Chapter 312

Yuan Wei is also very clear about He Jin's worries!
He couldn't help but sneer.

The pig butcher is indeed a pig butcher, without any foresight.

Wang Meiren is just a woman donated by the Huns, and she has no power in the palace. If it weren't for the support of Shi Changshi, she might have been cleaned up by Empress He long ago.


Yuan Kaisi said calmly: "The crux of the harem lies in the ten permanent servants. If we get rid of them, everything will be solved naturally. The ten permanent servants rely on the emperor inside and Guo Jia outside. So we must get rid of Guo Jia. "

He Jin suddenly realized what he said.


He Jin hesitated for a while, and said: "Guo Jia has a lot of soldiers in Yunzhou and has enough money and food, so it's impossible for us to move him!"


With the favor of the ten permanent attendants and the emperor, Yunzhou has become an independent kingdom.

Even if He Jin and Yuan Wei wanted to intervene, it would be extremely difficult.

Jizhou, Bingzhou and Youzhou had just been injured by the Xiongnu, let alone attacking Yunzhou at the moment, Yunzhou didn't bother them, they all burned incense and worshiped Buddha.

"Invincible, can only outsmart!"

A smile appeared on Yuan Kai's face.

Seeing Yuan Kai's confident look, He Jin couldn't help being overjoyed.

"What's the master plan?"


Yuan Kai laughed loudly, and took out a letter, which was the memorial that Xi Zhong handed to the court.

"right here!"


He Jin took it over and took a closer look.

This is a memorial to Guo Jia's wedding.

Under normal circumstances, the imperial court would not pay attention to the marriage of officials.

But officials do have to report to the court.

This too is just a formality.

He Jin didn't see anything wrong, he just thought that Guo Jia married a good wife.

Cai Yan was the daughter of Cai Yong, a celebrity in the dynasty.

Cai Yong is also the object of pursuit by the aristocratic family.

Now that Guo Jia has become Cai Yong's son-in-law, it is natural that all boats rise when the tide rises.

A flower stuck in cow dung.

He Jin was a little annoyed.


He took another look carefully, and said a little puzzled, "Teacher, what's the mystery?"

A pig butcher really is a pig butcher!

For He Jin, Yuan Kai still felt a little contemptuous.

"Although this is just a memorial to ask for marriage, it contains three important messages."

Yuan Kui talked eloquently.

Three messages!

He Jin's spirit was shaken, and he listened to Yuan Kai's continuation.

"Look, General."

Yuan Kai pointed to a line of words above.

"First of all, Guo Jia is young and hasn't married yet."

He Jin nodded, but didn't think so in his heart.

Isn't this nonsense?
Once married, can people still submit a letter to ask for marriage?
The sky is respected and the earth is humble, and the universe is fixed.

These days, the emperor can only have one queen at the same time, if there is more than one, it is against the law of etiquette.

"Second point!"

Yuan Kui continued: "Guo Jia is going to marry the daughter of the famous scholar Cai Yong."

Yuan Wei was no stranger to Cai Yan's name, and the Yuan family had also gone to the Cai family to ask for marriage.

Not bad!

He Jin nodded again.

He had heard of Cai Wenji's name before, and knew that she was a rare talented woman.


Yuan Kai paused and smiled mysteriously.

"Our chance has come!"

He Jin was still at a loss.

This Yuan Kai spoke without beginning or end, and he didn't understand it.

What is their chance.

Yuan Kai couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

He has talked to this point, but He Jin still doesn't understand, he really is a bit stupid to grandma's house.

"General, with Guo Jia's Yunzhou, if things go on like this, it will definitely become your confidant's trouble. Yunzhou is now strong and strong, and Guo Jia has won the favor of the emperor. It is not easy to move him. But if we transfer him away from Yunzhou How about coming to the capital?"

Tune the tiger away from the mountain!

He Jin's eyes suddenly lit up.

If Guo Jia was transferred from Yunzhou to the capital, it would be easy to deal with him.

But the problem came again.

How can they get Guo Jia to leave Yunzhou and go to the capital?
Is it...

He Jin looked at Yuan Kai in surprise.

The latter nodded with a smile.

"The opportunity lies in this memorial! We can take this opportunity to transfer Guo Jia out of Yunzhou."

The plan will come out!

He Jin was also very moved.

Yuan Kai lowered his voice: "If you want Guo Jia to enter the capital, you must give him a reason to come to the capital. After much deliberation, the old man has two strategies for the general to consider. The first strategy is, temporarily Under the pressure of Feng Zoushu, the general will go up to the emperor to commend Guo Jia's achievements, and ask His Majesty to marry Guo Jia a daughter. In this way, Guo Jia must come to the capital to greet his relatives. When he arrives in the capital, he can't let him go."

He Jin never expected Yuan Kai to come up with such a method.

But if you think about it carefully, there is no flaw.

Guo Jia wrote a letter to ask for marriage, which means that he has not yet married a wife. Once the emperor grants a marriage, let alone he has no wife, even if he has a wife, he can only be inferior.

As for the marriage bestowed by the emperor, it is also very simple, just find a girl from the clan and send it to the capital, and Guo Jia will greet her in person.

As long as Guo Jia comes, the next thing will be easy.


He Jin frowned.

A strategy is a good strategy, but Shi Changshi is not easy to fool. Guo Jia is their biggest foreign aid, and they will definitely block it.

They understand the reason why the lips are dead and the teeth are cold.

The ten permanent attendants will not sit back and watch Guo Jia be wiped out.

If they make irresponsible remarks in the emperor's ears, this matter will not be appointed.

"General, don't worry, I have a second plan to deal with Shi Changshi."

Yuan Kai smiled sinisterly.

Say it, say it.

He Jin couldn't wait any longer.

Yuan Kai suddenly lowered his voice: "Your Majesty's temperament, the general also understands. Cai Yan has a reputation for both talent and appearance. We only need to mention a few words in His Majesty's ear, and this master will naturally do everything possible to get this woman. In this way, Guo Jia will send it or not. Will the ten permanent servants help Guo Jia or His Majesty?"

He Jin couldn't help but gasped.

He suddenly pointed at Yuan Wei and was speechless!
Such a poisonous strategy.

He Jin still knows the nature of this brother-in-law very well, he is definitely a hungry ghost.

If he really heard Cai Yan's reputation, even if he was digging a hole, he would have to bring this woman into the palace.

In this way, it will be difficult for Shi Changshi to do.

One side is his own master, and the other side is powerful foreign aid.

However, He Jin thought that the ten permanent servants would also choose the master and emperor.

After all, the emperor is their reliance.

As for foreign aid, if Guo Jia is abolished, he can train another one.

But if Guo Jia is asked to hand over his fiancée, Guo Jia will naturally not agree.

The ten permanent attendants must also stand on the opposite side of Guo Jia, and they can only turn a blind eye to the conspiracy of He Jin and others.

In this way, Guo Jia will undoubtedly die.

Clever plan, clever plan!
He Jin couldn't help applauding.

He felt more and more insidious of literati.

This time, Guo Jia is finished!

Without further ado, He Jin entered the palace overnight to meet Empress He, and personally explained the matter to his sister.

Empress He didn't dare to neglect her elder brother's matter, and soon passed it on to Emperor Ling of Han.

(End of this chapter)

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