Chapter 304
The army soon began to return, and arrived at the city of Lunu within a day.

finally come back!
Guo Jia got off the carriage and looked at the increasingly prosperous Lunu City, shoulder to shoulder, and a flash of kindness suddenly flashed in his heart.

It was late autumn when the troops were dispatched, but now it is spring, and this battle has lasted for more than half a year.

He suddenly felt homesick.

Yu Jin and Zhao Yun had already arranged the soldiers and horses properly, and Guo Jia was only left with the general tiger guards and artillery.

Standing beside Guo Jia was a long-bodied woman from a different ethnicity, who was Murong Yu'er.

Murong Guang is a smart man, he said that his sister admired the prosperity of Lunu City, and wanted to follow her to experience it, so naturally she asked Guo Jia to take care of Yunyun along the way.

Isn't this nonsense?
The two of them have grown close, how can Guo Jia not take good care of them?

Along the way, it was natural that Haosheng took good care of her.

Soon let a girl grow up.

With Guo Jia's special care, Murong Yu'er has changed a lot compared to before. The greenness and barbarism on her face are gone, replaced by a kind of charm that reveals her bones.

She used to have some exotic looks, but now she is even more gorgeous.

"Is this Lunu City?"

Murong Yu'er looked at all this in surprise.

She has long heard that Lunu City has become a new border trade center, and there are many merchants from the Xianbei tribe who come to do business.

Seeing it with my own eyes now is amazing.

"This is Lunu City, the largest border trade center of Dahan, and it will become even bigger in the future!"

Guo Jiahao said angrily.

By subduing the Southern Huns, they also got a benefit by the way, that is, they opened up the trade route to the Western Regions.

The trade route between the Han Dynasty and the Western Regions has been cut off by the Huns for many years. Now Guo Jia has subdued the Southern Huns and reopened the trade route.

Since then, the goods in Yunzhou can go to the Western Regions freely through the sphere of influence of the Huns.

In this way, Yunzhou will become the center of the two commercial routes in the southwest, and it will naturally bring in money in the future.

Xi Zhong and a group of civil and military officers had already arrived outside the city to wait.

"Congratulations to the lord on his triumphant return!"

The crowd saluted in unison.

"Zhicai, you've worked hard! During my absence, Yunzhou is thankful for having you here."

Guo Jia held onto Xi Zhong's sleeve with a smile on his face.

Xi Zhong is Guo Jia's right-hand man. Although he is the prefect of Zhongshan, he is actually in charge of the government affairs of the entire Yunzhou.With him in Yunzhou, Guo Jia can rest assured when he goes out.

"Don't dare! This is a matter of loyalty."

Xi Zhong clasped his fists and said.

Now that he has recognized Guo Jia as the master, he will naturally be loyal to him in order to repay Guo Jia's kindness.

"Congratulations, my lord, for being promoted!"

Xu Chu and Xu Huang also greeted them, and they were ordered to guard Zhongshan.

Guo Jia laughed out loud.

This time the Huns were defeated, Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty still gave face. Not only did he become an official and inner marquis, but he also handed over the position of Huns Zhonglang to Guo Jia.

Marquis of Guannei is just a false name, but the general who protects the Huns is a real shortage.

From now on, Guo Jia can do whatever he wants in the Southern Huns.

The general who protects the Xiongnu Zhonglang is worth two thousand stones, and he still holds the festival, and has the right to make decisions immediately.

In this way, the entire Southern Huns were brought under Guo Jia's rule.

Guo Jia turned his gaze, and suddenly quickened his pace and came to a majestic middle-aged man.

"My son-in-law has seen his father-in-law!"

It was Cai Yong who came.

Seeing him, he said indifferently: "Don't dare to be, dare not be. Your Excellency is the governor of a state and has a title. It should be the grassroots Cai Yong who pays homage to you."


Guo Jia laughed and said, "You're joking. No matter how high you are, you are still a junior in front of you."

Only then did Cai Yong's expression soften a little, as if he was quite satisfied with Guo Jia's reaction.

Although he was a little dissatisfied with the son-in-law's hooking up with the second daughter, Cai Yong still came to welcome Guo Jia's victory over the Xiongnu this time and show off the prestige of the Han people.

Public is public, private is private.

This old man is very clear.

"Bo Jie, the governor is busy with work, we two idlers should not disturb you!"

Hua Tuo on the side hurriedly smoothed things over.

I was afraid that Cai Yong would make Guo Jia unable to come down to the stage in person.

Speaking of Guo Jia's matter, the old man was also worried.


Cai Yong nodded and lectured to Guo Jia before leaving with Hua Tuo.

This old man!
Guo Jia couldn't help wiping the cold sweat off his face.

"Is he your father-in-law?"

Murong Yu'er on the side came up.


Guo Jia nodded.

It's no secret anymore.

"It seems that your father-in-law doesn't want to see you!"

Murong Yu'er asked in a low voice.

She is also a smart person, and she has seen some clues from the conversation between the two.

"It's a bit unwelcoming!"

Guo Jia said helplessly.

"What the hell is going on?"

Murong Yu'er felt a little apprehensive.

She already had a close relationship with Guo Jia and knew that Guo Jia had a real wife.

I heard that the rules of the Han people are a little different.

I don't know if Guo Jia's real wife can tolerate her.

Guo Jiaman said indifferently: "It's nothing, it's just that I accidentally seduced his second daughter."

Hearing this, Murong Yu'er froze for a moment.

This is nothing.

There are also many things about two sisters working together as one husband, which is not uncommon among the Han people!
But Murong Yu'er also seems to know that the Han people can only have one wife, and the rest are concubines.

It is only natural that people of high status do not like to let their daughters be concubines.

Guo Jia explained: "Originally, this is nothing, but the second daughter of his family was promised by others."

That's it!

Murong Yu'er then burst out laughing.

She has already experienced Guo Jia's lust.

At the beginning, it was this guy who told her about new dances and tricked her into the account.

Dance naturally becomes a striptease.

While talking and laughing, the team had already entered the city.

The governor's mansion was decorated with lanterns and festoons, and Cai Yan had already stood outside the door with all the girls.

Seeing Cai Yan, Guo Jia was very excited, and trotted all the way to her.

"Wen Ji, I'm back!"

Said holding her hands.

Cai Yan is the most tempting woman Guo Jia came to this world, and she has gathered almost all the advantages of women.

"I welcome my husband back!"

A smile appeared on Cai Yan's face, and he smiled slightly.

"Congratulations, husband!"

Behind Cai Yan, Diao Chan, Zhen Jiang and Mi Zhen also followed suit, very tacit understanding.

They are already submissive to Cai Yan.

"This is Miss Murong from the Murong Tribe! She is indeed very beautiful."

Cai Yan's eyes fell on Murong Yu'er.

She already knew about it.

The eyes of all the girls fell on Murong Yu'er.

What a beautiful woman.

Slender, beautiful, somewhat unique exotic.

But what made them very upset was that this foreign woman didn't seem to know what being reserved was, she looked at Guo Jia with hot eyes, even a blind person could see the relationship between the two.

What makes them even more upset is that everyone is worried and afraid at home, and this man is actually kissing me and me with a woman of a different race outside.

They didn't dare to vent their anger on Guo Jia, and they didn't have these scruples about this foreign woman.

Ever since, the atmosphere became tense.

(End of this chapter)

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