Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 318 "Hongmen Banquet"

Chapter 318 "Hongmen Banquet"

Not long after, the team came to an exquisite courtyard.

The courtyard faces south from the north, and the small bridge in front of the gate is full of water, which is quite poetic and picturesque.

A dozen or so well-dressed servants stood in front of the courtyard, as if they were greeting Guo Jia.

Is that right here?
Guo Jia looked at Wang Fen in surprise.

I have to say, this fat man is quite ambitious.

The place where guests are invited to eat has a unique flavor.

"Not bad!"

Wang Fen nodded hastily.

This courtyard is not too big, and it is clear from the outside, and there are not many people hidden inside.

When the carriage arrived, Wang Fen jumped down hastily.

Although this guy is fat, he is also quite smart.

"Master Guo, please!"

He reached out and made a please gesture.

I'm tired!
Guo Jia also took Cai Yu's hand and walked down.

Cai Yu is also unafraid.

Dian Wei ordered a few words in a low voice, and dispatched some scouts to the surrounding highlands, while he led several tens of meters of guards, and followed Guo Jia into it.

There is a hole inside and outside the door, and a group of people walked into the small courtyard, and the inside suddenly opened up.

The two scribes were sitting in the courtyard, when they saw Guo Jia and others coming in, they got up slowly.

"Master Guo, I will introduce you to two famous scholars. This is Chen Yi, the son of the old Grand Tutor Chen Fan."

Wang Fen hurriedly introduced.

"Chen Yi pays homage to Lord Guo Hou!"

A man in gray clasped his fists and said.

Don't dare to be!
Guo Jia returned a salute, feeling very puzzled.

Although this Chen Yi is an unknown person, his father, Chen Fan, is a formidable figure.

Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty was jointly established by Chen Fan and General Dou Wu.If he is not dead, at least he is a person with power.

In front of them, He Jin and Yuan Wei are simply not countable.

But this Chen Fan is awesome, but he also has a deadly opponent, and that is the eunuch Cao Jie.

In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, this Cao Jie was classified as a group of ten permanent attendants. In fact, this is wrong. Cao Jie's qualifications are much higher than Zhang Rang Zhao Zhong, and he died earlier, he died of illness in [-] AD.

Dou Wu and Chen Fan failed to beat Cao Jie, and their families were ruined by Cao Jie.

Chen Yi is the son of Chen Fan, and he hates eunuchs the most. How could he be courteous to an eunuch like Guo Jia?

This is not scientific!
Just when Guo Jia couldn't figure it out, Wang Fen continued to introduce.

"This is Xiang Kai, a well-known scholar from the plains! Mr. Xiang is well-versed in the past and present, and now he is the guest of honor in Jizhou."

It turned out to be a magic stick to persuade Wang Fen to abolish Li!

Guo Jia narrowed his eyes.

But seeing this man E Guanbo fluttering in white clothes, he looked a bit out of the world.

"Pingyuan Xiangkai pays homage to Lord Guo Hou!"

The words are calm and not humble, if you don't know his details, you will really be deceived by his sanctimonious appearance.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia just smiled lightly, he was really curious, what do these guys want to do?
"Master Guo, please take your seat!"

After the introduction, Wang Fen hurriedly led Guo Jia to sit at the head, and he himself sat at the bottom, with Chen Yi and Xiang Kai sitting on the left and right.

Cai Yu and Dian Wei were arranged in a nearby wing.

In this day and age, women are still not allowed to sit at the same table as men.

After the four of them sat down as the guest of honor, Wang Fen couldn't help but compliment Guo Jia's achievements in Bingzhou, and Chen Yi at the side also echoed him a few times.Although Xiang Kai didn't speak, occasionally he inserted a few words just right, praising Guo Jia's great achievements in unison.

A literati is a literati, and flattering is also comfortable.

Guo Jia smiled and did not interrupt the three of them, his curiosity had already been hooked at this moment.

This Wang Fen put in so much effort, shouldn't it just be a compliment to herself?When the three of them sang together, Guo Jia didn't bother, anyway, he had plenty of time.

Guo Jia could sit still, but Wang Fen couldn't sit still.

This time he made great efforts to invite Guo Jia over, but he had an important purpose.

"Master Guo!"

Wang Fen put down the wine bar, and said meaningfully: "I am a little puzzled about something, and I hope Lord Guo Hou will enlighten me."

Sure enough!

Guo Jia lifted his spirits and said, "Please speak to Inspector Wang."

Wang Fen and Chen Yi looked at each other, and then slowly said: "The southern Huns have been a disaster for the border for many years, and the people have been displaced and miserable. Although the court knew about it, they kept turning a blind eye. The Huns are also getting worse and worse. Arrogant, Border County has long been a barren land. Guo Houye fought on behalf of the county, wiped out the main force of the Huns, killed the Qiangqu Khan, and defeated the arrogance of the Southern Huns. This is a rare victory in the Han Dynasty. Guohou The Lord made such great achievements, but he was only rewarded by the Marquis of Guannei. This..."

Hearing what Wang Fen said, Guo Jia was immediately delighted.

Good guy, I'm here to apologize for him.

It seems that something is wrong!

Guo Jia paid himself to have no friendship with this Wang Fen.

"Thunderstorms, rain and dew are all the grace of the king. Fighting the Xiongnu was originally a matter of Guo Jia's duty. As for the credit, it is also the soldiers."

Guo Jia said seriously.

What should be forced is still to be forced.

Besides, there is something in Wang Fen's words, he'd better be cautious first!

The voice just fell!

Cai Yu in the wing suddenly laughed out loud.

By the way, this sister-in-law knows Guo Jia very well, and she knows that Guo Jia is putting on airs as soon as she hears it.

Chen Yi clasped his fists and said: "Master Guo is so noble and upright, I admire you. However, he doesn't worry about being few, but about being uneven. The same fight against the Xiongnu, Yuan Shaoding was always defeated, but one of them was promoted to Jinwu, and the other was promoted to the north. Lieutenant of the Military Academy. In comparison, Master Guo has achieved so much and only won one Marquis of Guannei, but it is really embarrassing."

The tone was angry, and even said a little gnashing of teeth.

"Not bad!"

Wang Fen hit the festival to appreciate.

"Rewards and punishments are not clear, public and private are not distinguished, so it can be seen that the important officials in the court are too selfish. If things go on like this, my big man will definitely be defeated."

Hearing this, Guo Jia suddenly understood.

Wang Fen does not seem to be part of Yuan Kai's party.

This is also normal. Facing the Yunzhou army that will attack at any time, Yuan Kai will naturally not place his cronies in the dangerous position of Jizhou governor.

In a sense, Wang Fen is cannon fodder, who was deliberately placed in Jizhou by Yuan Kai.It's normal for him to complain.

This Chen Yi is the son of Chen Fan. Chen Fan was killed by the eunuch, the tree fell and the monkeys scattered, and the once big tree was ruined.Chen Fan's family is completely finished.

Iron-clad battalions and flowing soldiers.

The most indispensable thing these days is people. Dou Wu and Chen Fan fell down, but He Jin and Yuan Kai stood up.

It can be said that the rise of the two is because the person in front fell.

In some respects, those who fell still have credit, at least for freeing up their seats.

The people behind should respect the people in front.

But since ancient times, people take tea cold!

The upstarts were busy fighting for power with the Ten Permanent Attendants, so they didn't have the time to do anything for the seniors. This made Chen Yi, the second generation official, very dissatisfied.

That's why he hit it off with the wronged cannon fodder assassin Wang Fen, and with the instigation of a magic stick, the three immediately decided what to do?
According to the plot of the later generations, the three of them did a major event, that is, abolishing the emperor.

Of course, I just thought about it, and I lost before I had time to act.

The reason why the two full-fledged emperors abolished the emperor was not only dissatisfied with the current emperor and the dignitaries, but also meant to make contributions and support the dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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