Chapter 306 Appease Zhang Ning
"Be good, baby, be good, don't cry, your father will be back soon."

In a room in another courtyard of the Governor's Mansion.

Zhang Ning looked at the baby in his arms lovingly.

She reached out and patted the little cradle with a happy face.

The former saint has disappeared, and now there is only a loving mother left.

This is the brilliance of motherhood.

There was the sound of chaotic footsteps, and a figure rushed over quickly. It seemed that the movement was a little loud and a little frightened the baby.

Whoa whoa whoa!
The child burst into tears.

While comforting the child, Zhang Ning glared at the visitor, blaming him for frightening the child.

When she saw the person coming, she was suddenly stunned.

The person who came was Guo Jia who she had been thinking about day and night.

At this moment, Guo Jia is looking at the child in Zhang Ning's arms with mixed surprise. are back!
Zhang Ning was suddenly a little shy, and immediately lowered his head.

In the past, she only regarded Guo Jia as an object of interest exchange, and even when she followed Master's arrangement to approach Guo Jia, she didn't have any affection in her heart.

Originally, Zhang Ning thought it would be forever.


A soft light flashed across her face again.

With the close relationship between the two, Guo Jia's figure gradually came alive in her heart.

In the end, she couldn't leave this man at all.

Now she gave birth to Guo Jia a big fat boy, which can be regarded as a perfect symbol for the relationship between the two.

"this is my son!"

Guo Jia was a little incoherent.

After all, it is the first child he crossed over.

Zhang Ning nodded slightly.

Of course it is Guo Jia's son, she only has such a man.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia giggled silly, reached out and pinched the child's chubby face.

Whoa whoa whoa!
It seemed to be stimulated again, and the child cried even harder.

Xiaobao don't cry!

Zhang Ning picked up the child, weighed it, and then unbuttoned his clothes, intending to breastfeed the child.

Suddenly she remembered something again, her face flushed again, she turned her back to Guo Jia and began to breastfeed the child.

Although the two had grown up, Zhang Ning's skin was still very tender, and he was ashamed to show his breasts in front of Guo Jia.

Guo Jia approached him with a smile on his face. This master doesn't know what it means to avoid suspicion.

Seeing his son gobble up the food, Guo Jia was very happy.

"This kid, if he can eat, he will definitely grow up in the future!"

Hearing Guo Jia's nonsensical words, Zhang Ning was angry and funny.

"Of course, our Zhang family is very strong."

Speaking of this, she suddenly thought of her dead father, and felt a little sour for no reason.


I have found my home. Both Master and Guo Jia have treated me very well.

Zhang Ning said silently in his heart.

Only now did she understand her father's painstaking efforts and why he sent her out of the Yellow Turban Army when he was about to die.

Compared with grand plans and hegemony, a father wants to see his children happy and healthy.

Seeing Zhang Ning was a little sad, Guo Jia felt a little sorry.

Although the relationship between the two is a bit dramatic, they gave birth to a son after all.

It is not easy to conceive in October, not to mention that she was not at home when she gave birth.

"Hui Niang!"

Guo Jia gently hugged the mother and son in her arms.

"Don't worry, I will treat you mother and son well."

Hearing this sentence, Zhang Ning's body trembled, and two tears flowed down.

She suddenly felt that all her sacrifices were not in vain.

alright, alright!

Guo Jia stretched out his hand and patted her on the back, and comforted her a few words, coaxing Zhang Ning to burst into laughter.

"By the way, since you're back, give your son a name!"

Zhang Ning said softly.

She suddenly warned: "I forbid you to call him Guo Ye!"

After saying this, she suddenly burst out laughing, her face turning crimson.

The two were conceived when they were fighting in the field, and Guo Jia casually named him Guo Ye.

Thinking about it now, Zhang Ning's face is still a little feverish.


Guo Jia suddenly laughed.

"This name is commemorative, I think it's very good!"

What good?
Zhang Ning was angry and funny.

Thinking of this name reminded her of that field battle.

I don't know if Guo Jia is deliberately embarrassing her.

Although she is not Guo Jia's official business, this son is Guo Jia's eldest son. Guo Jia is a scholar, so the son should naturally have a gentle name. Guo Ye is too rough.

Zhang Ning didn't like it very much.

Unexpectedly, Guo Jia said solemnly: "This name is a gift from God, and it must not be changed. Besides, Guo Ye is so good!"


Zhang Ning said angrily: "I gave birth to the son, I don't like this name."

She also has her own mind.

Although Guo Ye is the eldest son of Guo Jia, he is a concubine.

There is a big difference between a concubine and a concubine.

She didn't want her son to bear the name of a wild child.

Such a name will definitely not be liked by Guo Jia's subordinates.

After all, they are all learned people and don't like such rude names.

Guo Jia smiled slightly.

He understood Zhang Ning's thoughts very well and knew what she was worried about.

Although he doesn't care much, bloodlines are still very important in this era.

Even if Guo Jia is a time traveler, it will be difficult to change this rule for a while.

"Guo Ye's name is a gift from God, so naturally it cannot be changed."

Guo Jia said seriously.

Hearing this, Zhang Ning's eyes suddenly turned red and tears fell.

The identity of the bastard has been settled from the beginning, and there is no way to do it. As a mother, she has no way to fight for him.

Zhang Ning's expression was always in Guo Jia's eyes.

"Although the name cannot be changed, as my eldest son, I want to find a wife for Ye'er."

Zhang Ning was so shocked that he forgot to wipe away his tears.

The child is only one month old, and this father actually finds him a wife?

She was a little messy for a while.

Guo Jia ignored Zhang Ning, but said in a slow manner: "I heard that Xi Zhi only has a daughter who is only three years old. She looks as fresh as his wife, and she is suitable for our family's wild children. The third year of the female junior holds gold. Brick? I think it's fine."

Zhang Ning was taken aback again!
Guo Jia wants Ye'er to marry the playwright.

This Xi Zhicai is Guo Jia's right-hand man.

Once he becomes Ye'er's father-in-law, he will definitely be a great help to Ye'er.

Zhang Ning was suddenly a little silly with joy, and didn't know what to say for a while.

"Why, you don't want to?"

Guo Jia squinted at her.

Willing, willing!
Zhang Ning nodded hurriedly.

Where can I find such good things?

She is naturally 1 willing.

In the future, with Xi Zhicai's help, although Guo Ye may not be able to make great achievements, at least he will not suffer from Guo Jia.

Women are like this. At the beginning, they belonged to their mother's family, and later they became their husband's family. After having children, they naturally put their minds on their children.

"Then, Guo Ye's name!"

Guo Jia asked with a smile.

No change, no change!
Zhang Ning wiped away his tears with a smile on his face.

Since Guo Jia values ​​this son very much, why should she worry about it?

(End of this chapter)

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