Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 301 The Servant's Conspiracy

Chapter 301 The Conspiracy of the Ten Attendants
deliver an imperial order!

Emperor Ling of Han waved his hand and said, "Remove Zhang Xiuhu from the position of General of the Huns, and replace it with Guo Jia. Guo Jia will be enfeoffed as Marquis of Guannei, and he will still guard Yunzhou."

He smiled and said: "Since Guo Jia is not afraid of power, he can be regarded as a crouching tiger in this world. Although my literary and military strategy is not as good as that of Emperor Guangwu, it still has some measure."

General Zhonglang, the guardian of the Xiongnu, was originally to restrain the Southern Xiongnu, but in recent decades, the Han court has been weak, and it has long been useless, and the Southern Xiongnu has long since ignored this government.

Now that Guo Jia defeated the Southern Huns, Emperor Han Ling took the opportunity to hand over this position to Guo Jia, asking him to help the court deal with those rebellious Huns.

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

Zhang made Zhao Zhong overjoyed.

Guo Jia was promoted and made a fortune, and as a ten-time attendant, the tide also naturally increased.


He Jin and Yuan Kai had wry smiles on their faces.

Now that the emperor has made an order, they have no reason to stop it.

Guanneihou's one-term title is just a false title, which is nothing.

But the general who protects the Huns is different. This is a big real deficiency, especially when the Huns are defeated. Being the general who protects the Huns in the Huns is like wind and rain.

Originally, He Jin and Yuan Kai were also determined to win this position, but they did not expect that Emperor Ling of Han directly gave this position to Guo Jia.

It's over, and there's nothing they can do.

After the courtiers retreated, Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong smiled and led the emperor back to the palace.

In today's confrontation, the ten permanent servants once again had the upper hand.

The reason is all because of Guo Jia.

During this period of time, Shi Changshi had been humiliated by the ministers, and finally fought back, and the two were very happy.

"Your Majesty, Guo Jia sent someone to bring over several carts of golden pearl furs."

Zhang Rang said with a smile.

After the official business is done, the next step should naturally be a private matter.

"Guo Jia is still loyal. Even if he defeated the Xiongnu, he did not forget my benefits."

Emperor Han Ling sighed.

In this era, there are many people who spend money to buy officials, but Guo Jia is the only one who gives money to the palace after becoming an official on the mountain.

"Then what, when you confer an official position, let's get rid of his Nagin!"

At this time, conferring officials and conferring titles requires money.

It was not easy for Emperor Han Ling, who had always been greedy for money, to be able to exempt Guo Jia from the Najin.

Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong naturally nodded their heads in agreement, but they disagreed in their hearts.

The combination of the Marquis of Guannei and the Hun Hun Zhonglang is not a small sum. The emperor was happy to spare Guo Jia, but they couldn't be spared so easily.

Even if it is avoided, Guo Jia has to be grateful.

Of course this is another story.

"Your Majesty, what Guo Jia sent this time is not only gold beads, but also a big surprise."

Zhang Rang lowered his voice, and there was a smile on his face.


Emperor Han Ling was a little puzzled.

What surprises can there be?
Look, Your Majesty!

Zhao Zhong had already stepped back and clapped his hands.

A beauty in palace costume suddenly walked in, and Yingying prostrated herself on the ground.

Emperor Han Ling was stunned.

The moment he saw this woman, he suddenly felt that the world went dark.

Everything around was overshadowed by this woman's peerless glory.

Peerless elegance!

Han Lingdi murmured.

Even if he was three thousand in the harem, he was still astonished when he saw this woman.

"Your Majesty, this is the descendant of Ming Concubine Wang Zhaojun."

Zhao Zhong said with a grin.

Concubine Ming!

Hearing this, Emperor Han Ling's eyes lit up.

According to legend, because there were so many women in the harem, Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty asked a painter to draw a portrait, and summoned Chongxing to see the picture.The palace people bribed the painters, but Wang Zhaojun refused, so her portrait was painted the worst, and she was not allowed to see Emperor Han Yuan.Later when the Xiongnu came to propose marriage, Emperor Han Yuan chose Wang Zhaojun according to the picture. Before leaving, he found that Zhaojun was elegant, generous and the most beautiful.

Ming concubine Wang Zhaojun has always been a regret for the emperor of the Han Dynasty.

What is not available is always the best.

Now Wang Zhaojun has passed away, but it is also very exciting to see her descendants.


Seeing Emperor Han Ling like this, Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

This is also a great gift from Guo Jia.

This big gift is also in the appetite of Shi Changshi.

The two looked at each other and quietly left the emperor's bedroom.


In a secluded room, ten attendants gathered together.

The ten permanent servants are headed by Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong, and the rest are Xia Yun, Guo Sheng, Sun Zhang, Bi Lan, Li Song, Duan Gui, Gao Wang, Zhang Gong, Han Kui, and Song Dian.

This time Zhang Rang called them because he had something important to explain.

That is to support the newcomer Wang Meiren against the increasingly domineering Queen He.

The foundation of the He family lies in Empress He.

Once Empress He is finished, He Jin is naturally finished as well.

"Father, how sure do you think this matter is?"

Duan Gui asked in a low voice.

After all, the position of the He family has been very consolidated.

"Half and half!"

Zhang Rang said slowly, his eyes flashed sharply.

He became more and more dissatisfied with He Jin.

The reason why the He family is what it is today is all thanks to Shi Changshi.If it weren't for the efforts of the ten servants, Empress He would still be the lowest court lady, and He Jin would still be killing pigs in Nanyang.

Speaking of him, Zhang Rang is He Jin's benefactor.

But as soon as this He Jin came to power, he separated himself from Shi Changshi and plunged into the circle of the gentry.

Now it is even more colluding with these aristocratic families to deal with the ten permanent attendants, not even giving Zhang Rang face.

This made Zhang Rang very dissatisfied.

You must know that he is still related to the He family. Empress He's sister is Zhang Rang's daughter-in-law.

He Jin's wings hardened, and he targeted Zhang Rang everywhere.

Naturally, Zhang Rang didn't dare to stand still, he had already made up his mind.

Now the beauty presented by Guo Jia gave him a good chance.

This beauty is a peerless stunner, far younger and more beautiful than Empress He, and Han Lingdi is also a master who loves the new and dislikes the old. If the two get along day and night and have the ten servants to help them, it is not impossible for the latter to replace Empress He.

Empress He is the root of the He family, once her position is shaken, He Jin will surely be doomed too.


Zhao Zhong hesitated for a moment, and said in a low voice: "He Jin controls the military power around the capital, and what civil servants are there to help him, it may be easy for him to deal with us."

Empress He is the root of the He family, and He Jin will never sit back and watch Empress He fall out of favor.

When necessary, he will definitely intervene in the affairs of the harem as a foreign relative.

"The old man has long been concerned! Internally, let's contact the Dong family to fight against He Jin. In addition, we can persuade His Majesty to set up the Xiyuan school lieutenant and divide He Jin's military power. Externally, don't we still have Guo Jia? This person is a general, There are two skills in fighting, and when necessary, you can call the Yunzhou army into King Jingqin."

Zhang Rang said a few words in a low voice, and the rest of the crowd smiled.

"Father, goodbye!"

They cheered in unison.

Ho Jin!

Zhang Rang's eyes flashed sharply, and he sneered, "Let's wait and see!"

(End of this chapter)

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