Chapter 320 Yin Yang System

Leaving the small courtyard, Xiang Kai walked a few steps alone, and suddenly felt something was wrong!

A guard blocked the way, it was Guo Jia's Tiger Guards.

"Who are you, why are you blocking my way!"

Xiang Kai asked calmly.

"We are under the command of Governor Guo of Yunzhou, and we are ordered to invite you and your party."

A strong man in the lead said.

This is naturally Dian Wei.

"lead the way!"

Xiang Kai seemed to have guessed it a long time ago, and said it openly.

Dian Wei slapped this guy on the back of the neck, and immediately knocked Xiang Kai down.

"I'm sorry, our lord said that you don't need to be polite to deal with a magic stick like you. Brothers, find a place to bury this nonsense stick!"

Without any explanation, he stuffed it into the carriage.

"Help! Help!"

Xiang Kai was so frightened that his soul escaped from his body.

He couldn't pretend anymore.

"Master Guo, spare your life, Master Guo, spare your life!"

The voice was hysterical.

The Tiger Guards drove away in a carriage.

Not long after, the figures of Guo Jia and Cai Yu appeared beside Dian Wei.

"My lord, everything is settled!"

Dian Wei reported.

very good!

Guo Jia narrowed his eyes.

"It's just a magic stick, is it worth being so angry?"

Cai Yu didn't understand.

Guo Jia smiled slightly.

"This magic stick is not simple!"

So far, only he knows how powerful this Xiangkai is.

This person almost predicted the fate of the original Guo Jia.

not simple!
Cai Yu cast a sideways glance at Guo Jia, and then looked back.

"What about those two?"

Are Chen Yi and Wang Fen still standing outside the door?
"Two straw bags, don't bother!"

Guo Jia said to himself.

"The real person is probably this Xiangkai. Girl, let's catch up and have a look!"

As he spoke, he dragged Cai Yu into the carriage.

Dian Wei greeted the soldiers of the Tiger Guards and chased after him.


The carriage escorting Xiang Kai drove for a long time before stopping.

Two stout Tiger Guards took the dying Xiangkai hostage.

"Master Jun, Lord Jun, I'm just a poor fortune-teller, I don't have anything, even if my bones are taken apart, it's worthless."

Xiang Kai said with a wry smile.

less wordy!
A tiger guard said viciously.

Under Guo Jia's instruction, they will demonstrate the burial to Xiangkai, scaring the latter out of his wits.

Military Lord, Military Lord!
Seeing that the two were digging a hole, Xiang Kai hurriedly said: "I still have a few jade pendants on me, which are still worth some money. Why don't you exchange them for drinks?"

What a guts!
Another tiger guard was furious.

"We are the subordinates of Lord Guo Hou. Yunzhou has strict military discipline. How dare you bribe us?"

Yunzhou's military discipline is strict, and Yu Jin Xu Huang is a man who understands the military, and he has very strict requirements on military discipline.

If you hear the drum, you must advance, even if there are mountains of swords and flames in front of you, you have to bite the bullet and go up.

Gold must be withdrawn, even if there are mountains of gold and silver ahead, you have to bite the bullet and return it.

Yunzhou has strong financial resources and rewards soldiers very generously.The punishment is also very severe, and once the military regulations are violated, they will be dealt with immediately and will not be tolerated.

The Tiger Guards are the elite of the elite, and the treatment is the best in the Yunzhou Army, and they will never make such small mistakes.

Yes Yes Yes!
Xiang Kai laughed and said: "Guo Inspector Guo is a dragon and a phoenix, and he runs the army strictly. He also has elite troops under his command. How could he violate the military law? I think this brother is a dragon and a tiger. He must be the top warrior of the Yunzhou Army. Yes. Only two such heroes can be qualified to serve as Lord Guo’s guards.”

Worthy of being a magic stick, just a few sentences and two sentences made the two of them smile. There are a lot of parents who gave birth to me, and Xiangkai who knew me.

Flickering back and forth, the two of them were actually limped by Xiangkai's successful flickering, one was busy releasing the rope for Xiangkai, and the other was hastily sending him a coil.

The two had long forgotten Guo Jia's order.

He has already regarded the magic stick in front of him as an expert in his life.


Xiang Kai bowed and said with a smile: "As long as you follow my instructions, you will definitely be promoted and make a fortune in the future. We will meet later!"

The two naturally clapped their hands in a hurry.

There were smiles on their faces.

When you go out, you will meet noble people!
Mr. Wei Xiang is no ordinary person!

Just at this time,

Crackling applause sounded from behind.

The figures of Guo Jia and others appeared in front of the three of them.

The faces of the two Tiger Guard soldiers were ashen.

Xiang Kai's expression changed drastically, he wanted to run away, but he didn't dare.

Guo Jia ignored him and just looked at the two tiger guards who were bewitched by the magic stick.

"Come on, take these two dizzy guys down."

Dian Wei responded, grabbed one with each hand, and carried it away like a chicken.

"Okay, okay, as expected of a well-known fortune-teller in the plain, this blunt skill is very good. I almost fooled my guard."

Guo Jia said with a smile.

Lord Guo Hou!
Xiang Kai smiled wryly and said, "You have a lot of adults, so don't be as knowledgeable as a small person like me."

He also knew that he was a bit difficult to be kind this time.

Because Guo Jia is not a person who is easy to fool.

Say it!

Guo Jia said indifferently: "Who are you and why do you want to see me?"

Xiang Kai said with a mournful face: "Master Guo, the villain is a fortune teller, and he was talking nonsense just now, just to attract your attention, and then mix some gold and silver, you must not take it to heart."

Ha ha!

A smile appeared on Guo Jia's face.

"It seems that your Excellency really does not give up seeing the Yellow River. Forget it, the Yellow River is right in front of you. How about I let you see it but what is your wish? Actually..."

He smiled and said, "I've always been very surprised. A fortune teller has counted someone else's life for a lifetime. Can he count his own life and death? If he really counts his own life and death, how will he avoid it?"

No, no!
Xiang Kai turned pale with shock.

"Master Guo, General Guo, Inspector Guo, the little ones are also deluded by lard, and want to scam you. Your lord has a lot of them, so don't be as knowledgeable as I am."

He knelt down and kowtowed.

He was also really scared.

Seeing Xiang Kai's low-handedness, Cai Yu also hesitated.

"Feng Xiao!"

She tugged Guo Jia's sleeve lightly.

"Why do you need to be familiar with this person!"

She also finds it a bit boring to torture a person.

Xiang Kai fell to the ground again.

"The villain talks nonsense and is as cowardly as a mouse, Lord Guo Hou, please don't take it seriously, you, live a long life, how about it?"


Guo Jia laughed a few times.

"How can a person who dares to persuade the imperial court order officials to rebel be as cowardly as a mouse?"

Cai Yu was also a little surprised.

How dare this magic stick persuade Guo Jia to rebel?

She thought about it carefully before she suddenly realized.

The back is the image of the emperor, and the back is the opposite, which means that if Guo Jia rebelled, he would be the king of one side.

This magic stick, he was really trying to persuade Guo Jia to rebel.

Ha ha!

Cai Yu had a weird smile on his face.

This guy Guo Jia has long been disobedient, he never puts the Han court in his eyes at all, and he wants you, a magic stick, to persuade him to rebel?

(End of this chapter)

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