Chapter 316 Izumo Prefecture

Seemingly moved by Guo Jia, Cai Yu obediently went to the backyard to meet Cai Yan.

There is no unreasonable misunderstanding between the sisters.

As for the whispers between the two sisters, Guo Jia had no interest or time to listen in. He was already planning to go to the capital.

Then before going to the capital, he had to settle everything.

Borrowing Liu Daer's method of Baidi Tuogu moved Xizhong, although Guo Jia also felt a little shameless, but the effect was awesome.

I'm afraid that Xi Zhong will never be half-hearted in this life.

Xi Zhong is Yunzhou's pinnacle of Dinghai. With him, the stability of Yunzhou will definitely be maintained.

But Guang Xizhong alone is not enough, there must be an army to guard Yunzhou, to prevent other forces from taking advantage of it.

Guo Jia immediately ordered Yu Jin to be the commander of the infantry and Zhao Yun to be the commander of the cavalry, commanding all the troops in Zhongshan.

The two together with Xi Zhong, Xu Shu and Xun You formed the Yunzhou Military Committee.

Every military action is decided by five people.

This also avoids the risk of a dominance.

Internal stability is only one aspect. The reason why Guo Jia dared to take risks was because he had three trump cards in his hands, namely the Southern Huns, the Murong tribe, and the Black Mountain Army in Taihang Mountains.

These three groups of people are Guo Jia's confidence.

Shaoqing, three autographed letters were sent from the Governor's Mansion, and sent to the Southern Huns, Xianbei Murong and Changshan Kingdom respectively.

After everything is settled.

Then Guo Jia left Lunu City with Dian Wei and the Five Hundred Tiger Guards.

The lord went on an adventure, but Dian Wei and the Tiger Guards remained indifferent.

They didn't take it seriously either!

For this lord, they have long been used to it.

The team had just walked halfway, when a fast horse suddenly caught up, it was Cai Yu.

"Girl, if you're not at home with your sister, why are you keeping up?"

Guo Jia asked displeased.

Cai Yu reached out and stroked the long hair on the sideburns, and said, "You just go like this, Zhang Rang wants you to send your sister out in advance, what are you going to do?"

Guo Jia was stunned for a moment, he didn't think about this section at all in his plan.

If Zhang Rang really did this, he could only detonate the plan in advance.


Guo Jia looked Cai Yu up and down, and seemed to understand a little bit.

The latter said calmly: "I want to go with you, so I can take care of you. At worst, I can buy you some time."


Guo Jia was moved.

This time, Cai Yu is not all for Cai Yan.

Cai Yu shrugged and said with a smile, "Don't hesitate, we probably won't have as much time together in the future as we do now."

Said and jumped into Guo Jia's carriage.

"Feng Xiao!"

Cai Yu suddenly hugged him from behind, and said in a low voice, "I want you to accompany me well!"

Hearing this, Guo Jia immediately melted.

The most difficult to accept the beauty of grace!

What else can Guo Jia say?
Along the way, it is natural to have a lot of love for Cai Yu.


"Guo Jia brought 500 people out of Yunzhou!"

He Jin and Yuan Kai of the capital were overjoyed when they heard the news.

"The bastard is finally here!"

Yuan Kai gritted his teeth and said.

In other words, this Guo Jia has sabotaged his plan several times.

Yuan Kui wanted to kill him a long time ago.

"Teacher's clever plan, as long as Guo Jia enters the capital, this general will tear his body to pieces."

He Jin said solemnly.

He is a general and has mastered the military power around Luoyang.

Guo Jia is in Yunzhou, and He Jin is powerless, but once Guo Jia enters Luoyang, it will be like a sheep entering the tiger's mouth.

"General, if you catch Guo Jia, please hand it over to this old man. This old man will kill this beast himself to avenge the Yuan family's blood."

Yuan Kui said bitterly.

Ha ha!

He Jin naturally agreed.

This Yuan Kai still has some ideas.

Guo Jia is the powerful foreign aid of Shi Changshi, taking care of Guo Jia is tantamount to breaking Shi Changshi's arm.

Once the Ten Permanent Attendants had no foreign aid, they would be just a piece of meat on the chopping board, and the entire palace would be under He Jin's control.

"Teacher, could it be that you really want that Cai Yan to enter the palace?"

He Jin said dissatisfied.

That beautiful woman Wang has become the confidant of Empress He. If there is another Cai Yan who is both talented and beautiful, then the palace will be in chaos.

Therefore, He Jin absolutely did not want Cai Yan to enter the palace.


Yuan Kai laughed a few times.

"General, don't worry, after taking care of Guo Jia, this Cai Yan is naturally an ownerless thing. Is this an ownerless thing?"

He gave you knowing eyes.

very good!

Only then did He Jin laugh out loud.

As long as this Cai Yan does not enter the palace, he has nothing to worry about.

Hearing Yuan Kai say so many things about Cai Yan, he was also a little tempted.

After all, men don't think there are too many women around them.


He Jin seemed to remember something again.

"Guo Jia left Yunzhou. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We must not let it go this time."

Yunzhou has always been fat in their eyes. In the past, with Guo Jia around, it was very difficult for them to intervene.

This time Guo Jia was transferred out, which was a good opportunity for them to make a move.

"The old man has plans!"

Yuan Kai said with a smile.

"There is a rebellion in Wuhuan in Youzhou. We can transfer the Yunzhou army to Youzhou to suppress the rebellion. It will be under the command of Governor Liu Yu and Youbeiping Taishou Gongsun Zan. In addition, we can transfer the governor of Bingzhou Ding Yuan to lead the army into Yunzhou and let him act according to circumstances."

First transfer the Yunzhou Army out, and then transfer the Bingzhou Army in. Once in and out, the entire Yunzhou will change hands.

Yuan Kui made a good plan.

When Ding Yuan wins Jizhou, he must choose a hero from the Yuan family to be the governor of Yunzhou.

Yunzhou has become the border trade center of the Han Dynasty. Every day, mountains of gold and silver pass by, and Yuan Kai has long been salivating.

Brilliant plan!

He Jin raised his thumb again.

It has to be said that Yuan Kai's strategy these two times was very effective.

At least Guo Jia has been framed.

Without the support of these literati, He Jin's general might not be secure.

In addition...

Yuan Kai clasped his fists and said, "The matter of Ben Chu and the highway!"

He is also selfish.

The Yuan family was originally a scholarly family, and it was not difficult for the children to become officials.

But Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu are different. They don't like reading, but are interested in the army.

Yuan Kai had to find a way in other aspects, which can be regarded as an explanation to his dead brother.

"Good talk, good talk!"

He Jin was very happy.

"At the beginning, he was brave and resourceful, and he did well in the Northern Army. This general is planning to give him credit. As for the highway..."

He Jin paused, and continued: "He's still young, why don't he be Xiaolian first! Then go to the Guards and become a school lieutenant."

Thank you General!
Yuan Kui was overjoyed.


He Jin laughed a few times, turned around and left.

Humans use each other.

Yuan Kai used He Jin's relationship to insert the Yuan Shao brothers into the army, and He Jin also used Yuan Kai's methods to eliminate his opponents.

Both sides take what they need.

Guo Jia!

Yuan Kui's eyes glowed brightly.

"This time, let's see how you break it!"

Yuan Wei couldn't wait for the next thing.

I can't wait to watch this enemy die in front of my eyes immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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