Chapter 311

Cai Yu left, and she will continue to help Guo Jia build an intelligence system.

This girl has already put all her energy on this intelligence system, and she wants to cover the entire Han Dynasty with Yunzhou's intelligence network.

It takes her whole life to build such a huge system, that's why she never gets married.

In fact, this is not a reason.

Cai Yu did this because she didn't want to bear the reputation of robbing her sister for a man.

So, she opted out.

She chose to secretly wish the two lovers to get married in the end.

"I'm sorry Zhen Ji!"

Seeing this letter, Cai Yan burst into tears.

She finally understood her sister's painstaking efforts.

"Wen Ji!"

Guo Jia patted her on the back softly and said a few words of relief.

"Feng Xiao!"

Cai Yan grabbed his hand and exhausted all his strength.

"We must get Zhen Ji back!"

Do not worry!
A smile appeared on the corner of Guo Jia's mouth.

Although Cai Yu avoided her sister, she couldn't avoid him.

As Yunzhou's intelligence chief, the two would always meet.Besides, Guo Jia would not lose such a capable subordinate.

This guy has long regarded the sisters of the Cai family as close friends.

The younger sister wants to appease, and the older sister naturally wants to appease.

The most important thing for Guo Jia now is to appease the sisters of the Cai family. As for the rest, I leave it to Xi Zhong to do.

As Guo Jia's right-hand man, Xi Zhong naturally wants to share the Lord's worries.

The lord's wedding is a major event in Yunzhou, and Xi Zhong is also unequivocal, and began a long preparation.

During this period, various tasks in Yunzhou were carried out in an orderly manner.


Not long after, Gongsun Du, the governor of Jizhou, was dismissed.

Naturally, Yuan Kai would not tolerate a governor of Jizhou flirting with Guo Jia.

Gongsundu was very angry, but there was nothing he could do.

Who made him a low official?

After being deposed as governor of Jizhou, Gongsundu planned to resign and go home. Before leaving, he came to Yunzhou to thank Guo Jia in person.

Guo Jia naturally comforted him a bit, and gave him a generous sum of money, which made Gongsun Du very grateful.

After Gongsun Du was dismissed, the governor of Jizhou replaced Wang Fen.

After Wang Fen took office, the first thing she did was to please Guo Jia.

I'm afraid that the governor of Yunzhou will call if he is upset.

Jizhou is not in danger for the time being.

Guo Jia naturally didn't take it to heart.

His energy was immediately focused on Yunzhou's internal affairs.

In the battle against the Southern Huns, Guo Jia not only eliminated the future troubles in Yunzhou, but also subdued the Murong tribe in the central part of Xianbei by the way, completely solving the foreign troubles in Yunzhou.

Without the intrusion of nomads, Yunzhou can develop with confidence.

During the Yellow Turban Rebellion, Zhongshan County was thriving, and the population of surrounding counties and counties flooded in, which soon made Zhongshan's population exceed 100 million.Together with the slaves released by the Southern Huns and the Black Mountain Army, the current Yunzhou has exceeded the 200 million mark.

The explosive population growth quickly doubled the pressure on Yunzhou.

After some discussions, Guo Jia and Xi Zhong immediately started the construction of border counties and the reclamation of barren land.

Guangyang County and Shanggu County were rebuilt successively. Guo Jia and others absorbed the experience of Dai County, established the two counties as military control, and moved refugees to the two armies to graze.

In addition, the surrounding areas of Changshan Kingdom have long been under the control of the Black Mountain Army, and Guo Jia secretly arranged for Man Chong to be the county guard and Zhang Yan to be the captain.

In this way, Yunzhou has five counties.

Reconstruction requires a lot of money. Fortunately, after the surrender of the Southern Huns and central Xianbei, the border trade in Zhongshan was in full swing. A large number of merchants and goods poured into Zhongshan. Lunu City was almost overcrowded. Several counties are commercial spots, which alleviates the overcrowding phenomenon.

Goguryeo, Liaodong, Youzhou in the east, and Puyu, Xianbei in the north.The west connects to the Western Regions of the Xiongnu, and the south connects to the Gu family in the south of the Yangtze River. The Gu family's fleet continuously sent goods to Nanyang.

Since then, Yunzhou's business has entered a heyday.A large amount of money flowed into the treasury of Yunzhou.

Yunzhou has also entered a period of rapid development.

The development of Yunzhou has once again attracted the refugees from the surrounding areas, and the people of Bingzhou and Youzhou have abandoned their dilapidated homes and left their homes to come to Yunzhou.

For these refugees, Yunzhou is naturally the more the better.

Ding Yuan, governor of Bingzhou, and Liu Yu, governor of Youzhou, were naturally unhappy. On the one hand, they wrote a letter to sue Guo Jia, the governor of Yunzhou, and on the other hand, they took action to close the border.

Water flows to lower place, man goes to higher position.

Although they adopted a high-pressure policy, they still couldn't stop the exile of the people. Naturally, they hated Guo Jia deeply, but they did nothing.


Some people rejoice and some worry!
Seeing Yunzhou's good fortune and money rolling in, some people were a little upset.

Especially Yuan Kui.

He simply hated Guo Jia.

Guo Jia not only blocked his way of making money, but also sabotaged Yuan Kai's plan again and again.

This made Yuan Kai wish to kill him quickly.


Yuan Kai came to He Jin's side.

"You must not let this son of Guo Jia become popular, otherwise you and I will be lost forever."

He said grimly.

He Jin also quite agrees.

Right now, their biggest opponent in court is Shi Chang Shi, and Guo Jia is Shi Chang Shi's biggest foreign aid.

If you want to get rid of Shi Changshi, you must get rid of Guo Jia first.


He Jin smiled wryly.

Come to Yang, Guo Jia has made military exploits one after another, and the emperor appreciates him very much, and the ten permanent servants are even more protective.

It is also difficult for them to start.

Come on, Yunzhou has strong soldiers and horses, and the mighty Southern Huns are looking for teeth everywhere. Neither Bingzhou nor Youzhou are the opponents of Yunzhou soldiers, and Jizhou is not worth mentioning.

"Be patient for now!"

He Jin shook his head.

Regarding Guo Jia, although He Jin was worried, he didn't pay much attention to it.

After all, Guo Jia is just a magistrate, no matter how powerful he is, it is impossible for him to pose a threat to He Jin, who holds a heavy army.

He is most worried about the palace.

I heard that the emperor was very fond of the beauty Wang in Xinna, and stayed in her bedroom almost every night.

This made Empress He very dissatisfied.

If things go on like this, this beauty Wang will definitely pose a threat to Queen He.

Empress He was jealous, and once poisoned Emperor Han Ling's woman, Emperor Han Ling was very furious, if it hadn't been for the rescue by the ten permanent servants, she would have been abolished by the capricious Emperor Han Ling long ago.

But at this moment, all ten attendants stood on the opposite side of the He family wholeheartedly, and jointly defended the newcomer Wang Meiren.

Empress He also had nothing to do in the palace.

Empress He was anxious, and He Jin was even more anxious.

Everything about the He family comes from Empress He. Once Empress He falls out of favor, the He family will be finished.

During this period of time, He Jin's life was not easy.

Emperor Ling of Han suddenly used Empress Dowager Dong's family members again and made Dong Zhong a general of hussars.

This made He Jin secretly vigilant.

This threat must be nip in the bud.

But the affairs of the inner palace have always been under the control of Shi Changshi, even if He Jin wanted to intervene, he couldn't do it.

How to get rid of Wang Meiren has become a problem that He Jin needs to solve urgently.

(End of this chapter)

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