Chapter 309 Getting a Wife
Xi Zhong is Guo Jia's fellow villager and one of the most important members of Guo Jia's early team.

Guo Jia also attached great importance to it.

Zhongshan County is the foundation of Yunzhou, and Xi Zhong, who is the prefect of Zhongshan, can be regarded as the actual manager.

Below one person, above ten thousand people.

Guo Jia trusts Xi Zhong very much.During several expeditions, he stayed loyal to guard the base camp.

Of course, Xi Zhong is also loyal to Guo Jia.

Now that the two are not only classmates and friends, but also relatives of their sons and daughters, the relationship is naturally closer.

When the wine was in full swing, Xi Zhong suddenly remembered one thing again.

He put down his wine glass and said sincerely: "My lord, now that Yunzhou's external and internal troubles are gone, you should take a rest."

"Rest, of course you have to rest!"

Guo Jia raised his glass and drank it down.

In other words, he has always been a hands-off shopkeeper in Yunzhou, and he doesn't usually ask questions.

no no!

Xi Zhong hurriedly shook his head, his tongue was a little too big.

"What this subordinate means is that you should also think about your own affairs."

own business!
Guo Jia was stunned for a moment.

Immediately understood what Xi Zhong meant.

This guy didn't give up, he had to go to Cai Meimei himself before he would give up.


Xi Zhong persuasively persuaded: "Miss Cai is both talented and beautiful, elegant, luxurious and generous, she is really the best candidate for mistress. In addition, Cai Yilang is well-known, and the lord has become his son-in-law, which is also a good story."

It is said that this lord is good in everything, the only bad thing is that he has gone through the way of Shi Changshi and made a relationship with the gentry of the Han Dynasty.

Celebrities hated the Shichang servants deeply, so naturally they refused to come to Yunzhou to submit, which was very detrimental to Yunzhou's future recruitment of talents.

Cai Yong is a celebrity in the dynasty, if Guo Jia can become his son-in-law, it will be of great benefit to his future career.

Therefore, Xi Zhong was impatient to fulfill this good deed.

Besides, the two are also a very good match.

Marry Cai Yan as his wife!
There was a flash of warmth in Guo Jia's heart.

This is his wish.

When he saw Cai Yan for the first time, he had already made up his mind that he must get Cai Meimei.

If it weren't for Zuo Ci and Zhang Ning's incident, I am afraid that the two of them would have achieved a positive result long ago.


Thinking of Shuangxiu, Guo Jia suddenly remembered one thing.

Back then Zuo Ci had warned him that he must have a one-year period with Zhang Ning and Xiu before he could touch other women.

As Zhang Ning became pregnant and fought against the Southern Huns, Guo Jia had long forgotten about it.

Not long ago, I just fell in love with Murong Yu'er from the Xianbei tribe for a while.

It won't have any side effects, will it?
Thinking of this, Guo Jia suddenly became frightened.

Although he didn't quite trust Zuo Ci, the magician, he didn't dare to bet his happiness for the rest of his life.

He began to calculate carefully whether there was a full year.

Just then, a faint voice came.

"Mr. Xi, don't talk about it. Mr. Inspector is always busy, so naturally he won't take such trivial matters to heart."

The wind is light, the clouds are calm, and it is Cai Yan.

Her face was not very good-looking.

Originally, she heard that the two were drinking in the backyard, and she planned to come over to have a look, but she didn't expect to hear this verse again when she came here.

Rao Cai Meimei is generous, and this meeting is also a little angry.

That bastard Guo Jia dares to hesitate, do you really think that I, Cai Yan, cannot get married?
Wen Ji!

Seeing Cai Yan coming, Guo Jiadeng felt a little sober.

not good!

He immediately realized that the hesitation just now might have misunderstood Cai Yan again.

Seeing that Cai Meimei was very upset.

Guo Jia immediately made a remedy.

"You came just in time?"

He grabbed Cai Yan's right hand.

"Zhicai suggested that we get married quickly, I think so too, how about we get married tomorrow?"


Xi Zhong and Cai Yan were taken aback.

Come on, getting married is not an easy thing.

The Han Dynasty advocated Zhouli,

The whole process of marriage is called "Six Ceremonies", namely Nacai, Asking Names, Najib, Najib, Asking Dates, and Greeting.

Nacai means that the man's family invites a matchmaker to the woman's house to propose marriage.If the woman's family agrees to discuss marriage, the man's family will formally propose to the woman's family. When formally proposing, they must bring live geese as a gift to make people accept their choice. It is said in "Rituals·Shi Hun Li": "When the Hun Li is issued, accept and adopt geese."

Asking the name means that the man's family entrusts the matchmaker to ask the woman's name and horoscope in order to prepare for the marriage. "Yi Li·Shi Hun Li" records: "Bin Zhiyan, may I ask for your name." Most of the words for asking the name are: "Since a certain person has been ordered, he will be added to the divination. Who dare to ask the woman to be her family." If the woman agrees, then Giving gifts; men's families determine good or bad luck through divination.If the horoscopes of men and women match, proceed to the next step.

Even when Najib informed the woman of the good news of the divination marriage, he also gave the gift of geese—later generations usually use gold and silver jewelry as gifts.It is equivalent to the current engagement, commonly known as sending, passing, and engaging.

Nazheng means that the man's family sends the dowry gift to the woman's family, which is also called Nabi, Dapin, Guodali, etc.Because many geese were used as a gift in ancient times, the gift of dowry was also called "commissioned birds".Later, the etiquette of Nazheng became more and more complicated, and became one of the most cumbersome procedures among the six etiquettes.

The request period is the date when the man’s family chooses the date of marriage, prepares gifts and goes to the woman’s house to ask for consent to get married.Now it is commonly known as "raising the day" and "sending the sun" among the people.

Welcome to marry the bride.The methods and etiquette are different, but generally the man goes to the woman's house to greet her.After returning to the man's house, the bride and groom eat together on a cauldron, and then cut a gourd in half. The couple each hold one of the gourds, pour wine and drink it, which is called "joint cupping" - this is the origin of the cup of wine in later generations.This process is one of the most folk-custom events in the marriage custom culture.

Of course, this is just the etiquette of ordinary people.

Guo Jia was the governor of Yunzhou in the Han Dynasty and was related to the title of Neihou, so he had to inform the court about marrying a wife.

In addition, Cai Yan is the daughter of Cai Yong, and Cai Yong is a great Confucian in the world, and Confucianism attaches great importance to etiquette.

Fortunately, Cai Yong is in Yunzhou, so he doesn't have to travel all the way back to Chen Liu to hire him.

Even so, starting preparations now will not be difficult to complete in two or three months.

"Such a long time?"

Guo Jia couldn't help being startled.

Xi Zhong couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

This is still condensed.

If you count the waiting for the court's approval, you have to wait at least half a year.

Hearing Guo Jia's impatience, Cai Meimei's face obviously turned cloudy.

She seemed to have misunderstood Guo Jia just now.

It seems that Guo Jia can't wait to marry her.

Bong filial piety!

Cai Meimei suddenly hesitated to speak, she originally wanted to say something personal, but thinking that Xi Zhong was still here, her voice gradually became quieter.

Xi Zhong immediately clasped his fists and said: "This subordinate is too drunk, so I will take my leave first!"

Said and staggered away.

Although he drank a lot, his mind was still very clear.

The next thing should be the private time of the princess and the princess, it would be inappropriate for him to stay here any longer.

Xi Zhong is very knowledgeable.

Besides, he had achieved his goal.

The lord finally agreed to take a wife.

Once the two get married, it must be a great joy in Yunzhou.

Without further ado, Xi Zhong must hurry up and prepare.

(End of this chapter)

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