Chapter 303 Dancing
Having suffered a bad loss, Murong Guang forced a smile, but his heart ached.

He once again learned how powerful Guo Jia is.

I swear in my heart that in the future when dealing with Guo Jia, I must be very energetic, otherwise I will be tricked if I am not careful.

That night, the people of the Murong tribe slaughtered cattle and sheep to entertain Guo Jia's team.

He also has a purpose in doing so.

In the first battle of Daijun, Guo Jia defeated the thriving Southern Huns and became the new overlord of the border.

Being close to the water and building first gets the moon, Murong Guang is announcing the relationship between the two families to all the tribes.

For a time, the host and guests enjoyed themselves.

After drinking and eating, Guo Jia and the generals gathered around the fire, watching the Xianbei people singing and dancing.

It has to be said that the grassland tribes are all good at singing and dancing. Although there are only some men, their dancing postures are still very beautiful.

The dancers are all men, their movements are vigorous and magnificent.

Dazzling like a beast.

The Yunzhou army are all men, and they still like the rough dance of Xianbei men.

Guo Jia also nodded.

In all fairness, the dancers of the Murong tribe were excellent, and their movements were beautiful, but he still felt that something was missing.

But what exactly was missing, he couldn't say for a while.

At this moment, the dancing crowd suddenly stopped, then stepped aside, and a graceful figure joined them.

Long-haired white shirt, black silk like ink dyed, elegant robe, like a fairy.

Murong Yu'er walked out of the dream like an elf.

A round of bright moon in the sky illuminates the earth, and the woman under the moon sometimes raises her wrists and lowers her eyebrows, sometimes lightly stretches her hands, and sometimes closes her hands and sometimes holds them together, like a pen wandering and painting a painting.The sound of music is clear to the ears, and the sleeves are like wonderful pens and silk strings. They turn, shake, open, close, twist, circle, and bend. The flowing water flows like dragons and phoenixes.

The crowd surrounded Murong Yu'er like stars holding the moon.

Like green leaves and flowers, like stars and the moon.

If the dancers of the Murong tribe are as dazzling as jewels, then Murong Yu'er is definitely the brightest pearl.

it is good!
The crowd burst into applause again.

Guo Jia also applauded.

He finally understood what was missing.

That's a lead dancer.

The lead dancer is the soul of the dance, without the soul, the dance will be lifeless.

The addition of Murong Yu'er made the dance very amazing, like the finishing touch, giving soul to these dancers.

Bring this dance to life.

Let's dance!
Everyone took the curtain call, Murong Yu'er knelt down in front of Guo Jia, stretched out her hand as if calling, and it was Guo Jia with her arm.


Everyone looked at each other.

What's the situation?
Guo Jia was also a little puzzled.

"Lord Inspector!"

Murong Guang smiled and stood up.

"It's a tradition of our Murong tribe to invite the most distinguished guests to dance together," he explained.


Guo Jia was slightly taken aback.

He never expected such a thing to happen.

The generals were very excited.

They really haven't seen Guo Jia dance?

"My lord, the chick has invited you, if you don't go, a certain family will not be polite."

Dian Wei said with a hey smile.

During this period of time, he and Murong Yu'er had settled down.

Not bad!

Zhao Dachui also excitedly said: "Miss Yu'er is a charming beauty, I guess she must like a strong man like me."

Talking about the demonstration, the muscles were brightened.

Zhao Yun also smiled and said, "My lord, this is for the sake of the overall situation, so you can do what you want!"

Although Yu Jin didn't speak, he could not help laughing, as if he wanted to join in but was a little embarrassed.

These guys want to see a joke!
Guo Jia couldn't help shaking his head and smiling.

As a top agent in his previous life, singing and dancing were commonplace for him.

Although I am not familiar with the dance of the Murong tribe, it has something in common with other ethnic dances.

"Let you guys open your eyes today!"

Guo Jia generously pulled Murong Yu'er, and the two went to the field hand in hand and began to dance lightly.

Murong Yu'er had a smile on her face, she also knew that Han men are not good at dancing.

She didn't want Guo Jia to be too ugly.

But just after jumping a few steps, Murong Yu'er suddenly discovered that Guo Jia's sense of rhythm is actually very good, and she can also catch up with her.

Although the movements are a bit jerky, they still look good.

This guy is hiding something!

Murong Yuer suddenly quickened her pace.

Unexpectedly, when she speeded up, Guo Jia was able to keep up.

Everyone in the Murong tribe was also very surprised and pointed at Guo Jia.

Murong Yu'er is the best dancer of the Murong tribe, and ordinary people can't keep up with her rhythm.

Although the Han official danced a little jerky, he really didn't make a fool of himself.

Good guy!
Murong Yu'er's eyes lit up, and she grabbed Guo Jia and jumped up seriously.

The handsome man and the charming woman became the most dazzling scenery in the field.

The generals were once again convinced.

Sure enough, the capable can do anything.

This master dances with the same coquettishness.

What are you doing in a daze?
Guo Jia beckoned and said with a smile, "Let's come together!"

The generals rushed over with a whoop and joined the dancing army.

They are also very depressed, and it is time to vent.

For a time, this place became a sea of ​​dancers.


I don't know how long it took, but the bonfire has been extinguished, leaving a little spark.

The dancers had long since dispersed.

It's getting late, and it's time to rest.

Only Guo Jia and Murong Yu'er were left in the field.

Everyone left tacitly, leaving a private space for the two.

After a dance, Murong Yu'er's thoughts were written all over her face, they didn't want to be light bulbs here.

Dian Wei and the Tiger Guards were scattered around.

They dare not leave.

However, it doesn't look good for the protagonist to pick up girls here, so they all spread out far away.

"Guo Jia!"

Murong Yu'er hugged Guo Jia tightly, her eyes revealed a soft light.

It was the first time anyone had danced with her.

"You dance really well!"

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled slightly.

What is this level? I think he was proficient in all kinds of mainstream Western dances back then?
Of course, learning that thing is also for the needs of work, and it is naturally not beneficial to use it to pick up girls.


Guo Jia suddenly whispered in her ear: "I have another dance, you must have never seen it before."

What dance?
Murong Yu'er asked in surprise.

"This kind of dance can't be danced in public, let's talk about it after we earn money."

As he spoke, Guo Jia dragged Murong Yu'er into the big tent.

Dian Wei and the others didn't look sideways, and for the first time, they didn't follow up, because they already had experience.

Sure enough, not long after, a strange sound came from the big tent.

The soldiers of the Tiger Guards looked at each other, with weird smiles on their faces.

They are used to the master's shamelessness.

It has already been prepared.

Dian Wei coughed and said, "Listen to my command, and plug your ears!"

As he spoke, he took out a pair of special earplugs and put them on his ears.

This is a barracks, and there are only bachelors in it, how can you hear such a voice?

So be deaf!
The soldiers of the Tiger Guards have long been familiar with it.

(End of this chapter)

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