongest tribe in the southern Xiongnu, and the small tribes around them all surrendered to his despotic power and did not dare to resist.

This also forms a delicate balance.

Once the balance is broken, it will become extremely chaotic.

Catch the thief first catch the king!
This is the task Guo Jia entrusted to Zhang Liao.

Breaking through the tribe of Qiang Qu and interrupting his foundation, naturally it will not break down by itself.

Sure enough, things were as Guo Jia expected.

The Qiang Canal was laid, and the tribe was also attacked. Other tribes of the Huns swarmed up, divided up the foundation of the Qiang Canal one after another, and sent his head to Guo Jia.

Dare not dare!

Zhang Liao waved his hand and said modestly, "It's all because of the master's command. The thunder and fire are so powerful, otherwise Zhang Liao wouldn't be able to destroy the Qiang Qu tribe in an instant."

When the team left, Guo Jia asked someone to prepare a secret weapon on purpose.

These secret weapons are hand-held crock bombs.

Zhang Liao and others also relied on this powerful weapon to wipe out the tribe of Qiang Qu in one fell swoop.

"My lord, what this subordinate really admires for you is the five-body surrender."

Zhao Yun said sincerely.

When Guo Jia handed over two thousand cavalry to Zhang Liao, he also didn't understand.

Originally, Yunzhou cavalry was scarce, but now they have to divide the troops, and they are divided with a newcomer who has voted not long ago.

This made Zhao Yun a little unhappy.

But now it seems that it was this newcomer who went around to the rear of the Xiongnu and dealt the most fatal blow to Qiang Qu.

Otherwise, with the strength of Qiang Qu, there is every chance to make a comeback.

At that time, it must be the mortal enemy of the Yunzhou Army.

"It turns out that you have already sent people to attack the Huns' rear?"

At this moment, Murong Yu'er just woke up like a dream.

No wonder Guo Jia has always been ambitious.

It turned out that he also arranged this wonderful move.

Murong Yu'er couldn't help but feel her scalp tingling.

She already had a high opinion of Guo Jia, but she didn't expect this guy to be much smarter than she imagined.

Catch the thief first catch the king!
When Guo Jia was fighting with the Huns, he sent a force to successfully surprise the tribe of Qiangqu.

Prairie tribes advocate wolf nature, that's because they not only cooperate in predation, but also kill each other.

The Qiangqu tribe, whose strength has been greatly weakened, cannot stop the wild wolves of other tribes.

It was a matter of course that the Qiangqu tribe was divided up, and it was only natural that he was killed by the Xiongnu nobles.

All of this was in Guo Jia's calculations, that's why he stood still and waited for these people to bring the head of Qiang Qu to him.

Thinking of this, Murong Yu'er's eyes flashed with fear.

This man is really terrible.

The majestic Qiang Qu Khan is finished in his hands, and his children, wives and children will be abused by others.

Murong Yu'er was suddenly a little rejoiced, glad that she did not marry into the Qiangqu tribe, otherwise she would definitely become one of these slaves.

"Who is this……"

Zhang Liao looked at Murong Yu'er in surprise.

Murong Yu'er entered the barracks after he left, so it's normal that Zhang Liao didn't know her.

However, he has lived in the border county for a long time and knows the surrounding nomads very well.

It seems that this woman is from the Xianbei tribe, how could she be so close to the lord in the camp of the Han army?
The clever Zhang Liao immediately realized this problem.

But he is a newcomer, and he was too embarrassed to ask some things, so he just let out a haha ​​and passed away.

Guo Jia didn't mind much!

"This is Miss Yu'er from the Murong tribe of the Xianbei tribe!"

Murong tribe!

Zhang Liao's expression froze, and he nodded slowly.

"It turned out to be a member of the Murong tribe!"

The Murong tribe is one of the three major tribes in Xianbei, and there are tens of thousands of people who control strings.

Although the strength is not as good as that of the Southern Huns, it should not be underestimated.

The lord loves this woman very much, maybe it has some deep meaning.

"You're amazing!"

Murong Yu'er said sincerely.

It is not an easy task to lead two thousand cavalry to kill the enemy chieftains vertically and horizontally behind tens of thousands of Huns.

This Zhang Liao has some skills.

She was depressed again.

Guo Jia is already so perverted, and his subordinates are so perverted, Dian Wei is so, Zhao Yun is so, this Zhang Liao is still so.


Will it still give others a way to survive?

Murong Yu'er was a little hysterical!
(End of this chapter)

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