Chapter 322 Chaos

General's House.

He Jin stood up in surprise.

"Guo Jia actually turned to Yingchuan?"

Not bad!

Yuan Kai nodded angrily.

He Jin couldn't help being angry and anxious.

For Guo Jia, they already hated it to the bone.

This time it was a great opportunity for Guo Jia to leave Yunzhou and come to the capital.

They originally planned to do it as soon as Guo Jia entered Luoyang, and the soldiers and horses were also arranged.As long as Guo Jia enters Luoyang, he will be given a "catch the turtle in the urn" first and then play.

As for the matter on the emperor's side, we will naturally talk about it later.

But what they didn't expect was that Guo Jia just circled around Sili, and then turned to Yingchuan County.

"It's unreasonable! This fellow is so courageous!"

He Jin slapped the table fiercely, and said angrily: "How important is the emperor's gift of marriage? This guy is actually negligent. This general will report to His Majesty to punish him for contempt of the emperor."

It is said that the army that He Jin can control is only around Luoyang, and now that Guo Jia has gone to Yingchuan, he is beyond his reach.

If the local troops are dispatched, things will be a little difficult to handle, and Yingchuan is not within He Jin's sphere of influence.

"Wait a minute, general!"

Yuan Kai hastily dissuaded He Jin.

"This guy is very cunning. When he arrived, he wrote a memorial, saying that he has been busy with official duties and has no time to pay homage to his dead parents. So he begged His Majesty to give him a leave of absence so that he can go back and pay homage to his parents."

This time, Guo Jia followed the path of Shi Changshi, and even Yuan Wei just knew about it.

"This cunning bastard!"

He Jin's face was very gloomy.

He was so sad that he almost wanted to vomit blood.

He has everything ready for the matter in Luoyang, and the only thing left is Guo Jia, the righteous master, to come in.

But Guo Jia just made a detour in Sili, and then went to Yingchuan, which made He Jin's arrangement come to nothing.

The great Han ruled the world with filial piety, and it was reasonable for Guo Jia to go back to pay homage to his parents, and Emperor Ling of Han had to agree.

Anyway, the gift of marriage is not bad these days.

"In that case, let's talk about it after he finishes offering sacrifices!"

He Jin had no choice.

Even they can't change this kind of thing, but Guo Jia can't pay homage for a year, as long as he dares to enter Luoyang, He Jin will still give him a good look.


Yuan Kai said worriedly: "This old man always feels that this matter is a bit difficult."

This plan to lure the snake out of the cave was proposed by Yuan Kai, but his original purpose was just to make Guo Jia's ten servants turn against each other and cut off his internal support in the court. Unexpectedly, Guo Jia came out.

It's better to come out, and Guo Jia can be eliminated.

But Guo Jia's performance is a bit weird no matter how you look at it.

"Although Guo Jia was not successfully captured, at least he has been called out. We can carry out the second step of the plan."

He Jin was shocked.

The second step of the plan is to transfer the Yunzhou Army to Youzhou to help Liu Yu suppress the rebellious Wuhuan.Then let He Jin lead the Bingzhou Army to move into Yunzhou and take the opportunity to seize Guo Jia's foundation.

Guo Jia is the soul of Yunzhou, as long as he is transferred away, this plan can be implemented.

Of course, this plan was also Yuan Kui's idea.

Just as He Jin was about to write a letter to Ding Yuan and Liu Yu, a soldier ran in in a panic.

"General, it's not good! The Black Mountain Army attacked Jizhou with [-] troops, and took down more than a dozen cities. Most of Jizhou fell, and the governor Wang Fen wrote to the court for help."

He Jin was so taken aback that the brush almost fell to the ground.

The Black Mountain Army was the rebel of the Yellow Turbans. When Huangfu Song destroyed the last stronghold of the Yellow Turban Army, some of the Yellow Turban Army who were unwilling to surrender fled into Taihang Mountain and formed a new organization with the original bandits inside, that is, the Black Mountain Army.

In Hebei, the Black Mountain Army has hundreds of thousands of people, and the entire Changshan Kingdom is their sphere of influence.

However, during this period of time, they have kept their own law and order, and the imperial court was unable to conquer and suppress, so the two sides are living in peace.

How do they say it's against it?
Jizhou originally had some soldiers and horses, but Yuan Shao, a prodigal, lost every battle to the Huns.

Now it's just an empty shell, Wang Fen is a cannon fodder prefect, what can he use to meet the enemy?

To the south of Jizhou is Sili. Once the Black Mountain Army takes Jizhou, it will look down on Henan.

No, Jizhou must not be lost!
Let Liu Yu and Ding Yuan support Jizhou immediately!
He Jin spread out the letter paper and was about to write a letter asking for help.

Jizhou is the barrier of Sili, and it must not be lost.

At this time, another sergeant also ran in in a panic.

"The general is not well. The Xianbei invaded Youzhou and conquered the border counties. The governor Liu Yu was tired of coping, so he wrote to ask for help."

The Xianbei people also called?

He Jin was shocked.

It all happened by coincidence, he just wanted Liu Yu to support Jizhou, but he didn't expect that the Xianbei people started to invade again.

"You don't need to worry, General. Liu Yu is quite famous in Youzhou, and Gongsun Zan, the prefect of Youbeiping, is a man who can recruit and fight well. He also has Wuhuan cavalry under him. Xianbei people can't escape."

Yuan Kui seemed to be more aware of the affairs in Youzhou.

He Jin felt relieved when he heard Yuan Kai's persuasion, and then frowned again.

In the bitter cold place of Youzhou, there is nothing wrong with it. The Xianbei people don’t come sooner or later, but they come at this time. In this way, Liu Yu has no spare energy to support Jizhou.

If the Youzhou Army can't come, only the Bingzhou Army will be left.

He Jin had no choice but to pin his hopes on Ding Yuan.

After all, Ding Yuan's Bingzhou Army is relatively capable of fighting.


A sergeant stumbled in.

"The general is not well, and a large group of horse thieves suddenly appeared in Bingzhou. These horse thieves harassed the border county and plundered the place. Governor Ding Yuan wrote a letter for help."

He Jin nearly fell to the ground.

Bingzhou is also in chaos.

The horse thief, the Southern Huns are all finished, where did the horse thief come from?
Why did this horse thief come to join in the fun?


A flash of despair flashed across He Jin's face.

In this way, the Bingzhou Army can do nothing about the affairs of Jizhou.

Bingzhou and Youzhou couldn't get away. Although there was still the Yunzhou army, but if He Jin dispatched it, Jizhou might be doomed.

He Jin immediately said: "It's urgent, Grand Tutor, immediately follow this general into the palace."

As a last resort, He Jin was going to dispatch the court's troops.

After all, he is a great general. Once the barrier of Sili, Jizhou, is lost, it will inevitably affect his status.

However, it is not up to him to mobilize the imperial army, and he must ask the imperial court for instructions.

General, wait a minute!

Yuan Kai suddenly stopped He Jin!
He hesitated.

"What time is this, if you have something to say, hurry up!"

He Jin said a little annoyed.

What he dislikes the most is the hesitation of these literati.

Yuan Kai's face was uncertain for a while before he said: "General, don't you feel something is wrong?"

Something is wrong!
He Jin naturally felt something was wrong.

The horse thieves, the Xianbei army, and the Montenegro army seemed to have all agreed to attack the border of the Han Dynasty at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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