Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 313 Selling Your Daughter To Marry A Wife

Chapter 313 Selling Your Daughter To Marry A Wife
Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty was indeed a hungry ghost. After hearing the news of Cai Yan, he immediately asked the ten permanent servants to inquire, and he must bring this beauty with both talents and looks into the palace.

Regarding the master's request, the ten permanent attendants naturally did not dare to neglect.

They didn't take it seriously either.

Isn't she Cai Yong's daughter?
Even Cai Yong, an old boy, was beaten up by them and dared not show his face, a little girl is nothing.

In other words, they didn't do this kind of thing less.

But it doesn't matter if they don't inquire, here comes the question of inquiring.

It turned out that Cai Yan was Guo Jia's fiancée, and Guo Jia had already submitted to the court to marry a wife.

What about swollen?
Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong looked at each other in blank dismay.

Guo Jia is their foreign aid, if Guo Jia is asked to give up his fiancée to the emperor, Guo Jia will definitely not agree.

It is impossible to say that the two sides will still quarrel.

But if they don't do it, the emperor will definitely complain about them. They have served Emperor Hanling for so many years, and they know the emperor's nature well.

That's a hungry ghost.

If they could not send Cai Yan to the palace, they would probably be reprimanded by the emperor.


Zhao Zhong smiled wryly, "What should I do?"

This time, they were indeed in a difficult situation.

Zhang Rang was also a little undecided.

They have been in power for so many years, and their sects can be regarded as scattered, but there is no one with such a long face like Guo Jia.

Yunzhou has a strong army and horses, and they are their biggest foreign aid. If they offend Guo Jia, they will definitely lose more than they gain.

But the emperor is not easy to appease, once the master gets angry, they will be unable to eat and walk around.

At this moment, Guo Sheng suddenly burst out laughing.

"Why is this so difficult? I have a plan, which will definitely make Guo Jia offer Cai Yan willingly."

The plan will come out!

Zhang shocked Zhao Zhong and looked at Guo Sheng excitedly.

Guo Sheng smiled slightly, with a full chest.

"Although Cai Yan is Guo Jia's fiancée, she is not yet married. We can make some fuss about Guo Jia's marriage. For example, we can persuade His Majesty to marry a daughter of the clan. In this way, Cai Yan will naturally not be able to succeed. Zheng wife. Let’s talk to Guo Jia when the time comes. He is a smart man and will definitely offer Cai Yan obediently.”

Guo Sheng and He Jin are from the same township, and at the moment he has been instructed by He Jin to tell the plan.

This plan was originally used by Yuan Wei to deal with Shi Changshi.

Great plan!
Zhang asked Zhao Zhong to appreciate it.

If Guo Jia married a clan daughter, Cai Yan would naturally not be able to become a regular wife.

If you can't become a regular wife, you can only become a concubine.

In this era, wife and concubine are two concepts.

When they come forward to persuade Guo Jia to donate Cai Yan, I am afraid there will be no difficulty.


Zhao Zhong patted Guo Sheng with a grin.

"Unexpectedly, you still have an idea at the critical moment."

Guo Sheng laughed triumphantly.

Don't be too late!

Zhang Rang patted Xiaoji and said, "Let's do it now."

As he spoke, he brought Zhao Zhong into the palace to meet the emperor immediately.

When the ten permanent attendants came forward, Emperor Han Ling naturally did not object. Not long ago, Guo Jia also made great achievements, which really made Emperor Han Ling very satisfied.

This is a talent!

Giving marriage is also one of the means to attract talents.

So with a swipe of his pen, Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty married his precious daughter, Princess Wannian Liu Yan, to Guo Jia.

Poor Princess Wannian Liu Yan is still just a little girl, a few years younger than Liu Bian, a few months younger than Liu Xie, and not yet married.

Naturally, the Ten Permanent Attendants couldn't control so much, so an imperial decree was sent to Yunzhou.



After hearing the eunuch's declaration, Guo Jia, who was all about preparing for the marriage, was dumbfounded.

What's the matter with him?

The courtiers were getting married, and Guo Jia just informed the court according to the usual practice.

According to the usual practice, the imperial court will also issue a congratulatory edict to show the emperor's kindness.

What Guo Jia never expected was that the emperor seemed to go too far, not only sent congratulations, but also sent a daughter.

Isn't Princess Wannian the little loli?

I'm probably twelve or thirteen now.

He has no interest in little Lolita.

Also dumbfounded is Xi Zhong.

The invitation to marry unexpectedly brought back a princess?
This is really a big surprise!
It stands to reason that the court would not make such jokes.

Even the clever and wise Xi Zhong couldn't understand it.

But if you don't understand, you don't understand, Xi Zhong still pushed Guo Jia.

"Steady first and then speak."

Guo Jia snorted, and then invited the eunuch who passed the decree in.

"Congratulations to Inspector Guo!"

The little eunuch was a ten-time attendant, so he was naturally very polite to Guo Jia, his own person.

He came this time with another important task, which was to persuade Guo Jia to send Cai Yan to the palace.

"I don't know if the imperial court has ever received a memorial from this official?"

Guo Jia asked puzzledly.

If the imperial court had received his request for marriage, naturally it would not have given him a marriage.

Could it be that his memorials have been lost?

In these years of chaos, the messenger may die, and it is common to lose a few memorials.

Ha ha!

The little eunuch smiled and said: "Guo Cishi, of course I have received your memorial. But Zhang Houye and Zhao Houye pressed it down. It took a lot of effort for the two of you to agree that the emperor will grant you a marriage." Well. This Wannian princess is the only daughter of His Majesty today, and she gave birth to a beauty as beautiful as a flower. Guo Cishi, you are lucky."

Naturally, the little eunuch knew everything about his own people.


Guo Jia was stunned again.

Xi Zhong on the side couldn't help being a little dumbfounded.

It seems that Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong were overly enthusiastic. They knew that Guo Jia hadn't married yet, so they persuaded the emperor to marry him.

If Guo Jia favored the princess, he would be the emperor's son-in-law, and his status would naturally be different.


Xi Zhong cast a sidelong glance at Guo Jia.

Based on his understanding of this master, I'm afraid he would not agree so easily, after all, Cai Yan is the original match.

Princess Wannian intervened, most likely because she wanted to be looked down upon.

Forget it!

Guo Jia waved his hand.

Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong are looking for trouble.

Anyway, he didn't want to be the emperor's son-in-law, and he didn't bother to marry the Wannian princess. Fangzheng would enter Beijing in a few years, and this little loli couldn't escape the fate of being bullied by Dong Zhuo.

Lord Inspector!

The little eunuch suddenly lowered his voice.

"Actually, there is one more thing to do when I come here this time. Master Zhang Hou and Master Zhao Hou said, please be sure to handle this matter well."

what happened again?
Guo Jia's face was already a little displeased.


The little eunuch glanced left and right, and suddenly whispered something in his ear.

Guo Jia's body trembled, and murderous intent flashed across his eyes.

"Is this what Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong said?"

The little eunuch couldn't help being startled when he saw that Guo Jia was not angry and pretentious, and nodded hastily.


Guo Jia's eyes flashed sharply for a while.

Only then did he understand why Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong wanted the emperor to give him a marriage. It turned out that the faint king had taken a fancy to Cai Yan.

After Guo Jiashang became the princess, Cai Yan could not become the main wife, so she could be sent to the palace logically.

What a Li Daitao sells his daughter to marry a wife.

Guo Jia smiled instead of anger, with a very ferocious expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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