Chapter 305 The thirty-seventh is a father

Seeing all the girls waiting in full force, the atmosphere was not very good.

Everyone suddenly felt a little strange.

not good!

The backyard is on fire.

Under the leadership of Dian Wei, the Tiger Guards quickly left.

They don't want to bear the wrath of the mistresses.

Besides, they don't want to participate in the lord's family affairs, and it's not suitable to stay here. They can easily become punching bags.

36 counting is the best!
Soon, the Tiger Guards disappeared.

"Little sister Murong Yu'er has met all of you sisters!"

Murong Yu'er saluted generously.

This etiquette is also just learned, and it looks a bit like selling it now.

Then she stood beside Guo Jia in a pretty way.

Women on the prairie are like this, they dare to love and hate, and there is nothing embarrassing about them.

"Don't dare!"

Cai Yan was still smiling, without any displeasure on his face.

But other women are different, they are not as well-bred as Cai Yan.

not good!

Guo Jia's heart skipped a beat when he saw the displeased looks on the faces of the beauties.

He suddenly realized a serious problem.

There are people in power in the harem of the Guo family, and not everyone can enter it.

Now he brought back a woman of a different race, which caused a serious crisis in the Guo family's harem.

The compound may be a little restless.

Fortunately, Cai Yan didn't say anything, but asked someone to arrange a place for Murong Yu'er.

Wen Ji is indeed a great woman candidate.

Guo Jia was grateful.

Murong Yu'er's entry did not cause any major disputes, and this was due to Cai Yan's generosity.

After everything was settled, Guo Jia took the time to come to Cai Yan's room. Cai Yan was reading a book with a very elegant demeanor.

Guo Jia couldn't help but put his arms around her slender waist.

"Wen Ji, thank you!"

Cai Yan didn't turn her head back, and said calmly: "Thank me for what? Let that barbarian woman in? Even if I don't let her in, will your uncle Guo let her go back?"


Guo Jia was a little ashamed.

Although Cai Meimei didn't say anything, she could still hear some resentment between the lines.

is not that right!

After going out for more than half a year, the wives and concubines at home were also anxiously waiting for him to come back, but there was a flirting alien beauty beside him.

No one is comfortable putting this on anyone.

Cai Meimei is still good.

Those who have a bad temper have already fought.

"Wen Ji, this isn't...then what..."

Guo Jia tried hard to explain, but it was difficult to explain clearly for a while.

He has some political relationship with Murong Yu'er, but it doesn't rule out that he likes this alien beauty.

"Needless to say! I know that Xianbei Murong intends to use this girl Yu'er to build a bridge with you, and you also want to use this girl to influence Xianbei's affairs."

Cai Yan put down the letter.

She is indeed the number one talented woman in a big man, and she can be seen at a glance.

Guo Jia couldn't help raising his thumb.

It seems that Cai Meimei can flourish in the officialdom without being a housewife. After all, there are not many people with her knowledge.

People who understand can enjoy themselves wherever they are.

Cai Yan knew that the marriage between this foreign woman and Guo Jia stemmed from politics, similar to the Zhen family and the Mi family.

So, she didn't take it to heart.

"I heard that the Southern Huns also gave away a charming and charming beauty, why is Uncle Guo willing to send it away?"

Cai Meimei asked suddenly.

Guo Jia was stunned for a moment, how did Cai Yan know about this.

Could it be that Cai Meimei planted eyeliner around her?

After thinking about it, his sister is the number one intelligence leader in Yunzhou, what kind of news is unknown, what kind of news is unclear?

Thinking of this, Guo Jia felt a little helpless. He already regretted handing over the entire intelligence system to Cai Yu, leaving him with no privacy at all.

"Uncle Guo!"

Cai Yan said with a smile: "Hearing this news, I am still a little worried. I thought you couldn't see that this was a plot by the Huns to kill three warriors with two peaches? I didn't expect that Mr. Guo, who is hungry and perverted, would reluctantly give up his love. It's amazing. Ah amazing."

Wen Ji!

Guo Jia was ashamed again.

Although the beauties of the Wang family are stunning and peerless, they are a hot potato.

The Huns did not have any good intentions in giving it to him.

Naturally, he will not be easily fooled.

"Qi has Yanzi, two peaches kill three warriors."

Cai Yan said solemnly: "This woman was actually prepared to be given to the emperor by the Huns. If you really accept it, your relationship with the court will be very embarrassing. You dare to accept the emperor's woman. What else in the world do you not want?" Dare to do it?"

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled, feeling rather disapproving.

He didn't want that woman not because he was afraid of Han Lingdi, but because he didn't want to have an eye and an eye around him all the time.

Besides, he had another meaning for sending this woman to the capital.

Right now, the capital is already full of wind and rain, and sending this disaster-level woman in will become a mess in a short time.

It would be good if the capital was in chaos, and Guo Jia would be able to develop Yunzhou's power with peace of mind if it was in chaos.

Of course, this kind of thing cannot be said to Cai Meimei.

After not seeing Cai Yan for a long time, Guo Jia suddenly felt a little impulsive, and couldn't help but tighten his arms.


He said emotionally, and then brought his mouth closer, trying to kiss Cai Meimei's small mouth.

Cai Yan suddenly covered his mouth with his hand, and fixed his eyes on Guo Jia.

Guo Jia was a little terrified by her stare.

"There is something I want to tell you, you are now a father!"

Cai Meimei said word by word.

Guo Jia was shocked.

Only then did I remember one thing.

When he left, Zhang Ning already had it.

Now more than half a year has passed, and it is almost time to give birth.

Hearing what Cai Yan said, Guo Jia immediately knew that Zhang Ning had given birth.

He turned around and wanted to leave, but stopped immediately after taking a few steps.

Turning to look at Cai Yan, although she looked indifferent, Guo Jia could still feel her sadness.

As Guo Jia's regular wife, it is indeed an embarrassing thing for her to be robbed by a concubine.

She must have been under a lot of pressure.

Guo Jia took a deep breath, came back slowly, held her hand, and said in a low voice, "Ma'am, let's go together!"

This is an affirmation of Cai Yan and respect for her.

Cai Yan's body trembled, and a soft light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

The man really didn't forget her.

It's not in vain that I have been busy for so long.

"Go by yourself, I won't go. Huiniang has gone through a lot of hardships, you must comfort her well."

Cai Meimei said calmly.

Husband and wife should respect each other as guests. Since Guo Jia respects her so much, she will not embarrass Guo Jia.

Besides, it's even more embarrassing for her to go to this kind of thing.

Wen Ji!

Guo Jia wanted to say something, but was pushed out of the room by Cai Yan.

The door slammed shut.

Knowing that Cai Yan was helping him, Guo Jia was grateful.

"Wen Ji, go back and prepare carefully. We also want to give birth to a big fat boy. No, one can't do it, at least three."

The guy yelled and left the yard.

His voice was so loud that the whole yard heard it.

This bastard!

Cai Yan in the room blushed, suddenly his cheeks became cold, and two tears flowed down his cheeks.

(End of this chapter)

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