Chapter 315
Now he just embezzled a little bit, and he has already moved a sincere gentleman to his unswerving determination.

Those who achieve great things must have a thick face and a dark heart.

"Guo Jia, you're crazy!"

Cai Yu, who came back after hearing the news, couldn't help but be surprised when he learned that Guo Jia was going to accept the marriage gift from the imperial court and went to the capital to meet the princess in person.

In fact, when she heard the news, the girl was also very surprised.

But she quickly saw that it was a hole, a big hole dug especially for Guo Jia.

Whether Guo Jia agrees or not, he will fall into the trap of the other party.

If you don't agree, Guo Jia will be hated by the emperor and the ten permanent attendants, cutting off the only support in the court.

If you agree, you must go to meet the princess in person.

This is a trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain. Once Guo Jia goes to the capital, he will naturally become the target of others' random manipulation.

If that's all, it's fine. What made Cai Yu even more angry was that Guo Jia, a bastard, actually planned to go to the capital to greet his relatives in person.

"Idiot, can't you see that this is someone else's plan to turn the tiger away from the mountain? You must be dead if you go. It's not a day or two that those dignitaries hate you."

Cai Yu was furious.

Ha ha!

Seeing Cai Yu come back, Guo Jia was a little surprised.

"Girl, didn't you leave? Why did you come back so soon? Could it be that you still can't bear to part with me?"

He leaned forward with a grin.

Cai Yu snorted.

She was really angry.

With Guo Jia's intelligence, how could he not see the conspiracy inside?

Knowing that there was a pit, she still jumped into it. Apart from being out of her mind, she really couldn't think of any other reason.


Guo Jia smiled and said, "Are you rushing back because you are afraid that I will be killed when I go to the capital, or are you afraid that I will give your sister to the emperor?"

One sentence hit Cai Yu's pain point.

Although she parted ways with Cai Yan on the surface, they were sisters after all. If Cai Yan was wronged, this girl would not let Guo Jia go easily.

"So, you have already planned to accept the marriage gift from the imperial court, to be the son-in-law of a foolish emperor with peace of mind, and you plan to send my sister up in exchange for the glory and wealth of the rest of your life?"

Cai Yu asked back.

"Sounds very good! How about I give it a try?"

Guo Jia rubbed his chin, talking to himself.

"Fuck you bastard!"

The girl grabbed Guo Jia's ear and said sharply: "If you dare to abandon my sister and do something wrong to her, I will never let you go. I, Cai Yu, will do what I say!"

She has all of Guo Jia's intelligence channels in her hands. Once she betrays Guo Jia, it will definitely be a serious problem for Guo Jia.

Guo Jia was in pain, and hurriedly held her soft little hand.

"Girl, when did I feel sorry for your sister?"

What else?
Cai Yu said aggressively: "If you agree to the court's marriage, then you will be the son-in-law of a foolish emperor. Naturally, my stupid sister will not be able to marry. You just sent it to please the future father-in-law. Kill two birds with one stone, hum, I won't let You get what you want."

This girl also has a bottom line, her sister Cai Yan's happiness is her bottom line.

For this, she would rather die alone.

Ha ha!

Seeing this girl's true feelings, Guo Jia couldn't help but smile.

It seems that she still has her heart towards her sister.

"Who said that if I agreed to give the marriage, your sister will not be able to marry?"

Hearing this, Cai Yu couldn't help being stunned.

This bastard!

She suddenly felt a little angry.

"My sister is a famous lady with both talent and beauty. You are a bastard, a rascal, and a big carrot. Do you still want my sister to be your concubine?"

Cai Yu became a little annoyed.

She is also a proud person, she would rather not marry for life than to have the name of grabbing a man from her sister.

She can sacrifice, but it must be for Cai Yan and Guo Jia.

If Guo Jia dared to treat her sister badly, Cai Yu would naturally not be able to bear it.

"Not a concubine, not a concubine, but a wife, a regular wife!"

Seeing that his sister-in-law was really angry, Guo Jia hurriedly explained.


After hearing this name, Cai Yu's anger subsided a little.

This bastard is still sensible.

In Cai Yu's eyes, her own sister is Guo Jia's best partner. As for the princess, she automatically skips it.

What about golden branches and jade leaves?
Wouldn't Cai Yu take it seriously?

"Since that's the case, why do you need to take risks in the capital? You can find a reason to push it off. Anyway, the court has a lot of things to do, and they won't call them in a while! Even if they do, we in Yunzhou are not afraid of them."

Cai Yu said calmly.

Let's Yunzhou!

Hearing this word, Guo Jia couldn't help but smile.

It seems that this girl still has a sense of belonging.

"It's so easy for someone to set up a pit. If I don't jump, what's the point? Besides, the bait in this pit is very good."

Guo Jia said with a smile.

"Wouldn't it be a pity to fail?"

He reached out and scratched Cai Yu's chin!
Cai Yu froze for a moment, then suddenly said angrily, "After all, you still want to be the emperor's son-in-law."

She pinched Guo Jia's ears again, and said through gnash teeth, "Although our Cai family has fallen, we are not to be manipulated."

It hurts, it hurts!

Guo Jia grabbed her little hand again, and let go with a smile.

"Who said that a princess must be a regular wife when she enters the house? She can also be a concubine! The emperor's marriage is a good thing, we can't refuse it, how hurtful it is to refuse. It's better like this, no conflict."

Cai Yu trembled and almost fell to the ground.

She looked at Guo Jia in surprise, as if looking at a monster.

Make the princess a concubine?

This guy can really figure it out.


She thought about it carefully, but she still couldn't seem to say anything?

Why should my sister stand aside as soon as the princess comes?

At the beginning, this guy besieged the court barracks at the slightest disagreement.

To oppose Guo Jia, that is almost inevitable.

Even if Guo Jia is rebelling now, the whole Yunzhou will not have any strange reaction.

They have long been used to it.

Thinking of this, Cai Yu smiled.

"Do you really think so?"

The girl couldn't help asking.

It is said that making the princess small is a shocking approach.

But Guo Jia is good at creating miracles.

Maybe he really did it.

Cai Yu suddenly looked forward to it.

"Not bad!"

Guo Jia smiled and nodded.

"This time, I will make those bastards lose their wives and lose their troops!"

I lost my wife and lost my army!
Cai Yu was taken aback for a moment, but after hearing Guo Jia's plan, she couldn't help but also burst out laughing.

If this is really the case, this time those people can't say that they really lost their wife and lost their soldiers.

This bastard!

She couldn't help but give Guo Jia a blank look.

If she had known that this guy had a good chest, she wouldn't have had to rush back overnight?
Since Guo Jia had already planned, she was relieved.

The intelligence network still has some important things to do, and she can't stay here for long.

Just as Cai Yu was about to say goodbye and leave, Guo Jia suddenly hugged her.

"Girl, since you're back, go and see your sister. You can't let her live in guilt for the rest of her life!"

He whispered in Cai Yu's ear softly.

elder sister!

Hearing this, tears suddenly flashed across Cai Yu's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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