Chapter 319
After clarifying this issue, Guo Jia was very clear about the purpose of the two.

In other words, they are just part of the political speculators.

The two were dissatisfied with the imperial court and the powerful, and wanted to follow the example of their predecessors to abolish the establishment.

If it succeeds, the two of them will be supported by Conglong, and they will be prosperous in the rest of their lives just around the corner.

At the beginning, Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty was established by Dou Wu and Chen Fan.

If you lose, you can resign yourself to fate.

Of course, the facts proved that the two had the ambition of their ancestors, but they had no means of their ancestors. According to the direction of the original plot, the two conspired to abolish the emperor in [-] AD, but they ended in a disastrous failure.

However, the appearance of Guo Jia interrupted the original plot.

Guo Jia is one of the ten permanent servants, and he is a deadly enemy with his relative He Jin and courtier Yuan Kai, which is a great benefit to Wang Fen!

Therefore, he spared no effort to show his favor to Guo Jia.

"What happened to Master Guo made us very angry. Although I, Wang Fen, have a low official position, I can't just sit idly by."

Wang Fen stood up suddenly, filled with righteous indignation.

"The lower officials are willing to write to the imperial court to tell the truth for Lord Guo Hou!"

With his statement, Chen Yi also stood up.

"Although I am white, my late father has quite a reputation, and he has a few close friends in the court. I am also willing to distinguish for Lord Guo."

Seeing the enthusiasm of the two, Guo Jia smiled.

How could he be so easily used?
"The kindness of the two of you is appreciated. It's still the same sentence. Thunder, rain and dew are all the grace of the king. What's more, the court treats me, Guo Jia, very well, and even marry Her Royal Highness to me. What else is there for me, Guo Jia? "

Guo Jia said with a smile.

Everyone couldn't help but looked at each other.

They don't know whether Guo Jia is really stupid or fake.

Yunzhou has strong soldiers, strong horses and abundant food and money. Guo Jia, who is the governor of Yunzhou and the general who protects the Huns, has a lot to do in Yunzhou.

This is not something a princess and her husband can exchange for.

If they are changed, they will not be changed for ten princesses.

"Master Guo!"

Chen Yi bit the bullet and said: "Aren't you afraid of going to Beijing with your life and coming back with your life?"

In Yunzhou, Guo Jia wanted the wind and the rain, but once he entered Beijing, he would be slaughtered cattle and sheep.

It was easy for He Jin and Yuan Kai to kill him.


Guo Jia couldn't help laughing a few times, and had a good impression of this second-generation official.

Yuan Kui's strategy is very vicious, even if ordinary people can see it, they dare not say it.

This Chen Yi dared to speak out, he was also a straightforward person.

"Don't worry, I'm the emperor's son-in-law. Who dares to touch the emperor's son-in-law?"

Guo Jia raised his glass with a smile and drank it down.

"It's getting late, thank you for your hospitality, goodbye!"

Saying this, he put down his wine glass and bowed away.

Only Wang Fen and Chen Yi were left dumbfounded.

They never expected that this Guo Jia would still not repent after talking about this.

Their good intentions were in vain.

Just when Guo Jia was about to walk out of the room, Xiang Kai, who had been silent all this time, suddenly stood up.

"Master Guo, please stay!"

Hearing Xiangkai's greeting, Guo Jia couldn't help but stop.

He looked at the magic stick curiously, not knowing what the magic stick had to say.

Xiang Kai turned around Guo Jia with his hands behind his back, and nodded his head.

"I don't know how noble Guohou is this year?"

Guo Jia's curiosity was aroused when he heard this guy's nonsensical words.


In fact, he was only 16 years old when he became the prefect, and now he is 17 years old, which is only one year more.

Wang Fen gave a thumbs up.

"Gan Luo became a minister at the age of thirteen, and Huo Qubing became the champion at the age of 17. Master Guo is very old-fashioned."

He also had nothing to say.

But compared to them, Guo Jia is indeed younger.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled lightly and said nothing.

Although he only has a 17-year-old body, he has a 30-year-old mentality. Of course, this is not humane.

Xiang Kai clicked his tongue again, shook his head and said, "Weird, weird!"

"Mr. Xiang, what's so weird?"

Chen Yi hurriedly paused, and then introduced to Guo Jia: "This Mr. Xiang is a well-known physiognomist in China, and he knows countless people like a torch."

Xiang Kai shook his head and said: "I have been a teacher for 20 years, and I have traveled all over the north and south of the Han Dynasty, so I know countless people. But Lord Guo Hou has a very strange face."

Hearing the two singing together, Guo Jia sneered in his heart.

Wang Fen couldn't make sense of himself, so he let the magician talk about it instead.

He would like to hear what this magic stick wants to say.

"What a strange method, please teach me, sir!"

Xiang Kai pointed at Guo Jia with a strange look on his face.

"The face is a prince, and the back is the emperor. The face is stronger than the back, and you will die in middle age. The back is stronger than the face, and you will live a long life."

Everyone who spoke in one sentence was at a loss.

What is this with what?
Chen Yi and Wang Fen were a little unhappy.

They persuaded Guo Jia to unite against the court dignitaries, not to let you, a magic stick, talk nonsense.

"Mr. Xiang, today is a day of great joy, don't say anything depressing."

Wang Fen hastily smoothed things over.

"Master Guo, Mr. Xiang also drank too much, don't take it to heart."

Guo Jia was taken aback.

Only he understood what Xiang Kai said.

Mian Nai Gonghou means that Guo Jia's face is the image of a duke.

Guo Jia is now a Marquis.

This one can be regarded as nonsense.

The back is the emperor, which means that Guo Jia is the image of an emperor from the back.

Rebellion is rebellion. Once Guo Jia rebels, he will become a new generation of emperors.

That's nothing.

But what shocked Guo Jia was that the sentence that the face is stronger than the back will die young in middle age.

Isn't this the original portrayal of Guo Jia?

In history, Guo Jia assisted Cao Cao to establish hegemony and died at the age of 38. His title was nothing more than a marquis.

Did this Xiangkai really see it?

Guo Jia's face was a little uncertain.

He suddenly realized that he had underestimated these talented people.

Hua Tuo is like this, Zuo Ci is like this, even a little magic stick Xiangkai is like this.


Without saying a word, Xiang Kai saluted with both hands and drifted away.

This madman!

Wang Fen said dissatisfied.

"Master Guo, don't worry about it!"

Chen Yi also advised a few words.

Guo Jia didn't speak, just looked at Xiangkai's back as he went away, and fell into deep thought.

It seems that he underestimated Xiang Kai.

I am afraid that those who can leave their names in history have some real skills.

The matter of abolishing Emperor Ling may not be so simple. It seems that the two idiots Wang Fen and Chen Yi can't make things happen.

Thinking of this, Guo Jia's heart suddenly moved, and he winked at Dian Wei outside.

Dian Wei understood, and led his people out quietly.

"Master Guo, don't be angry, that madman is talking nonsense and doing countless things."

Wang Fen and others once again advised a few words.

Guo Jia just smiled.

Through this contact, he has already seen that the two are a pair of idiots.

Guo Jia has no interest in straw bags.

His interest has already flown to Xiang Kai who just left.

This person seems a little mysterious!

 Starting today, post three chapters every day!
(End of this chapter)

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