Chapter 308
Shaoqing, the messenger of Gongsun Du came.

"Little man Liu Yi pays his respects to Lord Inspector."

He said respectfully and bowed to him.

This Liu Yi was in his 30s, with a shrewd look on his face.

"This is a personal letter and some gifts from our lord to the governor."

As he spoke, he took out a bamboo slip.

The gift has already been carried to the courtyard of the Governor's Mansion.

The soldiers of the Tiger Guards took over.

Guo Jia opened it and took a few glances.

Just some words that are neither salty nor bland and some local products of Jizhou.

This Gongsun Du is very honest.

That's right, he hasn't thought about it yet.

"Inspector Gongsun is being polite, thank you for going back for me."

Guo Jia accepted the gift and said calmly.

Lord Inspector!

Liu Yi hurriedly said: "Guo Inspector Guo defeated the Xiongnu in the frontier and extolled my majesty. My lord admires him very much. If he hadn't been busy with business now, he would have come to visit in person."


Guo Jia raised his head and laughed.

He didn't take Liu Yi's compliment to heart.

Although Gongsun Du was the later King of Liaodong, his position at the moment is very embarrassing.

He is also a smart person, knowing that he was tricked by Yuan Kai.

So the first thing he did when he took office was to come here to show his kindness to Guo Jia, lest Guo Jia give him little shoes to wear.

At the beginning, Yuan Kai, He Jin and others planned to mobilize the troops of the three families of Youzhou, Bingzhou and Jizhou to jointly deal with Yunzhou.

Later, after Guo Jia used the hands of the Huns to severely damage the three families, the strength of Bingzhou, Jizhou and Youzhou was greatly damaged, and it was no longer enough to fight against Yunzhou.

Ding Yuan still had Lu Bu and Bingzhou cavalry under his tent, and Liu Yu also had Wuhuan cavalry under his tent, but Jizhou had nothing left.

He couldn't stop Guo Jia's anger at all.

Yuan Kai was afraid that Guo Jia would come back to settle the case, so he transferred Yuan Shao away from Jizhou first, and pushed a powerless Gongsun Du to bear Yunzhou's anger.

Although Liu Yi spoke endlessly of flattery, he was very uneasy in his heart.

Guo Jia had a reputation for being vicious, and he dared to besiege the court's military camp and kill court officials if he disagreed with him.

The life and death of Han Fu, the former governor of Jizhou, is unknown, and it is rumored that he died at the hands of Guo Jia.

Now, the governor of Jizhou is a hot potato, and no one dares to accept it.

Gongsundu had no power and power, so he came to Jizhou helplessly.

Of course, up to now, his heart is also trembling, lest Guo Jia will spread his anger on him.

"Take me back, thank you Gongsun Inspector!"

Guo Jia casually wrote a note and handed it to his subordinates.

"It's not indecent to come and go, these things are given to Gongsun Inspector, it can be regarded as the official's return gift!"

Seeing the list on the note, Liu Yi couldn't help but jump in his heart.

Five hundred horses!
What a great handwriting!

It seems that this Lord Inspector is not as difficult to get along with as rumored!

Thinking of this, Liu Yi immediately felt relieved.

"Thank you, Lord Inspector, for your generosity. On behalf of the lord, I would like to thank Lord Inspector!"

Liu Yi said respectfully.

He was very anxious to come here this time, fearing that Guo Jia's displeasure would be blamed on himself.

Things seem to be going well though.

The governor did not vent his anger on Jizhou, but gave a big gift instead.

After a while, Liu Yi left satisfied.

Xi Zhong was a little puzzled.

"My lord, what do you mean?"

He knew that Guo Jia was a master who refused to suffer.

When Yuan Shao and others planned to besiege Yunzhou, Guo Jia would never forget it.

Guo Jia smiled slightly and said: "Yuan Kai, an old fox, was afraid of being liquidated by me, so he transferred Yuan Shao away long ago. He replaced him with a powerless and powerless Gongsun Du. If I use troops against Jizhou, I will fall into his hands .Besides, Gongsun Du is insignificant, so it doesn't make sense for me to touch him."

That's it!

Xi Zhong nodded.


He still doesn't understand.

Even so, there is no need for Guo Jia to pretend to be generous and give Jizhou five hundred war horses.

The big man is short of horses, and these five hundred war horses are not a small fortune.

Even if Xi Zhong is in charge of the entire Yunzhou, it is very painful to watch.


Guo Jia smiled mysteriously.

"I did this on purpose to show Yuan Kai, I'm sure this Gongsun Du won't be here for long."

Xi Zhong suddenly realized.

Gongsun Du was originally launched by Yuan Wei to attract Guo Jia's anger, and in Yuan Wei's eyes, it is not a pity to die.

Now, Guo Jia is very affectionate to this Gongsun Du, and he just opened his mouth to give [-] war horses.

In this way, how could Yuan Kai sleep peacefully?

Gongsun Du will not last long!
How could Yuan Kui allow a governor of Jizhou who had an affair with Guo Jia, most likely he would find an excuse to withdraw Gongsun Du.

But Xi Zhong still had a problem that he didn't want to understand.

Even if Guo Jia planned to pull Gongsun Du down, he didn't have to pay such a big price.

There are many ways to bring down Gongsun Du.

Seemingly aware of Xi Zhong's doubts, Guo Jia smiled mysteriously and said, "Actually, I'm also making a good relationship with Yunzhou."


Xi Zhong was at a loss.

Guo Jia smiled and said nothing, and did not explain further.

Gongsundu will become the king of Liaodong, and he doesn't intend to say it.

Guo Jia also has no interest in the bitter cold land in Liaodong, so it wouldn't hurt to let Gongsundu grow up according to the original track.

Besides, if Yuan Kai dismissed him, he would definitely hate the Yuan family, not Guo Jia.

Perhaps, Gongsun Du could become one of Guo Jia's pawns.

Of course, this is also a matter of the future.

Guo Jia was very happy when this matter was resolved.

"Zhicai, I heard that you have a daughter who is already three years old."

Xi Zhicai was stunned for a moment, then suddenly looked at Guo Jia vigilantly.

He has a daughter, who is also very beautiful.

Could it be that this lord fell in love with him?
This is too beastly!
His daughter is only three years old.

Thinking of this, the corners of Xi Zhicai's mouth twitched.

He has also heard about this lord's lust.

Even his sister-in-law who has a husband's family is not spared, his daughter is really in danger.

"The lord... the little girl is young... why don't we talk about it in ten or eight years?"

Xi Zhong said with embarrassment.

If Guo Jia hadn't been his lord, he would have slapped him with a big ear blower.

Beasts, even little girls are not spared.

But the names of the two have been decided, even if Guo Jia asks him to donate his daughter, he can't disobey it.

Of course you won't want to.

Guo Jia didn't expect this capable subordinate to think about it.

If you find out, you will be so angry.

Is brother so unscrupulous?
"Not long ago, I just had a baby boy, and I want to have a family with Zhicai. I don't know what Zhicai will do?"

Marriage has always been a way to win over people, even now it is not uncommon.

It turned out to be the family of the sons and daughters!
Xi Zhicai cried out inwardly ashamed.

It seems that he misunderstood the lord.

No matter how lecherous this lord is, it is impossible for him to set his mind on his young daughter.

"That's it, Xizhong is on the top!"

Xi Zhong clasped his fists and said.

He also just found out about Zhang Ning's childbirth.

Although he is not the eldest son, he is also the eldest son, and it is an honor to be married to Guo Jia's eldest son.


Guo Jia laughed out loud.

"Come here, hurry up and prepare the food and drink. Today, the official is going to host a banquet in honor of Xi Taishou."

Said that he took Xi Zhong's hand and walked into the backyard.

(End of this chapter)

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