Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 300 The Confrontation in the Court

Chapter 300 The Confrontation in the Court
"Okay, there is no need to argue about this matter. Ding Yuan and Yuan Shao have merit, and Guo Jia has merit."

Emperor Han Ling spoke.

Those who lost the battle deserved credit, and those who won the battle naturally also deserved credit.

Although he was confused, he was not so confused as to be incurable.

All civil servants looked at each other in blank dismay. They originally planned to tear Guo Jia down, but they didn't expect to remove the fig leaf of the Yuan family by the way. It was a bit of a miscalculation!
The emperor has made a decision, and Guo Jia's credit may not be moved.

However, since Guo Jia's credit cannot be moved, he can find some faults.

"His Majesty!"

Yuan Kui stood up again.

"Although Guo Jia made great achievements in defeating the Huns, he also made a big mistake. When he was the governor of the Zhongshan County, he killed the little prince of the Huns without authorization. This aroused the anger of the Huns and gave the two The local people have brought disasters of extinction."

A literati is a literati, and Yuan Kui quickly found a breakthrough point and began to attack Guo Jia's mistakes.

He is also well aware of the weakness of Emperor Han Ling, and he clings to the premise of stability and unity everywhere.

Yuan Kai Dayi said awe-inspiringly: "Since the southern Xiongnu surrendered to the Han court, our big Han has confidant to it. The Southern Xiongnu has also respected the Han court since the Great Khan. There has been no conflict for more than 100 years. Guo Jia, as the commander of the border county, naturally To understand the meaning of the imperial court, it is necessary to carefully maintain the stability of both parties. But..."

He sneered and said: "This guy actually killed the little prince of the Xiongnu outrageously, which triggered the confrontation between the two clans. This time the southern Xiongnu invaded the Han Dynasty, it was entirely caused by Guo Jia."

As soon as Yuan Kui's words fell, the courtiers all responded.

"What the Tai Tuo said is that Guo Jia was lawless and executed the little Xiongnu prince without authorization, which is the chief culprit that caused this disaster."

"That's right, Guo Jia is destroying the harmony and stability of the imperial court, destroying the harmonious relationship between the Han people and the Huns, and deliberately triggering a war. It is an unforgivable crime."

"I think this Guo Jia should be killed."

"Should kill!"

Everyone was filled with righteous indignation, and they completely forgot how awe-inspiring the Hun Leping defeated the official army and could threaten the capital at any time.

Hearing everyone's words, Han Lingdi's face was also a little gloomy.

What is the thing you wish most about being an emperor?
That is stability.

Only when the Han Dynasty is stable can the emperor be able to eat, drink and have fun smoothly.

Guo Jia provoked trouble, isn't this causing trouble for the emperor?

not good!

Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong looked at each other.

They are people close to Liu Hong, and they know Liu Hong's character very well.

It is said that what this master hates the most is people who cause trouble for him.

Oh oh oh!
Zhang Rang suddenly burst into tears.

This puzzled everyone.

"You slave, why are you crying?"

Emperor Han Ling looked at Zhang Rang puzzled.

Zhang Rang hastily wiped away his tears.

"Your Majesty, this old slave suddenly feels sad when he thinks of Emperor Guangwu."

Emperor Guangwu!

Everyone's heart skipped a beat, and even Han Lingdi was a little respectful.

Emperor Guangwu was his ancestor, who helped the orthodoxy of the Han Dynasty during Wang Mang's troubled times.

This is an awesome character.

But everyone was a little puzzled.

It's true that Emperor Guangwu is a genius, so it's none of your business, an old eunuch?
What are you so sad about?
Zhang Rang said with tears: "When Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was alive, there was still Dong Xuan who was not afraid of power. It's a pity that once Dong Jun died, the big man would no longer have a crouching tiger. Alas!"

Then wept bitterly.

Everyone looked at each other again.

His strengths make Dong Xuan also an awesome character.

He is not afraid of power, he would rather die than bow his head, and he is very upright, which can be regarded as a model for all his officials.

At that time, Dong Xuan was the county magistrate of Luoyang.The servant of Princess Huyang committed murder during the day, because the officials who hid in the princess's house could not arrest him.When Princess Huyang went out, she used this murderous servant as her companion.

Dong Xuan waited for Princess Huyang at Xiamen Pavilion, stopped the princess's car, stopped the princess's horse, scratched the ground with a knife, loudly listed the princess' faults, told the servant to get off the car, and killed him.

Princess Huyang immediately returned to the palace and told Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu.

Emperor Guangwu was furious and summoned Dong Xuan, intending to beat him with a stick.

Dong Xuan kowtowed and said, "Your Majesty revived the Han Dynasty with virtue, but allowed his servants to kill good people. How will he govern the world? I don't need to be beaten with sticks. Please let me commit suicide." He hit his head on a pillar and his face was covered with blood.

The emperor ordered Xiao Huangmen to support him and asked Dong Xuan to kowtow to the princess to apologize, but Dong Xuan refused to obey.

Xiao Huangmen forced him to kowtow, but he still refused to bow his head.

Emperor Guangwu admired Dong Xuan very much, so he ordered the hard-necked magistrate to go out.Give Dong Xuan 30 yuan.

Dong Xuanquan gave it to his officials.From then on, when Dong Xuan attacked the powerful, everyone was shocked and trembling. The capital called him "Crouching Tiger".

Seeing Zhang Rang crying there, everyone was puzzled.

Whether it's Emperor Guangwu or Crouching Tiger Dong Xuan, they can't compete with Zhang Rang, who has no descendants.

Why is he crying so sadly?
No, there is a conspiracy!

He Jin and Yuan Kai glanced at each other, and they both saw the worry in each other's eyes.

They had dealt with Zhang Rang countless times, and they knew that this person was cunning and cunning, and he would never target him indiscriminately.

Seeing Zhang Rang crying sadly, Emperor Han Ling felt a little sympathetic.

"Get up first, and tell me if you have any grievances."

Zhang Rang kowtowed and said in tears: "Thank you for your kindness, but this old slave has something to say."

He suddenly took a deep breath and said, "Does Your Highness know why Guo Jia executed that Hun prince?"

Hearing this, Yuan Kui suddenly felt a thump in his heart, screaming inwardly that it was not good.

He already understood what Zhang Rang meant.

The old eunuch!
Yuan Kai's complexion became very ugly.

Emperor Ling of Han was puzzled and said, "Because of what?"

He has been led into the urn by Zhang Rang.

Is such that!

Zhang Rang hastily told the story about the wanton murderous arrogance of the little Xiongnu prince, who was arrogant and defiant of everything, and Guo Jia justly enforced the law.

"His Majesty!"

Yuan Kai hurriedly said: "The murder of the Huns must be handed over to the imperial court and the general's mansion to protect the Xiongnu. Guo Jia committed suicide without authorization, which is exceeding his authority and reckless."


Zhang Rang rolled his eyes.

"The murderer dies, this is the rule set by the ancestors. Guo Jia's execution of the little prince is also very satisfying. Besides, what is the little prince of the Huns not doing in his own territory? Identity. It is understandable for Guo Jia to execute a Hun murderer.”

His Majesty!

Yuan Kai was in a hurry, and wanted to say something, but he heard Emperor Han Ling slap the table fiercely.

"Good kill!"

Liu Hong suddenly stood up.

"The Huns have been endangering the border for a long time, and Emperor Guangwu's kindness gave them a place to live. Unexpectedly, these people not only did not know what to do in return, but intensified."

He took a deep breath and said: "The Huns are the defeated generals of my big man, how dare they be so arrogant. A defeated general dares to be so arrogant, it seems that the big man is too generous to them!"

(End of this chapter)

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