Chapter 317 Jizhou Wang Fen

Next to the official road in Jizhou, two rows of tall trees stand tall in the sky.The trunk is very thick, quite a sense of vicissitudes.

There is a grass pavilion next to the big tree, which is a resting place for officials repaired by the government to facilitate the transportation.

Early in the morning, the gazebo was overcrowded, and some even stood outside the gazebo.

From time to time, a few scribes would come out of the gazebo and stop to watch, as if they were waiting for someone.

The leader is a potbellied, very rich-looking person, who is the newly appointed governor of Jizhou, Wang Fen.

Wang Fen, styled Wenzu, was born in Shouzhang, Dongping.

Minister at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, one of the "eight chefs".

Bachu does not mean cooks, but praises those celebrities who can save the world with their wealth.

At this moment, he is eagerly waiting for the arrival of a young man.

"I'm coming!"

I don't know who yelled, and the eyes of the scribes were immediately attracted.

Wang Fen also took a few steps forward involuntarily.

At this time, the dense sound of horseshoes sounded.

A troop of cavalry galloped up the official road.

Gold and iron horse, the momentum is like a rainbow.

The knight on the horse is as tall and straight as a pole, with sharp eyes, without anger and prestige.

The whole team was surprisingly quiet, without any words, only the long neighing of the horses.

Seeing someone blocking the way, the leader of a knight waved his hand, and the whole team stopped.

Forbidden by orders, what a veteran soldier!
Wang Fen's eyes sparkled brightly.

Although he was born as a literati, he has also seen battle formations and knows some tactics.

The army in front of me is well-arranged, the soldiers are calm and confident, and the equipment is also very good.

The whole team exuded an indescribable murderous aura, which made people very depressing.

Wang Fen knew that this kind of majesty and murderous aura was honed from the pile of dead people.

"It's Lord Guohou of Yunzhou who came here. I'm asking Wang Fen, the governor of Jizhou, to see me."

Wang Fen shouted loudly.

He is the governor of Jizhou, and Guo Jia is the governor of Yunzhou. From the official position, the two are equal.

But Guo Jia is now the Marquis of Guannei.

Although it is only a title without a fief, its status is higher than that of ordinary ministers.

After a while, the knights separated left and right, and a double-hall carriage came slowly.

The carriage stopped, and there was a majestic big man with an ugly face and a majestic majesty. It was the ancient evil Lai Dianwei.

He jumped into the carriage and opened the curtain, revealing a young figure, it was Guo Jia.

He was going to the capital, and Jizhou was a must.

There was also a beautiful woman who came out with him, naturally it was Cai Yu who came after him.

At this time, Cai Yu is even more charming,
The road is long, and the two of them are in the same car, and some strange noises naturally occur every night.

However, the soldiers of the Tiger Guards were no strangers to it.

Guo Jia looked Wang Fen up and down.

"My official is Guo Jia, and your Excellency is Wang Inspector?"

Wang Fen said goodbye.

"Your official, Wang Fen, pays homage to Lord Guo Hou!"

Governor Wang is too polite!

Guo Jia hurriedly supported Wang Fen.

"You and I are colleagues, why are you so polite!"

In history, Wang Fen is also a wonderful person.

In the fourth year of Zhongping (187), Chen Yi, the son of the late Tai Fu Chen Fan, and Xiang Kai, a famous sorcerer from Qingzhou Plain, both visited Wang Fen's mansion.

Xiangkai is a magic stick, and he said a few words in a miraculous manner.

The general idea is that the celestial phenomena are not favorable for eunuchs, and Huangmen and Changshi are really going to be exterminated this time.

Wang Fen also believed it.So he made plans with Xu You from Nanyang, Zhou Jing from Peiguo, and others to connect with local heroes in Jizhou, plot to abolish Emperor Ling, and make Hefei Hou emperor.

Deposing the emperor, how dare a governor come to trouble?
Wang Fen has a good relationship with Cao Cao, so he told Cao Cao the plan first, hoping that Cao Cao would also come to help the great cause.

But Cao Aman was smarter than them, and immediately wrote a letter to reject Wang Fen.

Of course, with Cao Aman's cunning, the letter was written impeccably, even if Wang Fen failed and committed suicide later, it didn't hurt him.

Seeing this kind-looking Wang Fen standing in front of him, Guo Jia sneered for a while.

The matter of abolishing the emperor is the most ominous thing in the world.In ancient times, only Yi Yin and Huo Guang were able to weigh success or failure, calculate the severity and then implement.

These two are not ordinary people, they were extremely powerful ministers at that time.The entire court is at their mercy.It is also a matter of course to abolish the emperor.

Dong Zhuo also dared to abolish the emperor after he mastered the military power around Luoyang.

You, a mere governor, dare to talk about abolishing the emperor, you must be full!
If you say it nicely, it's two, if you say it badly, you're an idiot.

So, from the beginning, Guo Jia didn't take this Wang Fen seriously.

"Guo Hou Ye showed his power outside the territory. He regained the Xiongnu in World War I and solved the disaster in the border counties. It is really a blessing for the Han Dynasty! The officials have long wanted to go to visit, but Jizhou is too busy with business. Luckily The Lord Hou passed by Jizhou, so the lower officials can see the elegant demeanor. The lower officials have already prepared the food and wine in the mansion, and I hope that the Lord Hou will show your face and let the lower officials do their best as a landlord."

Wang Fen said respectfully.

Hearing Wang Fen's compliment, Guo Jia frowned.

Wang Fen, governor of Jizhou, must be afraid that Yunzhou will make trouble for him, so it is normal to be a little respectful to Guo Jia.

But I think his flattery is a bit too much.

This guy is a celebrity in the dynasty.

How could a celebrity think highly of himself, a disciple of Shi Changshi?
Those guys all hated Guo Jia deeply.

Could it be the Hongmen Banquet?

Guo Jia's face immediately sank.

This Wang Fen is too bold, right?
Seemingly understanding Guo Jia's worries, Wang Fen hastily explained: "There is only a dozen servants in a monastery not far away. Of course, Lord Guo Hou's subordinates also went with them, and the subordinate officials also prepared for them. Wine and rice."

Hearing this, Guo Jia nodded.

After several setbacks in Jizhou, there were not many soldiers and horses. Even if there were any, they had already been squandered by Yuan Shao in the Battle of Leping.

Now Jizhou has become an empty shell.

It can be said that among the states surrounding Yunzhou, Jizhou has the worst military strength.

Therefore, Guo Jia dared to walk through Jizhou swaggeringly with five hundred soldiers.

As long as Wang Fen treats guests to dinner sincerely, that's all. If this guy has a different heart, Guo Jia's five hundred tiger guards can solve the problem.

After the Battle of Bingzhou, the Tiger Guards also expanded. Apart from the old foundation, the rest were selected from the Yunzhou infantry and cavalry.

It can be regarded as the elite of the elite.

"Since Governor Wang is so enthusiastic, Guo Jia is not respectful. Soldiers, call!"

Guo Jia waved his hand!

The Five Hundred Tiger Guards immediately turned around, ready to follow Wang Fen and the others.

There is a saying that stretches out one's hand and does not hit a smiling face.

He is so devout, Guo Jia is too embarrassed to embarrass him.

"Thank you, Lord Guo, thank you, Lord Guo, this way please, this way please!"

Wang Fen cheerfully led the way.

"Be my car!"

Guo Jia laughed.

Dare not dare!

Wang Fen hastily declined.

Guo Jia didn't speak, but just gave Dian Wei a wink.

Harmfulness is not allowed, and defensiveness is indispensable.

Dian Wei understands!

He carried Wang Fen into the carriage.

What a lot of strength.

Wang Fen was so frightened that her face turned pale and she was speechless for a while.

In this era, he can be considered a heavyweight figure.But the big man in front of him is like carrying a toy.

(End of this chapter)

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