Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 323 Huangfu Song Strongly Recommended

Chapter 323 Huangfu Song Strongly Recommended

How can this be?

He Jin couldn't figure it out.

It's not impossible, but the probability is too low.

Is it...

His heart sank suddenly, and he lost his voice: "Did Guo Jia do it?"

Bingzhou is in chaos, Jizhou is in chaos, and Youzhou is also in chaos, but Yunzhou is not in chaos.How can this not make people suspicious.

But doubts are doubts, and He Jin never believed that Guo Jia had such a great ability that he could make the Black Mountain Army, the Hun horse thieves, and the Xianbei people attack the big man together.

"Who else could he be?"

A wry smile appeared on Yuan Kai's face, and he said angrily: "I should have thought of it a long time ago. The reason why this guy dared to walk out of Yunzhou swaggeringly is naturally based on something. Now it seems that this is his biggest support. This This servant is the general who protects the Huns, and the Huns are newly defeated, so naturally they listen to him. This Zhang Yan of the Black Mountain Army also has an indistinct relationship with Guo Jia."

If they dared to attack Guo Jia, the Black Mountain Army, the Hun horse thieves and the Xianbei people would naturally not give up.

"This bastard!"

He Jin was furious.

He slammed the table sharply.

"The general will send the army to Yunzhou, take over the army of Yunzhou, and take down these rebellious officials and thieves one by one."

Now that Bingzhou, Jizhou, and Youzhou are all in chaos, and Guo Jia is not in Yunzhou, it is a good time for them to steal the military power of Yunzhou.


Yuan Kai said helplessly: "Guo Jia came to Beijing according to the order, and the dragons in Yunzhou have no leader, and the surrounding area is in chaos. Even if the general can send people, it may not be able to break through the blockade of the Black Mountain Army, the Huns and the Xianbei. Some people can reach Yunzhou alive, but the Yunzhou army can completely refuse any order on the grounds of lack of communication. Guo Jia, a bastard, has already made up his mind. The current plan, only by letting Guo Jia go back, can these three things be calmed down. The war in the state."

He already understood Guo Jia's intentions.

If they dared to attack Guo Jia, the Black Mountain Army Xiongnu Xianbei would unceremoniously break Jizhou and Bingzhou Youzhou, and push the flames of war to the surrounding areas of Sili.

After experiencing the flames of war in the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the military strength of the imperial court was also somewhat stretched.

It would be too much to fight another battle.

Guo Jia also saw this clearly, and went south unscrupulously.

Whether to kill Guo Jia or quell the war in the three states is an unavoidable question before He Jin and Yuan Kai.

If Guo Jia is killed, it will inevitably cause a backlash in Yunzhou. When the Yunzhou Xiongnu Xianbei and the Black Mountain Army launch an attack together, Luoyang will probably bear the brunt.

Most of the clans of He Jin and Yuan Kai are in Luoyang City. Once Luoyang City is lost, the loss will be heavy.

Guo Jia must not be killed!

Not only that, but the two of them also wanted to send Guo Jia back respectfully. Only when this guy went back could the war in the three states be subsided.


He Jin was a little confused.

They tried every means to bring Guo Jia back, just to plot Yunzhou, but they didn't expect the plan to be successful, but they still wanted to put Guo Jia back in the original form.

He Jin was very annoyed.

What is this called!
Isn't he looking for draws for nothing?
If he had known, he would have been too lazy to do this?


Yuan Kai said gloomyly: "We miscalculated Guo Jia's strength. It seems that this guy has grown enough to fight against the imperial court."

is not that right?

He Jin felt a little cold in his heart.

The Yunzhou army was originally strong and strong, and had no opponents in the surrounding area. Now with the help of the Xiongnu Xianbei and the Montenegro army, its strength has improved to a higher level.

Even if He Jin took control of the army around Luoyang, he would not be able to do it better than others.

The two were silent for a while.

"Take a step back!"

Yuan Kui advised: "Rather than hugging and dying together, it's better to take a step back first, and then look for opportunities."

He has completely given up on getting rid of Guo Jia.

He Jin let out a long sigh.

Even if he is a little bit unwilling, there is nothing he can do.

"It's not too late, let's go meet His Majesty immediately!"

He Jin said helplessly.

it is good!
Yuan Kai also nodded.

Naturally, it is better to decide this kind of thing earlier.


At the same time, news of the Heishan army's Hun horse bandits and Xianbei's invasion and merger of the three prefectures of Hebei and You also reached the ears of the imperial court.

Emperor Han Ling was also a little panicked.

What he, the emperor, really did was not going well. First, there was the Yellow Turban Uprising, and then there was a great chaos in Xiliang, and the Southern Huns rebelled.After all the dust settled, another moth appeared in these three states.

What the hell, can you still let him be an emperor properly?

How could such a thing happen.

"Qizou Your Majesty, Bingzhou Inspector Ding Yuan was exhausted, so he wrote to the imperial court to ask for support."

"Your Majesty Qizuo, the governor of Jizhou, Liu Yu, is short of troops, so I request the imperial court to send troops to quell the rebellion."

"Qizou Your Majesty..."

The courtiers said one by one.

These people usually have nothing to do, and now that the war is about to break out, they will naturally not let go of this opportunity to perform.

So sending troops and sending troops and then sending troops became the main theme of the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty.

Enough is enough!

Han Lingdi said angrily.

"When you send troops, you know how to send troops. Do you pay for the food?"

Fighting wars is all about money!

As long as the army moves, the court's money will be spent like running water.

This made the emperor very painful.

Hearing this, everyone fell silent.

This Lord is the most money-greedy emperor since the founding of the Han Dynasty.

Officials have to pay for promotion!

Asking him to take it out to pay the army would really kill him.

But when is greed for money worth points?

Seeing that the rebels were about to call, the emperor was still clutching his money bag, which was a bit wrong.

They are attacking your country, and if you don't feel bad, others don't feel bad.

Make bricks without straw.

If there is no money, how can this soldier be dispatched?
Seeing the perplexed looks on everyone's faces, Emperor Han Ling couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Throughout the entire Han Dynasty, no one could help him, the emperor, solve his problems.

Is there no one who can save him money?
Just then, a loud voice sounded.

"Your Majesty, the veteran recommends one person, who will be able to quell the rebellion in the three states without abolishing the imperial court."

It was Huang Fusong, the general on the left chariot.

It is said that Huangfusong was framed by ten permanent servants and lost his post in Jizhou, and was taken advantage of by Yuan Kai to take away the governor of Jizhou.Now he is just an idle official in Luoyang.

Although Huangfusong was an idle official, he still couldn't change his upright nature. He often contradicted the emperor and argued hard, embarrassing Emperor Ling of Han.

Now that the three prefectures are in war, Huangfusong, who is loyal to the imperial court, naturally wants to solve the imperial court's worries and problems.

Emperor Han Ling was overjoyed.

He heard clearly without spending a single soldier from the court.

It doesn't cost the court a single soldier, that is, he doesn't need to take money.

The emperor is naturally happy that he doesn't need to pay.

"Huangfuqing's family, don't tell me you want to go out in person?"

Han Lingdi asked with a smile.

Although he doesn't like Huang Fusong, who is upright and often makes him unable to step down, he is still very optimistic about his ability to fight.

The Yellow Turban Rebellion was put down by this person.

 The chapter name is wrong, it should be Chapter [-]!

(End of this chapter)

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