Chapter 321
"Since Master Hou has already figured it out, why are you in such a difficult situation!"

Seeing that he couldn't pretend anymore, Xiang Kai stopped pretending and regained his original calm.

"Your Excellency is so courageous. How dare you persuade the emperor's son-in-law to rebel?"

Guo Jia said with a sneer.

Ha ha!

Xiang Kai also laughed.

"Master Guo, judging from your appearance, you don't have this blessing, even if you do, the dewy couple won't last long."

Guo Jia narrowed his eyes.

This sentence has a lot of meaning.

"Do you also think that the official will never return?"

Xiang Kai didn't speak, and looked a little mysterious.

In fact, this is also obvious. The dignitaries of the imperial court hated Guo Jia deeply. Once he went to the capital, it would be very difficult for him to return alive.

"How about we make a bet? This time, not only can I successfully marry the princess back, but I can also go back alive?"

Guo Jia said with a smile.

Do not believe!

Xiang Kai shook his head in his heart.

Anyone with a little knowledge knows that this is a hole dug for Guo Jia by the dignitaries of the court.

As long as Guo Jia jumps in, it will be very difficult to jump out again.

"I really want to gamble with Governor Guo. This is a sure-fire bet, but it's a pity that I don't have anything that Guo Governor will like!"

Xiang Kai said lightly.

This time, he also has an important task.

Besides, he has already talked about this point, if Guo Jia doesn't rein in the precipice, there is nothing he can do.

Guo Jia suddenly said: "Let the people behind you be used by me. Chaos is coming, so you don't have to place your bets everywhere."

The people behind!

Cai Yu glanced at Guo Jia in surprise.

Is there someone behind this magic stick?

Xiang Kai was really surprised at this moment, there really was an ancient force behind him, and the reason why he came to contact Guo Jia was also for a certain purpose.

His face was uncertain for a while, before he said after a long time: "Guo Cishi, since you have already guessed it, then I won't hide it anymore. Yes, I am indeed ordered to dissuade you from going to the capital this time. Because that is a path of near death and no life."

The forces represented by Xiangkai are also very optimistic about Guo Jia, a potential stock, so they don't want this potential stock to die halfway.

very good!

Seeing Xiang Kai admit it, Guo Jia showed a smile on his face.

"The reason why you are betting around is that you are not sure about the future. So, if I can solve this crisis, how about you supporting me with all your strength? Don't worry, you will definitely have a place in the future distribution of power."

Xiang Kai narrowed his eyes.

Seeing Guo Jia's self-confidence, he also murmured in his heart.

Could it be that this person already has some drafts?
However, Xiang Kai still shook his head.

The capital is not Yunzhou. Once Guo Jia enters the capital, there will be no good end.

"Although I can't represent the organization, I can still bet on you first. As long as you can solve this crisis, we will definitely support you with all our strength."

Xiang Kai said resolutely.

What they have accumulated for so many years is not power.

Only absolute power can realize their dreams.

it is good!
Guo Jia stretched out his right palm.

"A word is settled!"

The two slapped each other's palms three times and reached a preliminary agreement.

"In that case, I will take my leave and pass the news to the person in charge as soon as possible."

Xiang Kai was about to say goodbye.

Guo Jia suddenly stopped Xiang Kai.

"I need your help with something."


Xiang Kai was a little embarrassed.

By exposing the organization behind him, he has already exceeded his authority, but this can still be covered up, but if Guo Jia raises something embarrassing, it will be difficult for him to deal with it.

"Don't worry, it's just a matter of effort for you."

Guo Jia lowered his voice and said a few words.

Xiang Kai nodded, for them, this matter is indeed a matter of little effort.

it is good!
He was also unambiguous, and said: "This matter is on me. I just hope that Governor Guo will remember his bet."

no problem!
Guo Jia smiled.

Xiang Kai left in a hurry, and he wanted to report today's events to the people in the organization.

"What is the background of this person?"

Cai Yu looked at Guo Jia in surprise.

From the beginning to the end, she didn't see the strangeness of this magic stick.

Why did Guo Jia see through his identity all of a sudden?

Does a magic stick still have an organization?

Guo Jia smiled and said nothing, this Xiangkai is not simple, it should be said that the organization behind him is not simple.

Although it has been buried in history for many years, it still shines brightly in many cases.

"Who are they?"

Cai Yu chased after him.

Guo Jia laughed and said, "The Buddha said, don't say it!"

Accidentally meeting this Xiangkai, Guo Jia is full of expectations for the next adventure.

This guy!

Cai Yu shook her head helplessly.

Although she was a little curious, she didn't take it to heart.

"Out of Wei County is Henan, which has already entered the scope of Sili. What are your plans?"

In a daze, a group of people have come to the edge of Jizhou.

"Now, let's go south to Dongjun and pass Chenliu to Yingchuan."

Guo Jia said confidently.

Go to Yingchuan!
Cai Yu froze for a moment.

Aren't you going to the capital to pick up the princess?

This guy turned to Yingchuan again, did he change his mind again?

Thinking of this, Cai Yu suddenly felt relieved.

The capital is a trap, and she is not willing to put Guo Jia in danger. Although Cai Yu doesn't know what Guo Jia is doing in Yingchuan, she is very happy.

"It seems that you are also very afraid of death?"

Cai Yu said with a smile.

She thought that Guo Jia went to Yingchuan to escape disaster, which was Guo Jia's hometown.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia stretched out his hand to pinch her cheek that could be broken by blowing, and said with a smile: "Fool, I went to Yingchuan to pay homage to Guo Jia's ancestors. The old Guo family has a queen, so naturally I want to get along well with them." Talking and talking. After talking, it is natural to rectify and go to pick up the princess."

Worship the ancestors!

Cai Yu was messed up again.

She claims to be a rare smart person, but she can't keep up with Guo Jia's rhythm.

When is this, and this guy actually went back to worship his ancestors?

It really doesn't make sense.

But seeing Guo Jia's playful face, Cai Yu knew that he had been fooled again.

"Guo Fengxiao!"

Gritting her teeth, the girl rushed forward.

"How many truths are there in your mouth..."

"What I said is real……"

"Fart, what on earth do you want to do..."

"I said girl, how about we ladies? Be careful not to get married..."

"It's none of your business if you don't get are going to die!"

"I'm dead, don't you want to be a widow? Girl, let's be a husband and wife for a day, don't be so unfeeling! By the way, I didn't expect you to be so crazy at night!"

"Ahhh, I killed you!"

Soon there was another flutter.

The soldiers of the Tiger Guards didn't look sideways. They were used to seeing this kind of situation for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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