Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 314 Lost the wife and lost the army

Chapter 314 Lost the wife and lost the army

"Master Inspector, don't mess around!"

Xi Zhong was also taken aback.

This master has a criminal record. He dared to hack the governor of the governor's mansion when he was still a prefect.

Once he gets angry, even if the emperor comes, I'm afraid he can still kill him.

After all, the relationship between Yunzhou and the imperial court eased. If Guo Jia killed the eunuch who passed the decree on impulse, this matter would be difficult.

"Come on, the angel has been exhausted all the way, so hurry up and arrange board and lodging."

At the critical moment, Xi Zhong immediately stood up and sent the eunuch who passed the decree out.

The situation is unknown, it is best not to turn your face.


Xi Zhong whispered: "There is something wrong with this matter!"

Of course something is wrong!
Guo Jia sneered.

This stupid gentleman dared to take Cai Yan's idea, he was really impatient.

Originally, Guo Jia thought that this guy was a bit of a face to the court, but it was a pity that he committed suicide, so it's no wonder Guo Jia didn't show affection.

"Send that eunuch who delivered the decree to him! Teach that stupid king a lesson."

Guo Jia said coldly.

Cai Meimei was his tight-knit, so naturally she couldn't allow others to touch her.

Not even the emperor.

Although he had promised Xun You that he would not rebel, it would be a different matter if the faint king committed suicide by himself.

My lord must not!

Xi Zhong hurriedly persuaded him: "This matter is very strange, maybe it is a conspiracy of others, my lord must not be fooled."


Guo Jia froze for a moment, and his mind began to calm down.

He also felt something was wrong.

Why did the old emperor think of Cai Yan?
This is not scientific!
Xi Zhong thought about it carefully for a while, and said decisively: "It seems that the problem lies in the marriage proposal!"

Not bad!

Guo Jia woke up immediately.

Although Cai Meimei is well-known, she is not considered a celebrity in this era.

The reason why the emperor knew her was probably because of the memorial written by Guo Jia.

"I'm afraid someone deliberately caused some trouble for the lord!"

Xi Zhong on the side said meaningfully.

Based on his guess, someone must have seen Guo Jia's memorial, knew about Cai Yan, and then told the emperor about it, which aroused the emperor's interest.

This person is definitely not the ten-time servant, but the ten-time servant has done a lot of credit for Guo Jia, so naturally he won't do anything to Guo Jia.

Not ten permanent servants, but those dignitaries of the imperial court.

Because of the matter of Yunzhou and the Xiongnu, Guo Jia was already in the same situation as these people, and they were happy to attack Guo Jia.

Most of the ten permanent attendants were also in a dilemma, so the marriage was granted, and Guo Jia won a Princess Shang, which was considered as some compensation for him.

"He Jin?"

Guo Jia's face darkened.

He didn't like this pig butcher either.


Xi Zhong shook his head resolutely.

"He Jin doesn't have such schemes, most of them are scribes around him, and his subordinates speculate that it should be the current Grand Tutor Yuan Kai."

As expected of a top strategist in the Three Kingdoms, he could almost guess the whole process through just a few words from the little eunuch.

Yuan Kui!

Guo Jia's eyes suddenly narrowed.


Xi Zhong continued: "If it was Yuan Kai's conspiracy, this matter might be a bit tricky."

What's so tricky?
Guo Jia asked puzzledly.

The big deal is that he just ignores it. Anyway, the imperial court is weak and will not use troops against Yunzhou.

Even with the use of troops, Guo Jia is confident that he can defeat the imperial army.

Xi Zhong Nianxu said: "Firstly, if the lord does not accept this marriage offer, not only will he offend the emperor, but also offend the ten permanent servants, cutting off the lord's only supporter in the court. In addition, they will logically declare the lord as Rebellion. Second, if the lord bears the burden of humiliation and accepts the marriage offer, the lord must go to the capital to greet the princess in person. Once the lord enters the capital, he will definitely be detained by He Jin, Yuan Kai and others. "

After sorting out all this, Xi Zhong immediately saw through the conspiracy of Yuan Kai and others.

It has to be said that this move was very sinister.

Whether Guo Jia accepts it or not, he will be in trouble.


Guo Jia suddenly burst into laughter, tears streaming down his face.

Why is the lord laughing? Could it be that he has made up his mind to rebel?

Xi Zhong was a little puzzled.

Yunzhou is in a period of rapid development. At this time, rebellion will not be worth the loss.

After all, the Han Dynasty is still ruling the world, and the people in the Central Plains still have a sense of identity with the Han Dynasty.

Besides, there is still room for maneuver in this matter, and there is no need to go against it.

Just when Xi Zhong was thinking about how to authorize the lord to endure, he suddenly heard Guo Jia say: "Zhicai, do you know what it means to lose your wife and lose your army?"

For some reason, Guo Jia suddenly remembered this allusion.

Lost his wife and lost his army?
Xi Zhong was at a loss.

Guo Jia also smiled.

This happened decades later in the post-Three Kingdoms period, so it's only natural that Xi Zhong didn't know about it.

At the moment, he briefly explained the allusion.

Of course, the names of the people were changed to A, B, B, Ding.

That's it!

Xi Zhong suddenly realized.

"Miaomiaomiao! I really admire the strategist's tricks. This strategist is always ahead of the enemy. Only in this way can the lord save the day, and the opponent loses his wife and loses his army."

As a counselor, Xi Zhong really admires Zhuge Liang in the original plot.

Guo Jia laughed.

"This time, we also want these people to lose their wives and lose their soldiers. I'll go deep into the dangerous situation once, how about Xizhong being the counselor who has all the tricks?"


Xi Zhong suddenly lost his soul.

Even Guo Jia has the bravery and boldness of Liu Daer in the original plot, but he doesn't have Zhuge Liang's tricks.

Guo Jia is the foundation of Yunzhou. Once something happens, Yunzhou will be finished.

No no no!

Xi Zhong knelt down in fright.

He can't afford the risk.

"Zhicai don't have to worry!"

Guo Jia lifted him up with a smile, and said, "Don't worry, I have my own measure, and I will definitely not let these bastards do what they want."

At this moment, he has his chest full.

Don't those people want him to stumble?
This time, he wanted these bastards to lose their wives and lose their soldiers.

"My lord, no way!"

Xi Zhong was shocked.

He would never allow Guo Jia to take risks in the capital.

"I have decided!"

Guo Jia said lightly.

He suddenly took Xi Zhong's hand, and said word by word: "If anything happens to me, Zhicai, you are the master of Yunzhou!"

Xi Zhong trembled, and two hot tears flowed out immediately.

A scholar dies for a confidant, and a woman tolerates a person who pleases her.

Guo Jia confided in him so much, what else could he say.

Xi Zhong fell to his knees again.

"The lord has a son, and the Guo family has a queen. Zhong must devote himself to the lord's family and die, and he absolutely dare not think twice."

Seeing Xi Zhong's tears of gratitude, Guo Jia suddenly felt a little shameless.

Liu Daer is indeed a hero.

Baidicheng Tuogu, if it can be supplemented, it can be supplemented, if it cannot be supplemented, it can be replaced. It means that Zhuge Liang has worked for the Liu family all his life.

In the end, it really is to bow down and die.

(End of this chapter)

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